Hellobee Boards


What Helped You Conceive?

  1. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    I was way relaxed when we went on our Paris vacation, and no baby came from that. For me, relaxing/drinking/whatever had nothing to do with it It took 2 years, 3 IUIs, 1 IVF and 1 FET with acupuncture for anything to take, much less stick.

  2. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    We've been TTC for 11 months now but only 8 cycles during that time. I had a chemical pregnancy on cycle #7 and that was the first cycle we used PreSeed (I've been temping and using OPKs throughout). So for some reason I'm convinced PreSeed is necessary going forth... When I went to the doctor for my annual exam, aside from some RXs, she recommended fertility-specific massages and acupuncture. I haven't tried that yet though.

    ETA: For me, it'll be next to impossible to eliminate stress. I work in a stress-centric (like that word?!) industry so it's just a part of life. DH thinks I put too much pressure on myself and getting pregnant. I don't think that's been making a difference in getting pregnant or not...

  3. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    acupuncture really helped for me i think. i also added some more fats to my diet and went off gluten and soy.


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