I know it's always something with baby sleep, but just need some ideas on what might be going on. My 13 month old had been sleeping beautifully (7-6:30am ish), then she got sick/ear infection and started waking up around 3am screaming- so I would give her some ibuprofen and bottle and she would go back to sleep. The antibiotics kicked in and she started STTN again for a few days and seemed like her normal self.

But the last 4-5 nights maybe, she has been waking up at 3am and basically fussing/tossing/turning and going back to sleep in 5 minutes only to wake up 5-10 minutes later and this goes on until 4:30am, at which point she starts crying so I have been getting her and giving her some pain med figuring she must be in pain, and some milk and then she has been sleeping until 8/8:30. I tried just rocking her last night without giving her a bottle and she freaked out until she got one.

Does this sound like teething pain? Or do you think she has gotten used to eating at 3/4am again and just needs to figure it out on her own? I guess I am just not sure what to do. I basically haven't slept from 3-5am for the last 5 nights and I am tired, but if she is teething or in pain I understand. I just dont want to continue doing this if she is just waking up out of habit now, plus I am going to be attempting to bottle wean soon.