If your cycle was slow to return while breastfeeding, when did you get it back? And how many times were you breastfeeding in a 24 hour period when it came back?
My daughter is 15 months, and we want to try for another baby.
If your cycle was slow to return while breastfeeding, when did you get it back? And how many times were you breastfeeding in a 24 hour period when it came back?
My daughter is 15 months, and we want to try for another baby.
cherry / 178 posts
in addition to nursing, I was also on the mini pill. I stopped taking the pill when my daughter was 14 months, and my period came back about 6 weeks later. I had long cycles after that. We stopped nursing when she was 19 months and I got my bfp a cycle after that.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Mine came back at 11.5 months. I was nursing 3-4x per day but had just started weaning from pumping at work.
However, my cycles stayed super long (about 6 weeks) and my PCP didn't think I was ovulating until somewhere around 18 months, when I finally dropped down to a single nursing session. I was able to get pregnant twice while doing that one session (we eventually weaned completely because I kept miscarrying but I honestly don't know if the nursing had anything to do with that).
clementine / 770 posts
Came back at 18 months . She nursed quite a lot still on weekends and morning / evenings during the week from 13 months on, but my period didn't return until 18months.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
My daughter dropped to one nursing session around 19 months and I got my first period two weeks after that. I got pregnant two weeks later so I guess my cycle was regular immediately after she dropped to once per day.
apricot / 485 posts
I actually got mine earlier- 7.5mo pp but I charted and my luteal phase remained super short (7 days) so there was basically no way I could get pregnant until she was over 13-15mo and I had quit pumping at work. I went down to 2 nursing sessions and it went up to 9-10 days long (a few cycles it was 11 days). We were TTA. But I got pregnant pretty easily still (month before I got pregnant my LP was 9 days long) and I was breastfeeding 2x a day (although oz wise it wasnt much).
How many times a day do you breastfeed?
persimmon / 1310 posts
We just succeeded in night weaning. Thank goodness; she was nursing every hour through the night for the last few months. Now she breastfeeds about 4 or 5 times a day.
I have an appointment with a reproductive acupuncturist Monday to see about helping me ovulate.
apricot / 485 posts
@Iced Tea: Night weaning might help! Nursing all night is probably a surefire way to ward off fertility lol. As far as I know, you might just have to try dropping a session at a time if your period doesn't come back. I would give it 4-6 weeks to see if you'll get it back since you just night weaned. http://kellymom.com/ages/older-infant/ttc-while-bf/
Good luck!
pomegranate / 3113 posts
Mine returned around 14 months, right after DD night weaned. At that point, I was usually breastfeeding her 3x per day (morning, when I picked her up from daycare on weekdays or before nap on the weekends, and bedtime).
nectarine / 2210 posts
At got mine at 12 months after I stopped pumping and was only nursing once a day, at bedtime. That was the only one I had though since I got pregnant that month!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
With my first baby AF returned at 14 months after my girl had a particularly good patch of night sleep. I had a couple of wonky / long cycles then was pregnant by the time she was 20 months old.
My second baby is fourteen months and although he sttn from quite an early age I still haven't had a return of AF which surprises me a little.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Iced Tea: I got my period back when DD was 11 months old and had dropped to morning and evening sessions only and I was only pumping once a day at work.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
21 months, he was still nursing 6-8+ times per 24 hours, but he'd reduced overnight nursing to "only" once or twice.
pear / 1558 posts
Following. LO is 12mos, nursing ~6/day still, I'm on the mini pill & am starting to think about TTC, but still no AF.
pomelo / 5258 posts
I just got my period when LO was 11 months. I was pumping 2x at work and nursing 3-4x in addition to that, not overnight.
pear / 1503 posts
I just had my first period at 14 months pp. LO has been sleeping through the night (12-13 hrs) since 9 months, but I was breastfeeding ~5x a day (over 11 hours) until 12 months. Then I went back to work and BF 3x a day for one month. For the last month I only BF 1-2x a day. No idea if I'm ovulating. We are TTC, so I hope so!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
With my oldest, it came back at 11 months and I was nursing/pumping 2-3 times a day and once overnight. I got pregnant after that one period, which was shocking to me because it took over a year to get pregnant the first time.
LO2 is currently 10 months and nothing yet. He still nurses 4-5 times a day and 2-3 times overnight, though.
grape / 99 posts
@Iced Tea: mine came back right around 12 months when we dropped to 1-2 times per day. I got pregnant that cycle!
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