Hellobee Boards


TWW Symptoms by DPO

  1. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @chibee: congratulations!!!!

  2. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrsjyw: @SUPERNOVAJ: Thank you! I'm actually super excited to be able to contribute to this thread bc I used to stalk it ALL THE TIME lol


    apricot / 344 posts

    Since this board is so fun, I'll add my experience to fuel the symptom spotting fire!

    1-6 dpo : Nothing really, other than usual PMS

    7,8 dpo : Curious sharp pains, maybe like twice each day, lower in my abdomen, like really low.

    9 dpo : Nothing

    10 dpo : AF-like cramping, lower backache, bloated "Uh oh, AF is coming" feeling that night, but I'm also dizzy.

    11 dpo : Woke up and no AF... weird. Cramping came back late morning but only lasted a couple hours. Still dizzy, lower backache, bloating, GAS, could not differentiate gas cramps from other cramps, Ugh.

    12 dpo: Dizzy, bloated, gassy, noted another round of afternoon AF-like cramps but only lasted a couple hours, feeling abdominal pressure that is very similar to a UTI feeling (but didn't have frequent urination). Still thought AF was coming soon!

    13, 14 dpo : Symptoms weren't as noticeable, but I was really busy those days - except for dizziness and just feeling tired. And at 14 dpo, my boobs started to feel a little sore, not just the nipple part like usual PMS, but everywhere.

    15 dpo : BFP

    Also, my chart was very suspicious in that my temp stayed elevated and was very smooth in comparison to other months. I didn't have an "implantation dip". But the last couple days after BFP, my temp is creeping up some more.

    There you go ladies! Good Luck to all of you!

  4. Lugrey508

    cherry / 202 posts

    @peapie: Congrats to you!! I hope to add to this thread soon

  5. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts


    We have nearly 20 girls with on the August POAS thread so I'm hoping a few will come over here and indulge us.

  6. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @MrsMcD: Yay! Happy to!


    1-5: Some abdominal pinches and twinges, strange temps for me - elevated more than usual and one temp 3 days in a row. Odd.

    6: Painful, prickly feeling in my labia (sorry for TMI). Abdominal twinges and pinches, close to my hip and seemingly on the outer edges of my abdomen, toward my legs.

    7: Prickly pain continues, expanding into my pelvic floor and llloooww in my uterus. It literally felt like I had a very heavy pineapple inside. Fatigue like crazy, anxiety through the roof, and cried at EVERYTHING. Abdominal twinges expand into cramps.

    8: Suspicious temps got even more suspicious. Fatigue was worse. (This was a terribly busy day for me with a wedding, a performance, and several work deadlines, so I may have had a other symptoms I didn't really notice...) Abdominal twinges and pinching with light cramping.

    9: BFP - it was such a shock to see the line so clear this early.

    I hope this helps!

  7. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @sweetkeight: Thanks for responding! Yikes. Lots of pricks, pinches and twinges for you. I would just about die to feel anything like that at this point!

  8. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @MrsMcD: I've had several friends and sisters who had zero symptoms prior to a BFP. I'm FXing for you!

  9. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    bump... anyone with new bfp want to add???

  10. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    I tried not to over think any symptoms, so I didn't chart them but looking back there were a couple strange things.

    DPO 1-12: Tired, would fall asleep watching TV at about 9pm, but I had three nights during the TWW where I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep which virtually never happens to me.

    DPO 8: Mild cramping in the evening

    DPO 10-11: Gassy

    DPO 10: *TMI* Super strange itchy/burning feeling in my vagina. I thought I was either getting a yeast infection or a UTI. This may have been caused by the fact that I used by husband's tea tree body wash the day before and it was reeking havoc on my nether regions LOL...

    DPO 11: Anxious feeling all day like I had had too much caffeine, but I hadn't had any

    DPO 12: BFP

  11. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @MsBadger: "DPO 11: Anxious feeling all day like I had had too much caffeine, but I hadn't had any"

    <<um that is how I feel today @ 7dpo!! Eeeeeek! Man this thread is dangerous...

  12. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @doxielove: This is always a dangerous thread. But I love it!

  13. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    bump*** anyone with BFPs in October want to add???

  14. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    bump** there are a ton of BFPs right now

  15. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @littlek: double bump lol! I obsess over this page during the TWW it's so bad but SO good!

  16. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    8-10DPO my boobs were really sore and I had some gnarly acne. BFP 11DPO.

  17. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    Nothing too crazy, but here's a few notes:

    7 DPO: pink spotting
    7 DPO - about 17 DPO: cramps
    10 DPO - about 15 DPO: backache
    10 DPO - current: sore boobs

    BFP on 10 DPO

  18. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    I'm 10DPIUI and had pretty bad cramp like pains in lower left abdomine area for a couple hrs?!?!? Anyone else have that? !?!??!?!

  19. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    I loved reading this while I was in the TWW, so I wanted to contribute and pay it forward...

    Mostly copied and pasted from the Nov POAS board:

    Days 1-7 Nothing out of the ordinary
    8 DPO- breast tenderness started
    9 DPO- cramps (possibly implantation, I never get period cramps that early)
    10 DPO- woke up feeling sick with a cold which I assumed I got from my hubby, sensations in vagina area, sharp pains in tummy
    11 DPO- just sore breasts
    12 DPO- a few pinches on my right side, and something I don't know how to describe other than an achiness in vagina
    13 DPO- really tired, slight headache, and constipation but most importantly my BFP!
    14 DPO- constipation

    Also noteworthy: It's been over a week of vivid dreams, frequent urination, and multiple night wakings, all things that happened before but have gotten worse since implantation, or so it seems!

    Hope this helps somebody!!

  20. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @princessandthebee: Bahhhhh your systems sound like me or I am making myself believe it......lol ughhhhh can tomorrow come already

  21. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    ** bump.. there are TONS of

  22. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @FaithFertility: You were right on those symptoms girl!!!

  23. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    Bumping!!!! Sitting pretty at 10 dpo and need some BFP symptoms to obsess over so help a lady out - I know we've had lots of them in the last 2 months

  24. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Subscribing! This is fun to read and super informative!

    My boobs were sore last night & today, now I am obsessing about it since many BFP's had soreness/tenderness!

  25. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    3dpo-6dpo - I had slight cramping/pulling on my left side. Also, really crazy dreams.
    7dpo - I had LOTS of creamy CM.
    10dpo - Heavy and slightly sore breasts.
    12dpo - Slight cramping and got my BFP!

  26. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    Gut feeling: Not Pregnant

    1 DPO – No symptoms

    2 DPO – No symptoms

    3 DPO – No symptoms

    4 DPO – Tired. In bed by 9.

    5 DPO – Exhausted. Took two naps. In bed by 10.

    6 DPO – Exhausted. Took two naps. In bed by 8:30.

    7 DPO – Practically slept all day. Lower back ache. Convinced my period is coming.

    8 DPO – Christmas Eve. Tired and cranky. Breasts feel a bit sore. Sharp twinges of pain in early afternoon.

    9 DPO – Christmas Day. Nausea set in and nearly knocked me on my feet. Mild cramps. Negative pregnancy test.

    10 DPO – Worn out and tired. Cramps and nausea. Sore breasts. Very light positive on First Response Early Result

    11 DPO – Tired, nauseous and lower back cramps. Mild period-like cramps. Darker positive on FRER; beta came back at 14.

    12 DPO – Exhausted. Napped twice. Lower back cramps and mild period-like cramps. Headache. Very bloated. Even darker positive on FRER.

  27. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    This is driving me nuts! lol. This cycle I am not even TTC and this has got me wheels spinning wondering if I could be pregnant! Ah!

  28. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @littlek: I love how much you bump this! ♥

    I obsessively read this thread during the TWW.

  29. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @Crystal: Ditto - it keeps me both sane and INSANE lol

  30. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @cmbknyc: @Crystal: Its always insteresting to read!

  31. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    This is a fun thread, I'm surprised more people don't use it. Maybe I will try to track symptoms this TWW.
    I don't think it will make me too crazy.

    Can anyone track? Or just BFP people?

  32. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    4 dpo - tired, fell asleep on the couch while Liam was watching Elmo
    5 dpo - wave of sore boobs, bloated, waves of nausea

    that's where I am today!

  33. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: sounds promising!!

  34. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @littlek: I swear I feel like every month I think it's happening and it doesn't... but hopefully it is this month!!

  35. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @HolisticMama: I think most people posted when they had confirmed the BFPs, but it does have a few others that are just sharing symptoms!

  36. monkey

    apple seed / 4 posts


  37. Brawly

    cherry / 173 posts

    I'm going to bump and put my symptoms, not bfp yet but I'm going to test first thing in the morning, so I'm super hopeful.

    1-4dpo nothing
    5 dpo gassy, diarrhea, headache, tired, spotting after quick bd
    6 dpo gassy, diarrhea, low back pain
    7 dpo gassy, diarrhea, emotional during a kids movie, low back pain
    8 dpo gassy
    9 dpo gassy, bloated
    10 dpo gassy low back pain

    testing tomorrow! Fingers crossed. If im not than I need to worry about what I have been eating... goodness.

  38. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Brawly: good luck!!

  39. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: did you test??

  40. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @littlek: I tested on Sunday and it was negative. I'm going to try to wait as long as I can to test again.

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