Rowan has a slight tongue tie that the ped mentioned in the hospital right away. She doesn't have trouble latching (she's actually been a champ feeder) and has already gained back 3 of the 6 oz she lost in the hospital at 4 days old.
We made the appt to snip the tongue tie because its definitely still there and the ped said that snipping it now is better so it doesn't interfere with speech, etc. she said because Row is already a good latcher, it shouldn't effect feeding negatively and might even make her more efficient.
I've read a bunch of literature online and can't find any negatives really. It's seems like a quick easy procedure and that the sooner we do it, the better, but I wanted to see if anyone else had heard any negatives? I guess I'm nervous to do it breast feeding has been going well and I would hate to mess it up!
I'm going to a lactation meeting at my hospital this Friday to see what they say as well. The appt is not until next Tuesday so we have some time to see if it stretches and get more info.
Anyone else have their LOs tongue tie clipped? Early? Later? Pros? Cons?