pomegranate / 3764 posts
Thanks lovelies! I won't know a POAS date until we get a transfer date... fingers and toes crossed that happens!!!!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Can you change my POAS date to 2/6? Gonna test a little early when DH's with me. He missed the last BFP.
kiwi / 611 posts
Time for the crazy symptom questions to begin!!
I'm 3 DPO (which is WAY too early to even think about symptom spotting ) but I can't help notice the weirdest feeling today. It's almost like a mild let down/tingly feeling that comes and goes randomly throughout the day. My son weaned last May, so I doubt it has anything to do with that. Has anyone ever experienced this? It's so strange.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@jodyblair: No experience. I'm 1dpo and trying not to symptom spot. The only thing is my lower abdomen feels full and crampy which has my mind going wild. But it's probably just leftover ovulation cramping.
squash / 13764 posts
@jodyblair: I totally had that same feeling earlier today!! Only for a little bit. And 3dpo over here as well!
I've stopped temping for the rest of the tww as I don't think it would be helpful. Just trying to hold out to my poas date!
kiwi / 611 posts
@hilsy85: Really?! Isn't it so weird?? The TWW is making me notice every single tiny twinge and then analyze it like crazy.
squash / 13764 posts
@jodyblair: omg I know. I hate it! I just want to go to sleep and wake up at 12 dpo so I can test
pear / 1881 posts
Cycle Day: 13
TTC Cycle #: possibly 18 - honestly, I've lost count
Ovulation and POAS dates: O Date: 1/28 and POAS: 2/11
Baby #: 2 DD is 2.5 years old
Your plan this month: Same old. This is our fourth month of Letrozole/Femara. Continuing with timed intercourse, green tea, prenatals, Bcomplex, Conceive Plus, and acupuncture. This will be the third cycle of acupuncture and honestly, I'm loving it. It's SO relaxing!
Chart link:N/A
Any V day plans? hmmm..nope. Both of our parents live 2-3 hours away, so we will likely have a night at home. DH will be in Denver that week through Friday, so I'm assuming he will be tired. I'm just hoping we can celebrate a BFP on V day!
Good luck to all those out there!!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Does BDing get tedious to anyone else? When we started out at CD10 it was like "DTD every other day! All right!" Now it's kind of like "Do we have to? I'm tired." from both of us. Lol
I'm 1dpo so I'm really wanting to BD today and at 3dpo just to make sure. But I'm not feeling it!
squash / 13764 posts
@Danizaur: yes! We had a huge fight about it...I kind of hate baby making sex.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@jodyblair: @hilsy85: not to get your hopes up AT ALL, but I had the exact same mildy tingly let down feeling, and I haven't nursed in forever!!! It started around 4dpo.....it was so mild I could barely feel it at times, but I was def "aware" of it, if that makes sense. Hoping that's a good sign for both of you!
@NorthStar: best wishes this month!!!
clementine / 912 posts
Cycle Day: 21
TTC Cycle #: 6
Ovulation and POAS dates: O Date 1/24 or 1/25 (I think) and POAS: 2/5
Baby #: 2 DS is 18 months.
Your plan this month: Using pressed for the first time. We BDed as much as we could before I had to leave for a work conference on 1/25. My OPKs didn't confirm O before I left, so I'm just hoping that I O'd on CD 17 as I had in the past few months.
Chart link:N/A
Any V day plans? If we can find a babysitter, maybe attending a chili cook off at a friends. If we can't get a sitter, we probably just stay home. Hopefully, celebrating a BFP.
persimmon / 1183 posts
Cycle Day: 1!! AF showed today.
TTC Cycle #:4
Ovulation and POAS dates: Projected O-day is Valentine's Day
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Good sex and don't stress. Use OPK.
Testing: Feb 28
pear / 1610 posts
This is the first POAS thread I'm joining!
Cycle day: 1, woke up from a nightmare and welcomed AF. Boo!
TTC cycle: 2
Ovulation & POAS dates: maybe 2/10 or 2/11 for ovulating. I try not to POAS until AF is due or a day late so I'll say 2/27 or 2/28. I just weaned DD last month so I'm not sure what to expect and I never really temped or anything. I just went off what my phone app says! I guess I should pay more attention!
Baby #: 3!
Plan: try to BD as much as possible around fertile time. We got tired last month. And try to figure out my cycle better too!
Vday plans: none as of yet! Maybe we will get a date night but who knows!
kiwi / 611 posts
@NovBaby1112: That's exactly how I feel...just aware of the feeling. For some reason, I kind of just feel like we conceived this month. I'm really hoping I'm not setting myself up for disappointment by thinking that way though
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Having a LOT of cramping and aching ever since O. I don't know what this means.
kiwi / 643 posts
Cycle Day: 23
TTC Cycle #: 2nd cycle post MC. not really trying this month though, just kind of going with the flow. But figured I may as well join!
Ovulation and POAS dates: Feb 14th if AF doesn't show before then! Valentine's Day I have longer cycles which is why I'm waiting until then.
Baby #: 2.. My son is almost 18 months
Your plan this month: No plans. This is my 2nd cycle post MC, DH doesn't want to actually try until next cycle. So I have a feeling I will be joining the March boards - we are kind of just NTNP right now.
clementine / 912 posts
@stiletto_mom: Boo about AF!!
@creativemomma15: Welcome!! Hope the weaning helps you with TTC!
@jodyblair: Keeping positive is always great. I know what you mean about being disappointed, I felt that way back in December. I just "knew" I would get a BFP, but alas, I didn't. I would suggest having something fun to look forward to just in case.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Gah. We ended up skipping BDing last night and not gonna happen tonight either. Tomorrow is my last day in my fertile window (3dpo). We did it O-5, -2, -1, and I think we did it on O but I can't remember. We had good timing before O but I really wanted to catch as many fertile days as possible. I feel like it's too late in the game for anymore productive BDing. What do you all think?
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@Danizaur: hmmm I don't think 3dpo is technically still part of the fertile window? The 4-5 days pre ovulation and the day of O are the most fertile days. O+1 maybe, but Id think 2-3dpo are not fertile times so you should be fine!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@NovBaby1112: thanks!! I was wondering about that. My app that I'm using says it is, but I didn't really think so myself. But I figured it wouldn't hurt anyway! Haha.
squash / 13764 posts
@Danizaur: I agree that any day after O is not a fertile time--once that egg is released, that's it. Sounds like you had great timing!
nectarine / 2591 posts
@Danizaur: I agree that 3dpo is too late. I think you covered your bases anyway!
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@hilsy85: I just read what you wrote about your LO1 BFP in 2012. I had the exact same thing happen in 2012! It was a surprise "too much wine" accidental BFP no less. So I also am secretly hoping for a repeat conception! I didn't realize our LOs were the same age. When is your LOs Bday? Mine is November 13 (I was a week late).
cherry / 168 posts
Cycle Day: 7
TTC Cycle #: 7
Ovulation and POAS dates: O= 9/10th POAS =24th Feb
Baby #: 2 (DS is 19 months)
Your plan this month: Preseed, OPK's, charting CM
And just for fun… any Valentine's Day plans: Probably the same as last year. Fish and Chips on the beach and a swim (summer for us here)
squash / 13764 posts
@californiadreams: Mine is 10/18--his due date was 10/24, I got the BFP on 2/14/12, but must have O'd 2/1/12 or something. FX for both of us!!
Have to say, I"m not feeling too confident this cycle. Maybe it's because we missed O-1, or maybe I"m just trying to keep my hopes down, but I am pretty much thinking we are out this month...no symptoms to speak of at all at 5po and am not temping so no idea what that is....
pomelo / 5789 posts
Cycle Day: 17
TTC Cycle #:0 - NTNP until March
Ovulation and POAS dates: O date Feb 1st POAS Feb 23rd
Baby #:2
Your plan this month: Hubby wants to wait until some of my medical issues are resolved before TTC. We had originally agreed on Feb. We'll see.
Chart link:
And just for fun… any Valentine's Day plans? Absolutely nothing! We have to come up with a downpayment for a house.
clementine / 912 posts
@hilsy85: 5dpo is still really early. I completely understand you not wanting to get your hopes up. I'm usually pretty pessimistic about getting a BFP, but I feel good about this month. Fingers crossed.
apricot / 452 posts
Cycle Day: 21
TTC Cycle #: 21? Started TTC May 2013
Ovulation and POAS dates: O'd on 1/26, FF says POAS 2/8 but I doubt I'll make it that long!
Baby #: 2 (our LO will be 3 in Feb, I'm in denial!)
Your plan this month: continuing testing with the RE to develop a plan if this cycle is a bust. We meet with MFM (high risk OB) for a pre-conception consult this week since I had so many complications with C and I'm now considered AMA (I wasn't with C). Then we'll meet with the RE. We BD O-4, O-2 & O, so hopefully we'll catch the egg.
Chart link: not temping, but I did use OPK and track BD, http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3568c0
And just for fun… any Valentine's Day plans? We just make a fancier dinner for 2 after LO goes to bed and share some wine (unless I get a BFP!).
kiwi / 643 posts
So just took an OPK today for the hell of it (we aren't "trying" this month, wanted to take another cycle off after my MC).. And it's definitely positive. We had sex last night and were planning on it again tonight but now I'm freaking out, because it's CD24 which is pretty late to ovulate. Usually I ovulate between CD18-20.
I am taking B-6 which I heard can delay O.. But wouldn't it be bad if I conceived this late into my cycle? I know I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I'm so scared of having another miscarriage. :-\
grape / 91 posts
Now I'm preserve rating over my hubby having to leave on my O date...only got to BD O-2 and O-1. Hope that's enough.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@NurseDMB: Wow, that definitely looks positive! Maybe your O was delayed due to miscarriage... I lost my first pregnancy in late Oct/early Nov, and my cycles are still messed up I'm on my 2nd cycle post-MC, and both cycles had had O dates around the 30 day mark. I am definitely worried about conceiving that "late" in the cycle, but when I search on FF for charts with delayed O, late O, etc., there were a lot of pregnancy charts, and very few MC charts..... so I'm trying to cling to that hope.
@MrsJenBug: All of the charts I've seen indicate that O-1 and 0-2 are the best chances for BFPs, anyways!! I wish I could trade that for my O-3 and O this cycle!
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
TBD: jaguar
2/2: jodyblair; smith
2/3: DesertDreams88; californiadreams
2/4: hilsy85
2/5: fancyfunction; JennyG
2/6: 2farmmoms; Danizaur
2/7: clover; mrsjenbug
2/8: ballerinabee
2/11: NorthStar
2/14: NurseDMB
2/16: Hoots; YogiRunner
2/18: Willow
2/21: chaosmaven
2/23: wheres_c
2/24: snickers
2/27: creativemomma15
2/28: stiletto_mom
Cheerleader: Anya; simplyfelicity; MrsMccarthy; BandDmommy; NovBaby1112; travellingbee; autumnlove; Mrs. J; Kimberlybee; Honeygold89; AprilFool
pear / 1881 posts
Hi ladies! Question for you..how long does your surge last or how long do you get a positive on an OPK? I got a negative on a Wondo on Monday evening, positive Tuesday morning; however, had a negative that afternoon. I took a CPE OPK around lunch today and that is negative too..it just seems weird that my surge would be that short? or is that normal?
I have been attempting to temp, but my sleep has been crap lately. And, my temp went down this morning after going up yesterday (although, today's temp might be off since I slept so poorly). I'm just trying to figure out how long to keep BD!!
kiwi / 611 posts
@NorthStar: I think there's a wide range of normal. I was worried for the opposite reason. I got a positive opk two days in a row and started freaking out that my surge was too long, so I decided I wouldn't take any more. It's also possible your urine was more diluted when you tested and got the negative.
kiwi / 611 posts
@NurseDMB: I got pregnant with my son when I ovulated on cd 30 something following a miscarriage so it's not necessarily a bad thing. This cycle I didn't ovulate until cd 25!
squash / 13764 posts
@NorthStar: I had a similar experience where I had a negative OPK on Thursday morning, positive OPK thursday afternoon, and negative OPK Friday morning. According to my temps I O'd Friday (temp rise on Saturday). So I guess mine was really short too?
pear / 1881 posts
No wonder I'm not getting pregnant if it's that short! jeez! I might have to BD again tonight to call it safe..
kiwi / 643 posts
@DesertDreams88: Thanks! I think we will just go for it. Sorry you had to go through a MC as well.
@jodyblair: that's good to know, thanks!
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