My goal is to feed breastmilk in some capacity to my LO until her first birthday. But, we've had a ton of issues, I work full time, only make enough to supply her with half of her intake, and I just haven't remotely enjoyed the experience at all. LO could care less as well. She's fine with bottles and formula, but it was important to me that she drink breastmilk, so here we are.
Anyway, the only thing keeping me going is the fact that I plan to slowly wean and I wanted your take on my planned schedule to see if you think this would work. Do you think this plan will a) keep me from getting engorged since I am prone to mastitis and b) slow enough that I won't dry up completely accidentally too early?
Currently: Nurse 1x a day, pump 5x a day
July: Nurse 1x a day, pump 4x a day
August: Nurse 1x a day, pump 3x a day
September: Nurse 1x a day, pump 2x a day
October: Nurse 1x a day, pump 1x a day
November: Nurse 1x a day (LO turns 1 on the 27th), give remainder of freezer stash.
December: Wean completely, or nurse 1-2x a day if she has any interest.
We'd be replacing with more formula and adding solids as I drop sessions, of course!
Any thoughts?