My daughter is almost 10 months old and is an all-star sleeper. She has been sleeping through the night since she was six weeks old but in the past two weeks she has woken up screaming her head off. The first time it happened, she stopped crying the second I picked her up but refused to go back in her crib. I ended up sleeping with her in the guest bedroom. It was a horrible nights sleep because I was sooooo paranoid since I have never slept with her before. It didn't happen again until the next week and I had to sleep with her again. She would freak out the second I would try to put her back in the crib. Also, before she woke up crying for us, she woke my husband and me up because she was whimpering in her sleep. It happened again three nights ago and had happened every night since then. It takes about an hour before I can get her back in her crib to fall asleep. She protests a little but I just rub her back and talk to her until she falls asleep. What could be going on? Does it sound like separation anxiety or maybe even nightmares? What can I do to help her? It is the most heart breaking cry ever. My husband said it sounds like she is crying because she is scared. I get to her as fast as I can but she gets so worked up in that minute it takes me to get there that it even messes up her breathing. Sorry for the novel but I just hate that our little sweetie is having to go through this and I want to fix it. Thanks for reading!