I've been breastfeeding since lo was born May 27th. Unfortunately, his latch was bad the first couple of days and it got so painful for me that I couldn't nurse him (my nips needed a rest to heal for a few hours) & the nurses supplemented. Since getting home, I've been using a nipple shield, and that has worked great. (I've read a lot of mixed opinions on shields - right now, this is what is working for us and has saved our nursing relationship).
Last night, I noticed white spots on LOs tongue. For a few months, I've noticed white films on my own tongue and didn't think much of it. I'm worried it's thrush and that baby now has it.
Today, my nips are a bit sore, and nursing hurts when we first get started (usually stops hurting after a minute or two).
Besides calling our doctor, what can I do about this? I've read thrush can cause nursing to be painful, and I don't want this to get in the way of breastfeeding.
Any advice??