Hellobee Boards


TWW - POAS Late May/Early June

  1. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I lost all will power POAS this morning (9DPO) - BFN. I'm not losing hope though until AF shows. Temp was up again this morning.

    I'm not going to POAS again until Friday (my actual scheduled POAS day) provided AF doesn't show up before that.

    @Rachel: Sorry to hear that you're out

    B6 has helped for me, but I know it varies from person to person. I've taken 100mg/day for the last two cycles. Last month it extended my LP by one day. I'm not far enough into my LP this month to know if it will last any longer than last month's, but this is the first time since I've come off BCP that I've made it to 9DPO without spotting yet. I don't know if it's the B6 or just my body regulating, but I'll take it nonetheless!

  2. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Rachel: Sorry!! Hopefully 3 is your lucky number!

  3. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @hergreenapples: Thanks, and baby dust to you! I'm thinking of trying progesterone cream this cycle, then I'll probably ask my Dr. I know a 9 day LP is too short to conceive.

  4. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @hergreenapples: You're not out until you're out!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    I know when I first came off BCP, my first LP was only 10 days. After that it regulated and is now 13 days, so hopefully others experience a similar experience. Anything shorter than 10 probably is too short, although I guess anything's possible!

  5. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Rachel: Nerts!!! I was hoping that the BFP, then AF, then BFP etc on the list was going to continue. Good luck for next month!!

  6. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    I'm out. Spotting started this morning and I imagine AF will start in earnest tomorrow. LP got longer again this month though, so yay for that!

  7. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @hergreenapples: Aww, sorry to hear that you're out! But I'm glad your LP is longer - that's definitely a good sign!

    May 19 - eastcoaster - AF Arrived
    May 27 - Dr. Pepper - BFP!
    May 27 - Mrs.Someone - AF Arrived
    May 31 - ladyfingers - BFP!
    June 1 - hergreenapples - AF Arrived
    June 1 - Rachel - AF Arrived
    June 2 - Adira - AF Arrived
    June 2 - PastaAndPotato
    June 3 - Trailmix
    June 3 - Grace
    June 7 - bluestriped bee
    June 8 - JoJoGirl
    June 10 - SAllison
    June 10 - Smurfette
    June 11 - Emilie
    June 14 - Arden
    June 15 - Crisark
    June 16 - Alivoo01
    June 18 - PBandBaseball
    June 18 - kentuckygirl

  8. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @hergreenapples - sorry to hear it But yay on the longer LP!

    This thread needs another boost of good news! Or to just move on to the June thread

    I was wondering yesterday if I could've had a chemical pregnancy this month. It would explain the left side cramping (on 8dpo), temp dip, and nausea I had at the same time. Also, AF was unusually heavy yesterday with some big clots. There is no way to know though, since I never saw a BFP (didn't test much). I'm taking this as a positive sign though that things could be working!

  9. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    So I'm 7 DPO and I started having sore boobs yesterday and today. Of course this means nothing because I had sore boobs last month with my BFN! Anyway, I don't think this is my month but I guess I wanted to update you all.

    We do need some more positive news in here. Crossing my fingers for more BFP and so sorry for those of you who had AF come for a visit. Hugs!! Hope next month brings you better luck.

  10. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    Welp, can't add to the positive news since I'm out BUT my LP was a solid 10-11 days, which I'm very relieved about and I honestly feel totally fine about AF showing up. Going to drink some Diet Coke and vino today, appreciate the good life we have going on and cross my fingers for June conceptions for us all! Moving over to the June thread, xoxox!

  11. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Trailmix: Sorry you are on CD1! Great news about your LP though!!!

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Trailmix: Booo, sorry you're out!

    May 19 - eastcoaster - AF Arrived
    May 27 - Dr. Pepper - BFP!
    May 27 - Mrs.Someone - AF Arrived
    May 31 - ladyfingers - BFP!
    June 1 - hergreenapples - AF Arrived
    June 1 - Rachel - AF Arrived
    June 2 - Adira - AF Arrived
    June 2 - PastaAndPotato
    June 3 - Trailmix - AF Arrived
    June 3 - Grace
    June 7 - bluestriped bee
    June 8 - JoJoGirl
    June 10 - SAllison
    June 10 - Smurfette
    June 11 - Emilie
    June 14 - Arden
    June 15 - Crisark
    June 16 - Alivoo01
    June 18 - PBandBaseball
    June 18 - kentuckygirl

  13. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Trailmix: Sorry to hear you're out, but yay on the longer LP!!!

  14. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Trailmix: Yay for longer LPs! If I recall correctly, you haven't been taking B6, right? So it must just be a function of your body regulating. That's great news!

    I've been off the pill for three months now and my LP has gone from 9 to 11 (maybe 12 this month...depends on whether full AF starts today or if I just continue with light spotting until tomorrow) days in that time and I don't know if it's just because my body is regulating or because I've been taking B6.

  15. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    @smurfette, @adira, @Alivoo01 Thanks for the support, I'm mostly alright with it (although feeling a little bit sadder as the day goes on) but, like I said, very happy to more accurately be able to pinpoint the O day and extended LP. Plus, I just realized that my June O date is our 2-year wedding anniversary, so that HAS to be good luck, right?!?!?'

    @hergreenapples Right, no B6 and looking over my first two charts, I think FF just miscalculated by O date and that I probably had a 10-day LP on those cycles as well, it just didn't read that way in my chart...

    Siiiiigh, I'm pretty much fine but man, I wish there was some sort of guarantee that I'll be pregnant by October (will be 6 months of trying)...It's like, if I knew that then I wouldn't care at all about this, it would actually be better to wait another month or two, it's the not knowing that is the hardest part for me...And the fear that it will never happen. Alright, I'm (mostly) over it, June BFPs for ALL!

  16. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Trailmix: I know exactly what you mean about wishing there was some kind of guarantee. I agree COMPLETELY!!! When we first starting trying, I just thought we'd get pregnant so easily, and then when we didn't after the first few months, I was like "It's okay. I knew it might take a little bit, I just want to be pregnant by June." And now it's June so I'm totally FREAKING OUT. If we don't get pregnant this cycle, we'll be out of that "70% get pregnant in the first six months of trying" group and I REALLY wanted to be in that group.

    Good luck to you. *hug* I hope June is better for both of us!

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Trailmix: I totally agree with you. If I knew it would happen in at least 6 months I would feel better. This is cycle 2 for me and I am so scared that something is going to be wrong with me and I won't be able to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy. I just have a feeling that it isn't going to be easy for us. The fact DH travels during the week total stinks for TTC. IF we don't get a BFP this month, next month I will ovulate smack during the week when he is gone, so a month wasted. Depressing.

  18. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Adira: 70% within first 6 months? I read somewhere that the average time to conception was 7 months (and I was checking out Fertility Friends chart stats, which seemed to confirm it).

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Grace: haha, 7 months you say... maybe I don't need to start freaking out yet! I think a lot of places I saw statistics that showed 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, a year. But I'm sure every place has different statistics.

  20. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Adira: Well, it definitely made me calmer after reading it. This isn't the article, but it roughly says the same thing. http://health.ninemsn.com.au/pregnancy/planning/694689/the-miracle-of-getting-pregnant

  21. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: AF came for me too, and right on time as usual. Did you maybe try something new this last cycle?

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Grace: I like that article. I'm curious - if we look at everyone in the TWW threads, I wonder is 20% actually get pregnant each month. That would be an interesting statistic, especially if it's true! According to that article, it looks like 78% conceive within 7 months, which is decent chances. I just need to stay positive and optimistic, especially since stress can affect our chances to conceive.

  23. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Adira: and I think the staying positive is the hard part.

    I saw another article that said you have to have sex 104 times too. Explains why younger peoples get pregnant easier!

  24. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Grace: OMG - 104 times?!?!? I'm never getting pregnant! LOL

  25. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Adira: Oh yes, you are! Get cracking!!


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