So, Sweet P got her tongue AND lip tie released Tuesday afternoon. We got it done by laser, which I'm glad for.
Anyway, Tuesday night was horrid (4 straight hours of screaming after numbing meds wore off), but since then I feel like she's been doing OK with the pain. We've been doing Tylenol religiously every 6 hours and some diluted clove oil recommended by the Dr. for pain and disinfecting.
Anyway, how long before you saw a difference. It hasn't been 48 hours yet, but she's definitely still having difficulty feeding (which we expected and know is normal), but is also very screamy when she needs to burp (which is new).
I know we're still in the 'recovery' phase, so it's not like I expect feedings to be great or her fussiness to go away yet, but I'm wondering how long it took your baby to get better. I'm really, really hoping and praying this helps her, but right now I'm TIRED and wondering when it might get better??