I think my daughter may have a posterior tongue tie but I'm not sure. She nursed well until 4 weeks or so but she had quite a tiny mouth. Around that time I started noticing some pain and that she had a shallow latch. She's always clicked and had suction problems.
The LC thought I had thrush at first but that didn't solve the pain. We tried different positions and tricks but she still clamps down. The LC said she doesn't have a tie because she can bring her tongue out past her gums. But still we have the noise, the suction problems, a high arched palate, frequent feeding, a shallow latch that won't seem to resolve, a tight lower jaw, spilling milk while drinking, and nipples that are compressed and areola rubbed raw from suction for me.
We are going back to the LC tomorrow and I'm thinking I should ask her to feel. My husband felt it as did I and I can feel something but I don't know if it's normal. I can't get a picture of her frenulum or get a good look at it.
One thing throwing me off -- she can touch the top of her mouth with the tip of her tongue which makes me think maybe it isn't tied? But I haven't seen the back of her tongue touch - she kind of arches the tip up and leaves the rest flat.
Not sure if she has a lip tie either - it goes all the way down to the bottom of her gums. Any ideas?