I know this is probably partly my fault but I can explain! For the longest time, we didn't have a high chair. When we started feeding DS solids, it was either in our laps or in a Prince Lionheart seat we had. Problem with the seat was that DSs chubby thighs looked really uncomfortable and at the time, he was sitting up just fine without support.

Then suddenly he was crawling - cruising - and even in a confined space (our living room in the old house) feedings became a three ring circus. We knew we needed a high chair, we just sidn't have the money or space for one. Luckily, at month nine or ten we were gifted a gently used high chair. Problem solved, yes? Nope. Because our old house was so crammed with DH's stuff, we never took meals at the table. We were reduced to eating on the couch in the living room. This didn't make feedings easy so I would usually feed DS then we woukd eat, giving him extra bites off our plate whenever he came near.

Fast forward to 15 months and a new house. We do our best to make sure every meal DS has is eaten in the high chair when everyone else eats. It's working so so at the moment. He seems to be easily distracted, easily frustrated. If we don't feed him fast enough, he arches his back, starts to whine, and then starts crying. When we let him feed himself, he's mostly playing and not eating. I know that he's learning and we do our best to let him do so, guiding him but see previous meltdown procedure.

Anyone have any tips for little ones in this age range and curbing this behavior? Distraction methods?