My poor LO still has zero teeth at 11 months and no signs that any are on their way. Actually, I don't mind because I've heard that teething sucks, but she minds because she wants to eat like a big girl.

Right now, she eats 90% finger foods. I will sometimes spoon feed her some oatmeal or yogurt or she'll have a pouch. Other than that, I have been cutting everything into very small bites unless it is super soft because I don't want her to choke. She gums things up well but she also stuffs her mouth really fast and it makes me nervous. For example, she will put an entire strawberry in her mouth... while reaching for more!

I'm not sure if I should follow her lead and let her have large pieces of food (like full strawberries rather than cut in 1/8ths) even though she is tooth challenged? She seems irritated by the small pieces now and grabs for anything that isn't cut up.