grapefruit / 4066 posts
@NurseDMB: that looks positive to me! not sure about late ovulation, but wishing you the best this month!
@snickers: goodluck! (and SO jealous it is summer where you are!)
@hilsy85: keeping my fingers crossed for you 5 dpo is still very early
@NorthStar: I have a pretty short surge too, I think that's why its best to test 2-3 times per day bc sometimes people miss it if they have a short one!
pear / 1881 posts
@NovBaby1112: Thanks!!
With a short surge, I'm not sure the best time to BD, but we got Sunday morning, Monday evening, Tuesday evening and if possible, tonight. I'm hoping that is enough, but I'll keep temping to be sure..I'm just exhausted! lol
squash / 13764 posts
@NorthStar: sounds like your timing was great! I don't necessarily know that morning vs evening matters...but sounds like you'r covered!
@NovBaby1112: thanks
grape / 91 posts
@DesertDreams88: I hope so! I am so new to actually trying. I was one of those people who got pregnant without really trying the first time around (which I know is not normal) and all of my friends act like all of their children were conceived on the first cycle (which statistically seems off but who knows). I so appreciate all of the ladies on here!
squash / 13764 posts
Ladies, I need to be talked down (or maybe not??). I am kind of stressing about whether or not I have a progesterone issue...I noticed that all the charts on FF with "progesterone deficiency" are kind of up and down/spiky looking in the post-O phase, which mine have been as well. I also had very low Progesterone with my miscarriage (although my OB thinks that's because the fetus was not viable...). And pre m/c, I had spotting a few days before AF.
Since my m/c, my chart has still been somewhat spiky post-O, but I haven't really had spotting, and my luteal phase has never been short. What do you guys think? I'm debating asking my OB to do CD21 progesterone test just to get a number and see if it really is an issue...? Or do you think I'm just borrowing trouble?
pomelo / 5660 posts
@hilsy85: can you get appt with your OB and discuss? He/she can order bloodwork.
squash / 13764 posts
@BandDmommy: I can go in and get the cd21 bloodwork which would test progesterone 7dpo. And then I guess depending on the result go from there...but I guess I don't know if I'm being crazy for doing that? And if what I'm experience is totally normal, or cause for concern?
apricot / 315 posts
@hilsy85: If you aren't noticing spotting or a short LP, you probably don't have extremely low progesterone, but it might be borderline. How spiky are your temps? Lots of drops to the cover line? A slow rise? Only sustaining a high temp for a few days? Its worth talking to your doctor to get the levels taken just for piece of mind, of course.
I'm actually dealing with exactly what you are describing. I'm on my third cycle post m/c, and I've gone from 29-30 day cycles with no spotting to 25-26 days. My temps are spiky, with lots of dips to the coverline, a drop off at 7 dpo, spotting for 3-5 days pre AF and a short (9-10 days) LP. I'm going in for an annual in a couple weeks and I will be requesting bloodwork to figure out whats up.
How are you temping? I've heard vaginal temping is more reliable, so I just started that for this cycle and my temps do seem to be more consistent.
squash / 13764 posts
@Chaosmaven: thanks for chiming in! It's generally a sharp rise the day after o, but it's not a sustained rise...I get lots of drops, not all the way to the cover line but maybe .1, .2 above. Here are examples...I think I may just do the bloodwork for some peace of mind!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@Hilsy85 and @chaosmaven: I haven't done a lot of research into the relationship btwn low progesterone and post O temps, but I have been concerned too.... This was the first cycle where I had a slow rise / fallback rise, and my temps are lower than they have been in the past, so I've been wondering.
Do you think your OB GYNs would be willing to do a test? I wonder if mine would be... My reasons would be low post O temps and my loss, but I don't think that would be "enough." I feel like it's so frustrating that people have to suffer 12 months of trying or suffer multiple losses before they can even start investigating whats going on.
I have done some research into natural ways to increase progesterone, and it keeps coming back to vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, and de-stressing. There are some other tips but those are the ones most relevant to me so they stick out more. I'm getting extra B in my prenatals, and I'll start the other supplements next cycle if this one doesn't work out.
nectarine / 2591 posts
@hilsy85: I think if it stresses you out a test can't hurt. It'll either be ok and you can stop worrying or you can do something about it if it's low.
apricot / 315 posts
@DesertDreams88: I'm hoping my dr will accommodate me and get my levels tested, but I'm not sure. She's a family medicine practitioner, so she's my OB and my primary. I'm not sure if this is something she would do, or if she would refer me to an RE. I'm going in with the plan that if she wants me to wait, I'm going to request that we meet in 3 months (at the 6 months post m/c point) to reevaluate. I have added a B50 this cycle, extra vitamin C plus my prenatal. I've also heard that Vitex can help, but I'm nervous about the side effects. The only other thing I'm focusing on is losing 10% of my current weight, as I think a jump start for my metabolism could help reset my hormones - it can't hurt, right?
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
So I just woke up in the middle of the night to a sharp cramping. It burns almost and it was constant. It's starting to go away but it really really hurt. It woke me up out of a dead sleep.
squash / 13764 posts
@DesertDreams88: when I saw her after my m/c she said she'd be willing to...I am taking a b complex vitamin last cycle and thus cycle after O. Maybe it takes a while to help?
@AprilFool: @BandDmommy: thanks ladies! I think I will...
pomelo / 5660 posts
@hilsy85: I went to my OB after a wonky cycle and he ordered bloodwork. Everything was fine but it was nice to know.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@hilsy85: I think I would go too, just to know either way...esp if your OB is allowing you to get it done. But I stress more when something is "unknown" and I like knowing what's going on... Good luck and I hope it's nothing to worry about! From everything Ive seen, a short LP is usually a sign of low P and I don't think you have a short LP
squash / 13764 posts
Gahhh after all my questions and my decision to go, I realized I can't actually go this month--we don't have health insurance this week until Monday due to DH starting a new job, and I would need to get bloodwork done tomorrow, so we'd be paying out of pocket. I will call to find out how much it is, but I will prob end up waiting til next month and just go then. So annoying!!! Thanks for all the feedback, everyone--I think I will definitely get the test done next month because like you said, better to have more information and put my mind at ease.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@hilsy85: dang!! That stinks! Well I hope it works out for you soon.
cherry / 107 posts
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle #: 5
Ovulation and POAS dates: O around 2/12 and POAS 2/25
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Continue OPKs twice a day. Previous cycles I only tested in the afternoon and didn't get a positive. Last cycle I caught it when testing in the morning.
And just for fun… any Valentine's Day plans? I have to work so nope!
clementine / 912 posts
I'm only on 4dpo and it feels like f-o-r-e-v-e-r until I can start POAS. Anyone testing soon that I can root for???
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@hilsy85: just lurking! I'd def test just to settle any worries! FX for you this month and that you don't even have to take the prog test next cycle!!
apricot / 452 posts
@JennyG: @jodyblair: @Danizaur: I'm 3dpo and it's dragging for me too. 2ww to O (more like 3 for me!) and then 2ww for BFP/N. Too much waiting!!
pomegranate / 3411 posts
Hey question about implantation bleeding. How many days post ovulation is it typical to occur? I think I might've ovulated on Saturday, and it is now five days later and I just went to the bathroom and wiped a bit of very extremely faint pinkish brown discharge. Would this not be too early for there to be implantation bleeding? My temperature was also lower today I don't know if that means anything? I thought it was supposed to stay higher until my next cycle starts. It is my first month temping. I also stopped breast-feeding two weeks ago, so I don't know if things are changing and that factors in to the temperature and discharge just now.....thoughts?
squash / 13764 posts
@californiadreams: I thinkbthats about the right time? And you could have an implantation dip on your chart?
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@hilsy85: I haven't read up that much on implantation yet. So I did not know there should be a dip… So could it be that I might actually be pregnant? I think I had ruled it out for this month because I thought it would be too good to be true. And that I would only have a chance in the next cycle where I wasn't breast-feeding at all. I'm so anxious to test now, and before I went to the bathroom I have no problem waiting two weeks!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@JennyG: @jodyblair: @Danizaur: @ballerinabee: rooting for you all and hoping the wait goes by quickly!!
@californiadreams: that could possibly be implantation bleeding, esp with the temp dip too..I had a temp dip at 5dpo my last cycle...goodluck !!
@hilsy85: that's a bummer! But I'm with mrsjyw and hoping you wont even need to get it done next cycle!
apricot / 261 posts
I'm on CD12 and I've had ewcm for the past two days... so I'm hoping I will ovulate on CD14 or 15 (mainly because that means I'll be able to POAS a few days earlier! haha). But it would also indicate that maybe my cycles actually are getting shorter. It's not super exciting, but I just wanted to tell someone.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Totally symptom-spotting over here at 6dpo.... Backache, weird twinges / pinches, and a headache all day long even despite tons of water and a little bit of caffeine. I agree with everyone else, the TWW is absolutely dragging! Especially considering the fact that it took me 31 days to ovulate!
kiwi / 611 posts
@DesertDreams88: I'm 6 DPO today too and didn't ovulate until CD 25 so I'm with you! Especially since I thought I ovulated around CD 15. I feel like I've had two TWW this cycle! I really hope I can hold out testing until 10 dpo. I'm already anxious to test!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@californiadreams: Ooh that sounds promising!
@Willow: Yay! Good luck!!
@DesertDreams88: I'm symptom spotting like crazy even though I'm trying not to. Just 4dpo here
Today I had a LOT of symptoms show up. A lot of them I remember having in my TWW with DS. I hope they're real and not all in my head for wishful thinking.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Finished catching up on the thread and responding, went to the bathroom and had a tiny amount of pink when I wiped. 4dpo. Implantation bleeding I hope? It just seems early for it? I'm not sure. Stopped temping so I can't confirm it.
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@hilsy85: i just finished catching up on what i missed the past few days and i second what the others have said - get the testing done next month so u can put your mind at ease!
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@NovBaby1112: @Danizaur: thanks!
@Reese: haha thanks! and it;s ok, i creep you sometimes too.
pomegranate / 3411 posts
@Danizaur: fingers crossed for you! maybe it is possible you O'd earlier than you thought? FX for you!
@DesertDreams88: add me to the TWW dragging on,,,,at least since today i want to test. i might use a FRER this weekend.
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