How did you know your had thrush?
C is almost 10 weeks old. Breastfeeding has been fairly easy for the last few weeks. However over the last few days I have felt a shooting kind of pain in my breasts-- not a severe pain, but like a sharp pins and needles feeling that shoots through the breast, if that makes sense. This happens while nursing and after. The tips of my nipples are quite pink, but I thought that was just because of long nursing sessions and being used as a pacifier. I was very dumb the other day and left the same pair of nursing pads on for 2 days because I'd run out. I don't have any visible cracks on the nipples and haven't been on antibiotics.

C does not have white patches is her mouth, other than her usual milk tongue, but has been clicking/smacking while nursing more than usual, and even makes a throat clearing like clicking noise when not nursing. She has a little diaper rash.

Does that sound like thrush? Whose doctor do I ever go to for a diagnosis, the pediatrician or my midwife or someone else? Anything to be done now?