I'm so frustrated by EPing. LO was a late preterm baby and is on breast milk fortified with high calorie formula to help him gain weight.

I know breast milk is best and has tons of antibodies and wonderful benefits for LO, especially since he was premature.

But I'm really starting to resent the pump. I'm pumping every 3-4 hours, though at night I will go 5-6 if DH is getting up to feed LO.

I'd feel horrible if I stopped since I know it's so great for LO but I'm having a hard time. I feel like I don't have any time to just play with LO. He wakes up, eats, we snuggle a little, I put him down so I can pump, it takes about 30 minutes to pump enough for his next feeding, then I go wash the pump parts, fortify the milk, and by then LO is sleeping soundly so I do some chores and then the cycle continues. I try to spend as much time with him while he's awake, but once he falls asleep and I move him, he usually wakes back up and fusses while I pump. It sucks because I'm strapped to the damn pump and I can't do anything.

I just needed to vent. I wish DH had boobs so he could bear part of the burden.