DH and I were pretty raring to go on TTC #2. This go around it seems we're both less gung ho about it! DD2 just turned one and we had decided we'll revisit TTC for #3 when she's one. I'm waffling! I just started a new job and I'm really enjoying this easier stage where she's a little more independent and sleeps better at night. I am dreading doing the newborn thing all over again. But yet I (think?!) know we want a third and want them in similar age separations. My first two are 28m apart. 1 took a year to conceive and 2 took 9 months. But in an ideal world #1 will start kinder before #3 is in daycare but then I don't want 1 and 3 so far apart.
I'm rambling.
Anyone else waffle between TTC or not for 3 and beyond?