With IVF looking imminent for us, we are scrambling to figure out how to afford it. I started researching grants, loans, and scholarships. Most of the grants I found had a $50 application fee, which isn't a ton but every penny counts with infertility treatments. It feels like a bit of a gamble. I jokingly told my husband maybe we would be better off taking $50 to the casino and trying out our luck there. Most of the scholarships are limited by an income cap, which we don't qualify for. We make decent money but obviously don't have $10,000 lying around. So that's sort of frustrating. Then there are loans, which I hate the idea of, because we have been fighting tooth and nail to pay off all our debt/live debt free.

So what do you think? Is there any great way to pay for infertility treatments when you don't have coverage?