Do you like/dislike your LO's school? And why?
I used to LOVE DS' daycare so much. I feel all the parents are very open, approachable and down to earth, and DS always told me he's "everybody's best friend", even the teacher told me everyone loves to play with him.
We switched to a new school since pre-k, which is PS-8. It is a private school, and it has great reputation. We love the teachers, the curriculum, and what they do with DS. There is nothing bad about it! However, I am really not "gelling" well with it.
It's been a few months now, and I just feel so awkward and not fitting in. It seems that most of the kids who are currently in the school came from the same pre-school / daycare, and some enrolled when they were in preschool, so everyone already know each other. Every time there is an "activity" in DS's class, the moms are talking to each other and I don't know how to join in. Most of the moms in my class are full time SAHMs while I work, so there is also not much in common. The idea of everyone being in the "upper class" to be able to afford private school also makes me feel that I don't belong. Yes we can afford it too, but I only have one child while most (if not all) of them have/planning to have 2-3 kids in the same school. Last but not least, with me being a super introvert doesn't help matters either.
Don't get me wrong, they are really lovely people, just that I feel very out of place, and I don't know what to do in the next many years.
While DS loves his school and his teachers, he always told me he has no one to play with, and he only has one boy who he plays with and is best friends with. (I was excited to get a chance to meet this boy's family over a thanksgiving activity, but I only get to meet the boy's nanny...) It's been a few months now, and it's been really concerning for me.
I was watching the show "American Housewife" from ABC, while it was a lot more extreme, it talks about cliques amongst the moms. Oddly and sadly I can relate to it so well, which makes me so sad.
People are telling me that it will get better but I am just not seeing how that is going to happen. DH has a strong preference for private school education so switching to public school is not something that is on the table (well, as long as we can afford it lol), and I assume all private schools, at least the ones we have visited in our area, is the same if not worse. Thank you for hearing my vent, but I'd love to hear your thoughts too. Does anyone dislike their current school and why? Any suggestions for me? Or maybe I just want a hug lol.