Hellobee Boards


TWW Symptoms by DPO

  1. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    just thought i would bump this for the new pregnant bees...

    (sorry this 2ww is a killer, have to find a distraction)

  2. aprk

    pomegranate / 3452 posts

    Got my BFP on 11 dpo, and proceeded to sleep almost two entire days away. Major fatigue. Looking back, was super gassy the week beforehand, too. Days 11-15 were crampy, with horrible pains in the middle of my back, sort of on the sides. We'll see what happens next!

  3. ChuckNorris

    apricot / 368 posts

    @mrsjyw: No symptoms for me so far =) I had some spotting on CD24...hoping IB? That's it =) I think I am 12 DPO

  4. Meridian

    pomegranate / 3716 posts

    I'm 6 DPO and was crampy last night! Feeling slightly nauseous this morning too... gah, still have so long to wait!

    Last month I was super gassy too and was convinced that I was pg, but unfortunately not

  5. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    Definitely want to follow this thread! I don't know when I ovulated but I believe it was between the 10th-12th... I've been feeling exhausted, bloated, and crampy..BUT this is my first cycle off BC, so I'm sure it's just my body regulating. 8 more days in my TWW. Losing my mind a bit

  6. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    I'm only 2DPO but am so tired and I have a metallic taste in my mouth. Anyone ever have this? My sane side knows 2DPO is too soon but my crazy side knows I had the taste in March with our BFP.

  7. ourwiredlives

    coffee bean / 26 posts

    I know this thread is old, but I really loved it and read it every TWW I went through during my TTC period. I just got my BFP and want to pay it forward by adding to this list. I thought I had no chance this week b/c we only BD once 5 days before I O'd, but it happened. I hope it sticks!

    1DPO - nothing
    3 DPO - cramps, bloated
    5 DPO - nipples sensitive
    12 DPO - Sore abs, woke up feeling like I had done 500 sit ups
    13 DPO - Sore abs, nipples sensitive
    16DPO - BFP, nipples really sensitive, gassy

  8. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @ourwiredlives: ahhh congrats!!! so so so happy for you!

  9. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @ourwiredlives: ahhhh! Congratulations!!

  10. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    Bump! Anyone wanna add their BFP symptoms? Help me torture myself a little more this TWW?

  11. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    Oh I meant to add mine-- I even kept very careful notes during the TWW!

    6DPO- boobs were super sore
    7DPO- light cramping in the evening. Felt like mild menstrual cramps, but lower.
    8DPO- more cramping. Headache (but could have been unrelated)
    9DPO- boobs hurt, feel 'weird', BFN.
    10DPO- my notes say "felt weird. Not nausea, just weird'? BFN.
    11DPO- very, very, very faint positive test. Didn't trust it.
    12DPO- BFP! Also, horrible migraine. I got menstrual migraines when I went off the pill, so I guess hormones play a big part in my migraines.

    So, the only thing really different from a normal cycle was the cramping. My boobs always got sore after O so I wasn't sure if I should count that, but the implantation cramping was definitely new. Good luck.

  12. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    Here's mine:

    - Nothing happened before 7dpo.

    -At 7dpo I started getting weird cramps that have continued until after my BFP. They were more localized than normal and weren't as painful. Also, it would be more of a consistant pain/discomfort, rather than waves of pain like my normal cramps.

    -Somewhere between 7dpo and 10dpo I started getting ridiculous bloat and gas. And I think I mistook some of that uncomfortable bloat feeling for cramps.

    -Around 12dpo, I started to notice mild constapation (this was noticable for me because the prenatal vitamins that I been taking have a stool softener and was making me very regular).

    -Another thing was that I normally have very sore breasts after ovulation and that didn't happen this time at all. It's 15dpo today and I'm only now noticing slightly sensitive nipples.

    My "symptoms" have driven me crazy every month, so I hope this helps a little bit!

  13. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Since this post was a favorite of mine during the TWW and now I'm pregnant, I wanted to add mine. Please note I had an IUI so the early cramping might have been due to the IUI.

    1 DPO - Cramping
    3 DPO - Cramping, Fatigue
    5-6 DPO - Fatigue
    7 DPO - Cramping
    8 DPO - Cramping, Frequent Urination
    9 DPO - Cramping, Tender Breasts
    10 DPO - Tender Breasts. Gassy, Nausea, Sore Nipples, Emotional Meltdowns
    11 DPO - Cramping, Tender Breasts, Frequent Urination, Sore Nipples, Light Headedness
    12 DPO - Cramping, Tender Breasts, Nausea, Sore Nipples, BFP!!!

    Honestly, the big swollen nipples and really sore boobs were the one thing that made me think I was pregnant, because I had traditionally gotten sore boobs, but only really on the sides. This was all over and painful! At 17dpo now, my boobs aren't really sore but finally experiencing a lot of fatigue and frequent urination.

  14. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    This was also one of my fav threads to stalk every month! Here are mine (so glad I entered them into FF during the TWW!)

    3dpo - Extremely sick - vomiting, diarrhea, extreme cramping (this likely had nothing to do with being KU - probably food poisoning - but I was so ill it's worth mentioning)

    4-6 dpo - No symptoms

    7dpo - Temperature drop, fatigue, skin break out, nausea ---I was traveling cross country this day and thought this could have been jet lag

    8dpo - Temp rise, no other symptoms

    9dpo - Tested on dollar store cheapo - BFN...that night I was extremely emotional (woke up at 2am crying and then started laughing while crying)...DH said he knew then that I was pregnant.

    10dpo - Dull cramping all day long (centered on my left side)...Slightly brown, goopy CM in the am, fatigue, skin breakout --- This was the day when I thought something might be up because I generally didn't feel like myself

    11dpo -Cramping - BFP!!! (slight line on dollarstore cheapo, very clear on FRER, & positive on digi).

    Since the BFP the only real symptom has been fatigue and cramping, almost like how it feels in the hours before AF comes. After the weird brown CM and several days of cramps, that's when I started to think I might really see a BFP.

  15. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @marionberry: @char54: yay thanks for adding ladies!

  16. Purple

    pea / 13 posts

    I was glued to this thread during my TWW so I must now give back:

    1dpo: Gassy
    2dpo: Gassy, fuller boobs
    3dpo: Bloated
    4dpo: Bloated and gassy
    5dpo: Headache, non AF-type cramping (like, the kind you get after running a few laps)
    6dpo: Headache, AF-type cramping
    7dpo: Nothing
    8dpo: Nothing
    9dpo: Super gassy
    10dpo: Gassy, headache, full boobs
    11dpo: Headache, full boobs
    12dpo: Sore nipples, headache, full boobs
    13 dpo: Headache, full boobs
    14dpo: Very dark BFP!

    Notes: The headaches were a huge indication that something was up...I very rarely get them and getting them almost every day was crazy. Also, I was very tempted to POAS earlier (9dpo, 10dpo, etc.) but I made myself wait until 14 just to avoid losing my mind.

  17. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @Purple: Hooray! Were you charting to? I just started charting, and I've loved keeping up with other's BFP charts.

    So excited for you! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @runnerd: Add yours!

  19. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @Mrs. J: I'm adding mine, but really I'm not sure if any of these were real symptoms or not

    1-4 DPO: nada
    5-6 DPO: constipated (unusual for me)
    7-8 DPO: dull pelvic pain on left side (ended up being ovulation side, so maybe corpus luteum cyst?); very mild cramps; weird isolated stabbing pain in left boob all day
    9 DPO: tender boobs, backache. BFN at 7am; BFP at 1pm!

  20. Purple

    pea / 13 posts

    @VEGMAMA: I didn't chart!

  21. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @runnerd: I still can't believe how early you got yours!

  22. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    I wish I had been better about writing these down with the DPO's, but I thought they were all in my head (I tend to do that to myself) I experienced:

    -weird appetite issues (nothing sounding good)
    -horrible poo issues (lots of dia for about 2-3 days, but no stomach upset)
    -MAJOR fatigue
    -a little congestion
    -generally feeling "off"
    -Around 9 DPO I did get back pain I usually get with my period and some abdominal crampy pain. Because I didn't have spotting thought I hoped this meant BFP, and it did!

    I got my BFP yesterday which was 9 or 10DPO. And last night I took off my bra and felt like I had BOULDERS in my boobs. So there's also that. If I hadn't tested due to my missed period, I would have tested because of that! I did test around dia time (like 3-4DPO probably, I thought maybe I was wrong about O date bc I felt so weird) and on 6 or 7 DPO before going out... both neg... still was unsure so I didn't drink at EITHER party this weekend, which makes me glad!

  23. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    I charted so i was able to keep track of everything on FF
    DPO 1-4 Nothing
    DPO 5 Fatigue (but thats not unusual)
    DPO 6 Fatigue, Bloated, super hungry, gassy
    DPO 7 Really high temp, bloated, sore boobs, Constipated, slight cramps (maybe implantation)
    DPO 8 Extremely tired (but i also worked a 12 hr day)
    DPO 9 Tired, hungry, (Negative test)
    DPO 10 Tired, hungry, backache, kinda felt like i was getting a UTI (maybe implantation)
    DPO 11 Super high temp (positive test), excess saliva

  24. Lizzy612

    pea / 7 posts

    I haven't gotten my BFP yet but thought I post my symptoms to see what you guys think. I think I am 10\11 DPO.

    1-4 DPO - just a little tired.
    5-7 - more fatigue, mild cramps
    8-9 - cramps, bloating
    10-11 - today I am more bloated, coming down with a cold and throat has been itching and hurting, tired (took a 2 hour nap which I never do), started to get some gas n diarrhea.

    I tested this morning but got a BFN. So I don't know. Will test again tomorrow. Crossing my fingers. I don't know if these are pg signs but I hope they are and I get my BFP soon.

  25. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @KJfromNJ: holy shit!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh so so so happy for you!!!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxo id txt u rt now but don't want to wake you!!

  26. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @mrsjyw: LOL gurlll I tried to gchat you yest... if ur on chat me today!

  27. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    I had an HSG and got my BFP that same cycle. Also had a sinus infection this cycle right after my positive OPK.

    DPO 1-4 Sinus infection
    DPO 5-8 No symptoms
    DPO 9 Exhaustion, frequent urination
    DPO 10 Exhaustion, frequent urination, tender breasts
    DPO 11 Exhaustion, frequent urination, tender breasts, gassy
    DPO 12 **BFP** Exhaustion, frequent urination, tender breasts, cramping, spotting (brown)

    I was also charting my temps on FF and I had a temp drop from DPO 8-10, rising back up again on DPO 11.

  28. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    Bumping this thread to hear about more TWW symptoms from KU bees!!

  29. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Bump! Any new updates?!

  30. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrsjyw: OMG.. I totally misread this and thought you were pregnant...

  31. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @LindsayInNYC: I'll put mine on when I get home! I had a TON, so I hope that can help someone

  32. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    OK here goes! I hope this helps someone who thinks they are out early on because of no symptoms! The past few cycles i had way more symptoms and wasn't pregnant, but I attribute that to going off bcp and regulating.

    1dpo-8dpo: my only symptom at all was that my boobs grew a little and were a little sore. But this has happened every month so I didn't take it to mean anything. The only unusual thing I noted was that on 6dpo I woke up in the middle of the night with what felt like the beginning of AF cramps. It went away as quickly as it came so I assumed it was gas.

    9dpo: I had felt nothing yet so assumed I was out, but the whole day I felt off. Not sick, but just weird. Like a cross between nauseous and airy but I didn't feel sick. A little excess saliva. Also had a BAD headache that night. Also noticed my sense of smell was out of control! (Still is!)

    10dpo: because of that weird feeling the day before I tested with fmu. I got an inconclusive line on a wondfo, and at the urging of you girls I went out and got frers at lunch...definitely a line! That rest of day I was a little nauseous, felt like I had excess saliva, but otherwise felt OK (was shaking most of the day from the news!)

    11dpo: frer getting darker. A little passing dizziness and excess saliva but otherwise feel fine. And that has continued to today (13dpo)

  33. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Bumping this for...curiosity's sake.

  34. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I'll add mine since I was using FF and recorded the most significant stuff...which wasn't much!

    1dpo - Creamy CM, Skin breakout (though I'm sure its not related)
    2dpo- Creamy CM
    3dpo - Creamy CM
    4dpo - Creamy CM
    5dpo - Creamy CM, cramping, dizziness (note that I got a BFP at 8dpo so I might be an early implanter)
    6dpo - Creamy CM, Gassy
    7dpo - Creamy CM, cramps
    8dpo - Creamy CM, Sore throat (may not be related), emotional...Faint BFP on wondfo and FRER
    9dpo - Creamy CM, stronger BFP on FRER
    10dpo - Creamy CM, stronger BFP on FRER and a digi
    11dpo - Creamy CM, Fatigue, headache
    12dpo - Creamy CM, cramping
    13dpo - Creamy CM, loos stools
    14dpo - Creamy CM, bloated, fatigue, gassy
    15dpo - Creamy CM, bloated, frequent urination (note that I did notice the urination sooner but I wasn't sure if I should record it as I was drinking more as well)
    16dpo - 18dpo - same as above PLUS sore nipples started

    That's all I've recorded and I think most would get a BFP by 18dpo anyway
    Hope this helps some of our shameless symptom spotters
    GL & FX!

    ETA: I did only add the things that I felt were abnormal for me, and the creamy CM was definitely one of them. I really noticed way more than previous cycles.

  35. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    i love that this post is still running!!! can't contribute, but yayyyyy symptom spotters LOL OCD UNITE!

  36. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @SweetiePie: Ahh, your symptoms aren't helping me - I'm going to go even more nuts now, LOL!

  37. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Sorry! But FX and everything else X'd that its a good sign!

  38. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    thought i would share my DPO symptoms because i just got a positive (wondfo) hpt this morning and when i was in the tww, i thought this board was really interesting.

    BD timing: o-2, o, o+1, o+2

    2DPO - extreme, crazy exhaustion (i'm one of those people with boundless energy so this was very strange for me). sleepy all day at work even with a small coffee.
    3DPO - sore nipples
    4DPO - sharp pinching cramps in the abdomen towards left side. lasted about 1-2 hours in the evening.
    6DPO - cm is watery. cramps in the evening (felt like electrical shocks, not the normal pms cramps)
    7dpo - negative wondfo hpt, two huge cystic acne on cheek (extremely rare)
    8DPO - cm is sticky. feeling really bloated.
    9DPO - negative wondfo hpt. insane appetite - can't remember the last time i binged like today. feeling insanely bloated.
    10DPO - insane appetite second day in a row, eating everything in sight. cervix position is high, wet, on the soft side and somewhat open. noticed increased cm all day. had strange flu-like symptoms before going to bed. slight sore throat and body ache.
    11dpo - BFP

  39. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    Contributing to the thread!

    BD timing: 0-2

    1-5DPO: nothing but creamy cm which isn't too unusual for me
    6-9DPO: no CM, dry
    10DPO: woke up with pretty painful boobs, which is pretty on spot for PMS symptoms for me.
    11DPO: still sore boobs, even more painful today
    12DPO: cramps start - on and off all day long, kept checking to see if AF came and found that I had creamy CM every time and no spotting
    13DPO: more cramps, I'm thinking AF just around the corner, really sore boobs still, and not too much appetite surprisingly
    14DPO: donde esta AF? more cramps, kept checking to see if I started spotting at least, nothing but creamy CM, boobs still painful and feel fuller
    15DPO: AF officially late, boobs are still very sore, which is weird because usually when AF is here or it's a day before AF they go back to normal. HPT with 3rd pee of the day with wondfo, second line comes up before control line!

    The line was pretty dark on the wondfo, so i think i definitely could have gotten a BFP earlier, but we weren't trying this cycle and i was sure that i didn't have anything to worry about!

  40. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @chibee so awesome! congrats again on the bfp! join us on the april 2014 boards if you havent already.

    ETA - i never had EWCM btw. i was doubtful the sperm met the egg because of this, and wasn't super positive about the results but lo and behold, i got pregnant.

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