I'm curious if anyone has broken out the true cost to breastfeed? I know so many people say "it's free" but it's really not when you add in all the supplies. I did only formula with my first daughter and spent around $1,000 for a full year of formula. We only had to buy bottles (which we would have needed anyhow as I work) and formula. I'm considering breastfeeding for the second one but I'm curious about the cost. I'm thinking it may cost the same or more and be more of hassle for me. I have a friend who just went back to work and is pumping. Insurance paid for a basic pump but she spent $90 to upgrade to a pump with a battery and a $50 bag to carry it that has insulated pockets for the milk, etc. so that's $150 right there. Then I'm thinking of nursing bras, hands free pump bra, tops and dresses that are nursing friendly, nursing pads for the bra, nipple cream, etc. That has got to add up! I will go back to work full time after maternity leave so I would be pumping a lot during the day. I'm not looking to debate the merits of breastfeeding and just want to know what it cost others for an entire year.