L is 4.5 months. until now, he has slept in a bassinet next to my bed - but he is getting to big for it. We wanted to keep him in our room for at least 6 months, so rather than transition him to the crib, we thought he could start sleeping in the pnp as it is bigger, but fits in our room. Also it will be good for when i travel in May for 5 nights. So we thought, "let's try it out for naps this week to see how it goes - even better, let's do the naps in his nursery so he can start getting used to that room!" ...... FAIL. His morning naps are the best and most predictable. It's easier to put him down for his morning nap than it is for bed for the night, so i thought that was the best time to start. I've also been putting him down awake but drowsy for the past few weeks and it's been great. This morning he was ready for his morning nap, so i brought him to his nursery and put him in the pnp...but then his eyes shot wide open and he was no longer ready to sleep!!
So i brought the pnp into my room, realizing that maybe i was trying to transition too much at once (but then i wonder how do people go straight from bassinet to crib??). I ended up having to nurse him again until he fell asleep and he was finally able to sleep in the pnp.
So I am wondering if I am going about this the right way or is there something i can or should do to make it easier? I am thinking to get him to sleep in pnp, i need to take a step back on the putting him awake but drowsy. I also put the blanket we use in the bassinet and wrapped it around him, but i was hoping to avoid this since the pnp is bigger and the blanket is at risk of getting all loose and spread out.
Any tips on transitioning? how to do it? what steps to do first?