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TTC or NTNP and in their 30s.. roll call

  1. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @KT326: it would definitely be awesome to not have to poke and prod myself again! I hope it happens for you naturally when you're ready!

  2. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Expectations . . . I didn't meet my DH until I was 31 . . . and I was 36 when I got pregnant with my baby girl. 30 is still plenty young, doll, promise.

  3. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @swedishfish: Thanks! Hopefully you jinxed yourself and it just happens for you too!

  4. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    You guys are so young!

    Age: 35
    Started TTC #1 in late October and just got my BFP. Of course I'm worried about m/c as it's very early days.

    Almost all of my friends didn't start TTC until their mid-30s. I honestly swear by the CB Fertility Monitor and acupuncture. My friends joke that the CBFM is magic--so many of us 34-39 year-olds have gotten KU within 2 months of TTC using it it's uncanny! And except for one 32-yr-old friend who needed IVF (but later got KU with an oops baby 2 years later) the ones who took a bit longer got KU once starting weekly acupuncture.

  5. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Age: 31
    Not TTC yet... but have big plans in 2014! Planning to NTNP starting June, (I turn 32 in July), then full on TTC in September. Just getting things figured out now, and learning as much as I can from all the ladies on HB!

  6. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    You guys are awesome and are making me feel awesome! I know I'm not old and I don't feel old! Heck, my mom had me at 33 and my sister at 36 - and this was in the 80s! I've never talked to her about her pregnancy journeys but that is on the "older" side for that period of time. Truthfully, I will take a baby at any age and if we require some sort of intervention, I'm thankful that it is something we will be able to afford. *exiting the pity train*

  7. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @stratosphere: I got pregnant the second month I used the CBEFM. And I was 36 at the time.

  8. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    @MsLipGloss: Wow! You too--that's so cool! I really love that thing.

    I have been charting for a year in preparation for TTC (I'm a data nerd and couldn't help myself once I read TCOYF when DH first asked me when we could TTC) and while I have a lot of irregular bleeding issues, I otherwise have relatively regular cycles and tend to O after CD15. Well, the cycle of my BFP I O'd early, before I normally would have even taken an OPK, but thanks to that CBFM we caught O and got our BFP. Thanks Fertility Monitor!

    I got mine as a "hand-me-down" from my 39-yr-old friend who used its magic to get KU within 2 cycles at both 37 and 39, but I would buy it in a hot second if I hadn't been gifted this one.

  9. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @MsLipGloss: @stratosphere: I got pregnant the first month I used the CBEFM at 34!

  10. penny

    pea / 16 posts

    Age: 33 (34 in May)
    Started TTC pretty much since we got married in May '11...started using Wondfos a while ago, but I admit there are times when I just feel like I give up on them, or get discouraged in general and that sort of delays the whole process, and I know I shouldn't compare myself to other people, but it is not easy sometimes! I just wish I could wave a wand and make it happen, dammit!

  11. lioneyes

    persimmon / 1286 posts

    Age: just turned 32
    Just started NTNP this month... going to start actively TTC in March

  12. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    Age: turning 33 tomorrow!
    TTC: LO is 16 mos and we are currently trying for #2. I had a m/c in November.

  13. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @MsLipGloss: I got so excited when I saw your name on this thread... but then sad too when I saw you were just responding

  14. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I forget where I read it, I would have to look it up later, but you know how we all accept as fact that after 35, our fertility declines? Turns out that study used data that was from women in something like the 18th century!

    We got pregnant on our first try, i was 34 and delivered at 35. My husband said it best when u was panicking, that you don't just "get problems" at a certain age. They were likely there before.

    I am turning 39 this year and my husband and I are debating taking just one more try to expand our family.

  15. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @looch: OMG!!!! Go for it!!!!

  16. MamaG

    pomelo / 5298 posts

    @RLCeigh: ditto (mostly!)

    I'm 39, LO is 28 months and my goal was to NOT be 40 and pregnant. We've been NTNP for about 9 months now. We've had a lot of difficulty with timing and have really only been focused for about 2 of those 9 months.

  17. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    Hello beautiful ladies!!!

    Age: 36 now
    LO: 1 15 month old son. I conceived him at 34 years old two years ago to the day almost! It was a surprise BFP on our honeymoon. I had a test show I have low AMH so it was a very amazing surprise.
    TTC: we start next month! I am very scared but also excited. I am worried about the AMH thing geting worse or MC (i have never had one but i know so many who have) and etc. but I am also scared to be pregnant with a toddler and sad to split my focus. He will be an amazing big brother though! Much luck to all of you ladies! I hope some of us end up pregnan together!!!

    @LindsayInNY: I'm so sorry that our journey has been a long one but your age still gives you plenty of time to have the family of your dreams. I wish you luck!

    @MsLipGloss: i hope the CBEFM is as helpful for us! I was 31 when I met my husband too! Is your husband younger or your same age?

  18. RLCeigh

    cherry / 155 posts

    @Mamag: That's so funny! My goal was to have my LO #2 before I was 40. Errrr, not happenin'. So Gwen Stenfani is doing it and so will I! I don't feel old.
    I just got the CBE Fertility Moniter, on month 2 with it so fingers crossed.
    @Looch: I love that new study! I might read it from time to time to pump me up.

  19. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    Age: 34
    LO: she's 25 months
    January will be our 4th cycle trying for LO #2

  20. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2809 posts

    @littlek: I'm 35, trying for our first for about 8 months.

  21. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2809 posts

    @MsLipGloss: good to hear! I'm 35 and freaking out.

  22. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    It is so nice to see that there is a group of us, either trying for our first, or trying for more! My DH is very proactive for most things, but has made it clear that she does not start doing any testing until we have been ttc for a year. That makes me sad, by then I will be 32! If we want a second...... arg. I need to focus on one!

  23. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @bushelandapeck: happy birthday one day early!

  24. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    Age: 31
    TTC for #1 for seven months. I'm hoping for a Christmas BFP! If not, it seems like I should pick up the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor.

    Its not that I feel like I'm old (at least not every day). I just don't like waiting to receive what I want when I feel like I'm trying so hard. I'd feel this same frustration if I was 24 and on the seventh cycle of TTC.

  25. MsLipGloss

    GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: younger!

    @LittleLashesToes: (((hugs))) I read an article in The Atlantic earlier this year that really helped to calm my fears (not about LO #1, but definitely about my age if we were going to try for a second). Maybe it will help you, too . . . and a few others on this thread:


    I hate that women are bombarded with *doomsday* type messages about their fertility from, well, basically puberty on! ETA: Especially when it is downright misleading and not based in/on relevant data!

  26. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2809 posts

    @MsLipGloss: I know! It's so depressing. UGH.

  27. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    Me! Trying for our first.

  28. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @MsLipGloss: you saved me from having to find that article!

  29. however briefly

    cherry / 249 posts

    Age: 32
    TTC for #1 for... six years? Wow, that sounds crazy. It's been off and on as I've had to battle heart problems and anemia and a cycle that left me bleeding eleven months out of the year on top of having insurance that fought me every step of the way and really crappy doctors. I got an IUD and finally felt like a normal person again. No constant bleeding, I actually had energy for once, and no more randomly passing out in public places and having to be taken to the hospital (twice!). It was amazing! And then I realized that to start TTC again, I would not only have to risk going back to that state while the doctors figured it all out (hopefully) but I would have to find a new heart medication as well since it wasn't healthy to take it while pregnant and yeah. We kinda just wrote it off and decided to start saving up for adoption instead. That's when my sister flat out told me she was going to get pregnant for me and that was that. We are 7DPO right now in our second cycle TTC through IUI and very optimistic

  30. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @however briefly: That is amazing of your sister! lots of sticky baby dust!

  31. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Age: 33
    LO#1: 13 months old. Hard to say how long we tried as we NTNP for a year but I wasn't ovulating or having periods so knew I couldn't get preg. When we got serious about trying I had cycle monitoring at a fertility clinic and it worked (by then I was ovulating thanks to acupuncture).
    TTC#2: Still no period So I'm back at acupuncture but honestly have less patience this time round and will be more likely to try the fertility drugs. Being in my 30s + having PCOS + wanting a large family makes me think I need to step on it.

  32. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @however briefly: that really is amazing of your sister - good luck!!!!

  33. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    I'm joining too but we won't be TTC for a bit. I don't have AF back anyway!

    I'm 31 and LO #1 is 4 months. We hope to have LOs around 2 years apart and will likely start TTC around her first bday this summer! I had a mc before LO and it took 6 months before I conceived her.

  34. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @however briefly: I love your sister after reading that, so sweet.

  35. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Happy Birthday Beautiful!!!

  36. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Happy birthday!!!

  37. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: @littlek: thanks ladies!!

  38. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @LindsayInNY: lol I know, so silly of us to make plans! My sister reminds me all the time that everything happens for a reason and that it will make sense when it does. I just need to let go - wish there was a magic pill for that haha

    And just like pp's said, you are not old

  39. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @bushelandapeck: happy bday!!

  40. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @cmbknyc: thank you!!

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