Hellobee Boards


We Heart BFPS!! - February 2015 POAS

  1. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    So maybe it is our month...it is still really light so I need to make sure but fx!!!!

  2. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @mrsjenbug: congrats!!! I wouldn't say that's very light at all, that's a nice line how many dpo are you?

  3. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @novbaby1112 I think 12-13 dpo, I ovulated late for me this cycle. Thank you!!!!

  4. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    Got a bfn this morning but I'm not surprised. We weren't seriously trying last month. I just wish I knew where my period was as I'm going on day 35 here. Going to order some wondrous for next cycle and take it from there.

  5. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @mrsjenbug: congrats!!

  6. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @mrsjenbug: Congratulations!!!

    I had another BFN this morning so now I'm just waiting for AF to start. We are going away for a wedding this weekend, which means I will probably get it in full force Saturday morning.

  7. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @fancyfunction: @JennyG: im sorry ladies...good luck next month!

  8. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Congrats! So exciting!
    @mrsjenbug: Congrats to you too!

    I'm trying to figure out our timing for this month. I'm not very knowledgable about my own cycle (haven't temped or used opk's) so we will see what happens! I'm guessing I will ovulate early next week.

  9. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    @NovBaby1112: thx!

  10. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @mrsjenbug: congrats!!

    You can roll me over. AF showed up bright and early this morning. I only had a 10 day luteal phase again, so I'll have to chat with the RE about that. On to cycle 23.

  11. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @ballerinabee: oh no I'm so sorry! When do you meet with your RE?

  12. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    @mrsjenbug: Congratulations!!

  13. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @ballerinabee: I'm sorry.

  14. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @mrsjenbug: That's a great line! Congrats!

  15. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    @ballerinabee: Oh no! I'm so sorry - short LPs are really frustrating. Hope things even out next month!

  16. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts


    @mrsjenbug: Congrats!

  17. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    Thank you all so much! Fingers crossed...I am crazy so will keep checking haha.

  18. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @mrsjenbug: Congratulations! That's a great line!

  19. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    Thank you @simplyfelicity I am hoping it sticks! Y'all are so great!

  20. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    That is a great line, @MrsJenbug! Congratulations!

  21. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    I need someone with common sense! (Just joined HB this week but been following this thread).
    I am 13DPO and three days late. Three negative tests. However it's only CD 27 as I have an extremely short cycle. I am queen of symptom spotting- my DH calls me the girl who cried wolf- but this month all different symptoms.
    Flashes of headaches for a week, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, one flash of Nausea. I know all you other symptom spotters can commiserate with me. It either means everything or nothing
    DH says I'm nuts for holding out hope bc of the 3
    Someone knock sense in me- or tell me I'm knocked up!

  22. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @LibbyLou: what test are you using?

  23. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @BandDmommy: wondfo

  24. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @LibbyLou: Are you absolutely sure you ovulated? Are you temping? Maybe it's just an annovulatory cycle. I think it's supposed to be normal to have one a year.

  25. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @LibbyLou: I find wondfos show up lighter and later for me than other tests. You may want to try a FR ER or a dollar store test.

  26. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @Hoots: this was my first month using OPK so I think I did, but that's a good point. Maybe I didn't read it correctly, which 100% I could see.

    @travellingbee running out now!
    Thanks guys!

  27. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @LibbyLou: good luck!

  28. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @LibbyLou: good luck!

  29. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @LibbyLou: Good luck!! The OPK just shows that you had a surge/are about to ovulate, but doesn't show that you actually did (only temping does). So if the FRER is negative then you may not have ovulated yet. I hope it's positive though, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  30. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @NurseDMB: oh, good clarification! Thanks.
    Was still a negative, so I'm assuming I'm out but just a wait and see for now.
    Thanks for the good vibes!
    @banddmommy @mrsjenbug

  31. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @LibbyLou: I'm in the exact same situation as you now! It's our first cycle TTC and AF was supposed to start Thursday. So far, nada. I am cycle day 32 and supposedly 17 DPO. But I have gotten 5 negatives and 2 "invalid" tests (starting testing early). I have been using wondfos and dollar store tests. My cycle is always 29 days so I am so confused!!!!! I'm still holding out a little hope for us!

  32. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    Took a long break from the TTC boards (previously KelLeeLeee for those who knew me), but I'm trying to feel really good about this cycle!

    Cycle Day: CD 12
    TTC Cycle #: 12
    Ovulation and POAS dates: I'm guessing 2/9 and 2/23
    Baby #: 1
    Your plan this month: dh has been diagnosed with a low sperm count, he has been taking a few different vitamins for the past three months, so hoping it kicks in this cycle. I also had my HSG a few weeks ago, so hoping it cleared everything out and I get some good luck

    And just for fun… any Valentine's Day plans? No valentines day plans, but I am going to the BVI in a week and a half!

  33. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @MrsKRB: welcome back!!

  34. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @LibbyLou: Sorry about being MIA after I asked you a question. I second what @NurseDMB said. OPKs only pick up on your LH levels, so if you have high LH levels, like me, they will always be positive. It's also possible to have multiple surges in a month if ovulation fails and your body starts trying to ovulate again. Unfortunately, I think you probably just have to wait it out for now.

  35. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @peaches1038: oh thanks goodness I'm not alone in this "crazy"! No sign yet for me, who knows what it means. I just want to know so I can start planning next cycle if needed. Keep me updated!

  36. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    9dpo here and I'm going insane. Weird poking/pricking feeling on right side yesterday that is gone now, sore boobs, tired, vivid dreams, and crazy gas pains - I keep getting on and off pain under my right rib.

    I had all of these early symptoms with both my son and my pregnancy that ended in MC, so I'm starting to get a bit hopeful but I also know it could mean nothing. Wish I could fast forward the next few days!

  37. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @MrsKRB: Welcome and good luck!

  38. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @NurseDMB: waiting is the worst

  39. mrsjenbug

    grape / 91 posts

    @NurseDMB: the waiting game is almost over (although I tested a bunch and way too early because the wait was killing me!!!) Good luck!

  40. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrsjenbug: congrats!!

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