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This is the real reason why your choice of nappy offends people.

  1. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    I don't care to hear endlessly about any decision a parent chooses, I don't care which one. Facebook is not the place either. Primarily one of the reasons I don't have a Facebook is because it don't want to hear all the details about people's lives that I couldn't care less about.

  2. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    Agree that Facebook is the WORST for this shit. I don't think I have ever once advertised my parenting "philosophy" on Facebook because mostly I think, who the hell cares outside of me and my husband?

    I cloth diaper (mostly for environmental reasons), but I just stay quiet about it because seriously, why do I think anyone else is interested? If they are, they can ask me.

  3. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I get that parenting is often a thankless job, but it sure seems like women (men too? I don't know, mostly I see it with women) need increasing amounts of validation for whatever parenting choices they make.
    Choose your choice, and be confident about it. Shut up about it unless someone asks for advice.

  4. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Love the OP & all subsequent posts... Had a good laugh @ work this morning

    On a serious note, I wish there's less competition and animosity between moms, and more love, acceptance and support! That goes for women in general I guess. But that's why I love HB!

  5. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Grace: Yeah, the article wasn't particularly offensive but the tone of it really rubbed me up the wrong way! The fact that she refers to her choice of nappy as a "decision to parent differently" - I mean, come on! Parenting differently? Parenting is about discipline strategies, communication styles, expectations, CIO vs attachment parenting.... not what your baby craps in! The whole debate drives me nuts!!

  6. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Cherrybee: You're awesome and hilarious and I 100% agree with you. What style of "crap catcher" (<-LOL) a parent uses is not "different" parenting style. It's JUST POOP.

    I did write about poop today on my facebook, but it wasn't about my babies poop. LOL I'm totally mature.

  7. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    I love how you write British. Awesome.

  8. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    shit-wrapper, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Seriously. It's a f*cking diaper.

  9. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    Love this post! You can replace cloth diapering with anything...healthy food, no sugar, breastfeeding, etc.

  10. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    So true, and Facebook is really the crux of the problem. I swear it seems like some people cloth diaper/babywear/cosleep/juice/go to the gym or whatever it is just to take a picture and hash tag the crap out of it. It's like some people don't just want to cloth diaper (insert other activity), they want to be perceived as the 'kind of person who cloth diapers.'

    I cloth diaper, still breastfeed...blah blah but no one knows unless they ask because I'd never presume my fb friends care and I'm not doing these things for validation.

  11. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @JerricaBenton: gym selfies deserve a post of their own! I *hate* the gym selfie. Almost as much as I hate the "Off to work up a sweat!" posts, followed by "what a good workout", with maybe an automatic update poste from a running app with "John Smith just ran 3.62 miles in 34 minutes". WE GET IT. YOU ARE AT THE GYM.

  12. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    @Anagram: hahaha yes! It's so annoying!

  13. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    @Anagram: lol, you crack me up. Preach sister.

  14. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    So i will admit that i only posted one cloth diaper photo on FB (don't hit me!) because i got a lot of shit from my friends about how i'll never be able to cloth diaper, "oh you just wait", blah blah blah basically saying how i'll *never* be able to do it. But never would i say it's my parenting STYLE.

  15. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Freckles: I think having people tell you "just you waaaaaait" or "you'll seeeee" is JUST as irritating as the current topic. I think your photo was justified!!

  16. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    Haha I didn't click on this thread yesterday because I thought a "nappy" was like a lovely like you nap with it ... and thought why would it matter what lovely your kid picked. I learned a lot of new words today!

    This person sounds pretty annoying... I would totally just defriend her.

  17. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts


  18. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    You just made my week!

  19. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    I have a dear friend who I'm about to hide from my FB feed because its getting super annoying seeing her 10 millionth photo/post/hashtag fest about babywearing, cloth diapering, babyled weaning, cosleeping, exclusively breastfeeding, or whatever else she's doing with her kid. I realize she tried for over 5 years for this child and she's her entire universe, so I get why she wants to post about her child all day, but its the reposting of articles and posts from the interest groups she associates with (lactivists, attachment parenting groups, etc) just rubs me the wrong way.

    Its just weird because you don't see people posting "1 year of formula feeding and counting! #formula #carnation #delish" or "look who's used their 900th disposable diaper today! #pampers #swaddlers #stinkybutt" or "mmmmm, someone loves their jarred baby food. #gerber #peasandcarrots #moreplease"

  20. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Anagram: @Mae: YES. I had to hide my SIL from my FB feed because every.single.picture and post is either a) healthy, organic food, b) her at the gym or c) encouraging people to go to the gym.

  21. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Cherrybee: you seriously make me laugh so hard. And you are so right on with this post. I have an HB girl crush on you

  22. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    that was hilarious!!!!

  23. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    The big thing on my FB feed is circumcision. People posting article after article, website after website, saying that circumcision is wrong and any parent who does it is "misinformed" or "uneducated". They are really nice people otherwise, but I really want to just tell them to go F off and mind their business. Like hell I'm not educated, I'm a nurse and am in Nurse Practitioner school. Guess what? My hypothetical future sons will be circumcised. It doesn't change how you parent, it doesn't mean you're wrong and I'm right, it just means that my DH and I have decided on what is right for our family.

    It especially gets me when I read the fights they get in on their walls or in the comment sections of these articles. I admit, I read them because I want to see the arguments on both sides, but the way they handle it is poor and sounds preachy. One of the most popular arguments I've seen is comparing it to female circumcision in third world countries or ones overrun by war zones. Don't get me started.

    If your son is intact, awesome. If he's not, cool. I really don't care! So stop calling me stupid, indirectly!

  24. BlueWolverine

    pear / 1510 posts

    @gingerbebe: #formula #carnation #delish made me laugh out loud. You're so right!! Hilarious.

  25. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @BlueWolverine: It makes me shake my head because I'm very supportive/pro all the things she does with her child personally. I just don't feel like I need to be a walking billboard about it all over social media.

  26. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @gingerbebe: When I have a baby, I now want to keep track of how many diapers they wear so that I can write a hashtag about it.

  27. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    I think this is my favorite HB post ever.

  28. Mrs. Twine

    blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts

    Do I get off scot free because I don't hashtag? Or are you calling me out? #mybabywearsclothdiapersinourwovenwhileIeatplacentaintheshower

  29. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    love this post! it's shit like this that made me delete my Facebook account.. tired of people posting about their daily workouts, how they do this or that with their babies, etc.

    @Mrs. Twine: amazing hashtag!

  30. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @gingerbebe: lol I love your hashtags!

  31. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @Mrs. Twine: you win the Internets today.

  32. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    I need a refresher course in British English. Did not know nappy was a diaper LOL!

  33. Mrs. Taco

    pear / 1639 posts

    @Cherrybee: Your rant just made my night. Thank you.

  34. jessibear

    apricot / 409 posts

    This is all just amazing.

  35. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @illumina: i think you may be projecting a bit there. I've shared that article with people who share my feelings about sleep training, to get support for the times when I'm tired and it's hard. It is for sure not because I'm insecure about my choice regarding sleeping and sleep training.

  36. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    @Anagram: My favorite is when my cousin posts about her run (which I really don't mind and am proud of her) but forgets to turn Endomondo off and then drives around town running errands- "Dood, you ran 15 miles today? Amazing!" "Uh, no I forgot to shut off my phone"

    @Cherrybee: so much for this thread!

  37. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    hahaha best thread ever!! you crack me up @Cherrybee: ! all of this is sooo true!

  38. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    This whole thread is hilarious.

  39. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @Mrs. Twine: My new favorite hashtag ever.

  40. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Cherrybee: I don't know why I skipped over this post for days. But its my favorite HelloBee post ever. "Shit-wrapper" and "crap-catcher" are the only phrases I will use to discuss diapers for the rest of my life. Thanks for the laughs, friend. You are hilarious.

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