Hellobee Boards


TWW - POAS - Early May

  1. Rubies

    hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOO excited for you!!!!!!!!! This is wonderful news! Congrats, my friend!

  2. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Hooray!!!!!! Such fantastic, exciting news, on all fronts! Congrats!

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: YAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooo happy for you!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! You'll definitely have to let us know how your husband reacts when you tell him the good news!!!

    And just to update all you ladies, AF showed up for me today, as expected, so I'm moving on to cycle 5 in the Late May/Early June thread.

  4. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @adira: Booo....sorry to hear you're out.

  5. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @oliviaoblivia congrats!!!!!

  6. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I gotta say, I'm not feeling terribly confident. My left boob is a little tender, but I'm not convinced it's pregnant-tender. My bbts are all over the place. Nonetheless, it is getting exponentially harder to not test!

  7. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @sslm: @lilteacherbee: @hellobeeboston: @Leialou: @Adira: @eiko2010: @Rubies: Thanks everyone! I'm over the moon right now!!! DH and I facetimed this morning and he is just as excited. There was no way I could keep it a secret until he comes home. I'm having his baby!!! Eeeee!!!

  8. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Adira: I'm so sorry you're out. Fingers crossed for next month.
    @eiko2010: My boobs are sore, but not crazy sore. It's not over until AF shows.

  9. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Congratulations!! I guess having no symptoms is a good thing!!!

  10. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Good point, you didn't really have symptoms, either, did you?

  11. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Grace: @eiko2010: I was totally convinced I was out!

    Looking back (I can't believe I made it to the other side of the TWW) I had yellow CM on 9DPO, and have been a bit crampy for the past few days. Not exactly like PMS cramps, more intermittent. And Saturday I took a two hour nap and went to bed at 8:30pm. I've been in bed before 9 every night since, usually I'm up until midnight.

    And my chart now looks like a preggo chart, but two days ago looked worse than all of my other charts. I usually go triphasic at 9DPO with a dip at 6DPO, this time my temps were steady until 12DPO, no implantation dip or triphasic pattern.

  12. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Yay! Congratulations! Wonderful news!

  13. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: YAYYYYYYY OH MY GOD Congrats I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

  14. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @Adira: awwww sorry AF showed up. I hope Cycle 5 gives you your BFP!!!

  15. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @oliviaoblivia - yay, so exciting! Glad to see more good news here Would you be willing to share your chart for those of us who find those things interesting?

  16. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been hoping for good news for you!!!

  17. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @arielle9510: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you and without the monitor and getting through your crazy cycles!!! YAYYYY~!

  18. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @GreenThumb: @MrsLilybugg: @mrsjyw: Thanks!!!

    @Mrs.Someone: Here she is!

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsLilybugg: Thank you so much!

    @oliviaoblivia: Thanks for sharing your chart! I love seeing BFP charts!

  20. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: thanks for sharing! Helpful for me, since my cycle is the same length

  21. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Thanks for sharing your chart. It makes my wonky chart look a little better. Seriously, mine is all over the place!

  22. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @eiko2010: This was the weirdest chart I've had in 7 months of charting. Last month's was picture perfect but was BFN. I now think charting is good for ovulation confirmation, but NOT for pregnancy predicting. My chart didn't look pregnant until this morning.

  23. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Adira: Aww, sorry you are out.
    @oliviaoblivia: Woohoo! Congrats!

  24. PBandBaseball

    clementine / 861 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: OMG!!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

  25. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: OMG!!! YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    @Adira: Sorry to hear that you're out this cycle.

  26. Crisark

    pomegranate / 3398 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Oh I am soooooo happy for you!!!! Congrats!!! @Adira: Sorry you are out I should be joining you on the other thread soon....AF due tomorrow

  27. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Crisark: @Alivoo01: @PBandBaseball: @bluestriped bee: Thanks ladies!!! It feels so great to be able to tell people. Thank goodness for Hellobee!

  28. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @arielle9510: Yay! Congrats! So happy for you!

    @oliviaoblivia: OMG! Congrats! So so excited for you! I've been keeping an eye on these threads hoping to hear good news from you ladies.

  29. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @mrskc: Thanks!!

  30. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: congratulations!!

  31. Jumpingjacks

    apricot / 426 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Congrats!

  32. Jumpingjacks

    apricot / 426 posts

    @arielle9510: Congrats!

  33. sylvie_b

    apricot / 458 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: so, so ,so thrilled for you, my dear!!! Congratulations all around!!!

  34. sylvie_b

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Rachel: hahaha, that's awesome! I have my physical this morning and I'm also 7dpo....I wish she had a magical super early test she could give me....7 more days, ahhhhhh.

  35. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @birdofafeather: @Jumpingjacks: @sylvie_b: Thank you ladies!

  36. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    So I know I said I was going to wait and POAS on Friday, but I think I'm going to do it tomorrow before we leave for our vacation. That way, if it's BFP, I'll have a few less things to pack.

  37. sylvie_b

    apricot / 458 posts

    @arielle9510: hooray!!!! Congratulations, lady!!!

  38. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @eiko2010: fingers crossed! how have you been feeling? what DPO are you again?

  39. sylvie_b

    apricot / 458 posts

    RE: symptoms, I'm 7dpo and have been feeling are these weird lower tummy "cramps"...more like pinches? SO WEIRD. and this morning, i started to feel pre menstrual crampy. I know these symptoms vary for each person, and a lot of the early symptoms are similar to AF signs, so instead of obsess, i'm going to try my best to distract myself! maybe catching up on Grey's Anatomy or watching 5 Year Engagement will help

    What other symptoms is everyone else experiencing?

  40. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Thanks! I'm 12 DPO. Temps have been staying relatively high, which usually by now they start to dip. No soreness or anything. Felt nauseated a couple times yesterday, which was kind of weird. But other than that, I'm not really feeling much of anything, pregnancy or PMS. So we'll see!!

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