I feel like I post about sleep a lot but it seems to be what's hardest for LO. She used to sleep like a champ, especially at night. In laye November, her sleep started to go bad but about two weeks ago we got her back to going to bed around 8, a short wakeup at 12:30 that just required me to pat her back for a second, a wakeup around 4:30 to eat, and up for the day at 7:30-8. Christmas and traveling ruined it though.

Her bedtime was off even though I did her routine at the same time. Last night, she finally fell asleep at 7:45 again after I was persistent at starting her bedtime routine around 6:30 (she had been going to sleep at 10). However, she's still waking up a ton. And I mean every hour to hour and a half. I only feed her if it's around four. The other times I either have to pat her back, turn her onto her back from her stomach, replace her pacifier, or do all three.

I'm tired. I was going to ask my husband to take over for a few hours tonight since he doesn't work tomorrow. But should we do something else? Should we do CIO at every wakeup besides the one where she eats? He's off until Monday so we'd have three nights to tackle this together.

She's five and a half months old and still sleeps in our room. That's an improvement from a week ago when she was in our bed almost all night. We want to move her into her room but I just can't do it with all the wake ups, I would never get any sleep. When she can go a few hours again we want to move her though. And we may try anyway as her doctor suggested she might be waking up because she senses we're nearby.

Advice? I'm exhausted.

Edit: I meant to add that she's had a cold since around Monday so I do realize we might have to wait for it to pass to do anything. It's just been going on for a while.