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What is your IDEAL birth month?

  1. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @TurtleDoves: DD is late April baby and it was perfect! If there weren't already 3 may birthdays in our family I'd try for a may baby this time

  2. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    I'm due at the end of July and so far it's working out pretty well, but as it's getting really hot, I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable, so I said June. I wouldn't mind having the end just a little closer. My main considerations are I wouldn't want to potentially be in labor in a huge snowstorm (so for New England, avoid Dec through March due dates) and I wouldn't want to deal with morning sickness in the first trimester in the summer- it was bad enough when at least it was cold out. With a summer baby I avoided both of those things, and by the time I'm ready to take the baby out on adventures, it will be early fall, my absolute favorite time of year!

    In actuality, our baby's due date is mostly because of a big exam DH took this weekend-- we knew he'd be studying like crazy and didn't want the baby due before and right around the test, so we didn't start trying until 9 months ago!

  3. BelugaBean

    pomegranate / 3516 posts

    I do love when LO was born (mid-July) but next time we'd ideally want a November-January baby. It's busy during the holidays but our hard time with LO was when she was about 2-5 months old so that would put that time frame at a good time of the year. Plus, I like the idea of not having birthdays too close. Also, the baby would start to really be mobile right when summer is getting started so I like the idea of that too.

  4. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    We had DS in Nov and liked that we were in indoor weather season for his first few weeks, but it didn't warm up until April so I didn't get to spend much time outdoors or out with him. Ideally next time, I'd like a Feb/Mar baby though, so that by the time baby is past 8 weeks or so, I can enjoy being outside/out more!

  5. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @luckypenny: so good to hear! Its tough because I want to be pregnant right now...like NOW. But, I know that having an April or May baby will be so worth it:) No more winter babies if I can help it!

  6. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    I voted September but for superficial reasons.

    I was pregnant through winter last time and hated dressing my pg body in winter clothes. I feel I had to spend more in maternity clothes because of the season.

    For a summer pregnancy I could be in maxi dresses, draw string shorts and stretchy tanks the entire summer. Those are all things I currently own and could wear.

  7. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    I think April would be great. I'm due in November, and up here, we're juuuuust gearing up for a long, long, LONG (and cold) winter... It'll be getting dark at 4:00, freezing, and snowy for a good (at least!) 4 months after!

  8. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    In general, June since I'm on Ana academic schedule and can work a bit more flexibly in the summer than semester (especially semesters that I teach)! But we're ttc now-- if we get pregnant I will probably take the spring semester off, depending on due date, or will otherwise manage something to make it an easier workload

  9. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    LO was born in early May, and it was fantastic! Assuming we get pregnant when we actually start trying again (and not before), we'll have a June baby.

  10. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    D was born in January, and being stuck inside for the majority of my maternity leave was rough. I voted for March, but I'd be happy with April, too. Cuz then you get to enjoy some nice weather and actually go out for walks and stuff. Plus, I'm a March baby. (c:

  11. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    LO was born late August and I like that her birthday is in the summer like DH and I but being pregnant in the summer was horrible. I'd love a June baby.

  12. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: that is an upside to being pregnant over the summer! the only "maternity" clothes I bought were a pair of jeans - the rest was all one-size up tank tops & roomy dresses.

    My son was a September baby and I liked the timing as a teacher (started the year and then came back after winter break). I think if/when we have another, I'd try for the more "traditional" teacher month of April, so I can have the summer for maternity leave.

  13. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    I had a November baby and loved it...I liked being cozy at home with my newborn bc she slept so much early on...no pressure to get out and about or to be in cute summer clothes.

    I voted October bc that's what I would like for my next baby...September would be good too except there's already a lot going on that month.

    @Lindsay05: I'm pretty sure I read somewhere (the book Outliers maybe) that there are no professional hockey players with a December birthday...or maybe it was no starting professional hockey player

  14. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I don't really have an ideal, although I'd prefer not December, January or February as a lot is already going on in those months for us (Holidays, DH's birthday, my birthday, our anniversary).

    August - November seem great to me.

  15. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    Nothing like a spring baby! Less likely to get infections, pregnant during winter months. Get to go outside and play post-partum.

  16. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    My ideal would be late June. Not too far into summer and really hot weather, but far enough to hopefully ensure warm enough weather to labor in my birth tub outside (it's June 4th and we're wearing jackets outside up here in ND). Also, it's a good time of the year for Farmer Man and I can only imagine how lovely it must be to have a baby during a beautiful time of the year, as opposed to the dark days my babies have been born in so far (December, February, and this one is due in November).

  17. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    September is pretty great for me as a teacher - I'll start mat leave at 27 weeks and be off for 14 months with the year mat leave. While it will be hot, hopefully days at the beach and pool will help! It doesn't get too too hot here in Canada so hopefully I'll be okay!

  18. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    I want a May baby because DH and I are both born in May and I like when my birthday is.

    Otherwise, maybe March so that I have a few months before bikini season

  19. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    I voted October, because growing up I wanted a Halloween baby! Realistically, my ideal month is probably May or June due to work. We've been TTC since November, though, so at this point I'll take what I can get

  20. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    I voted December because DS is December and #2 will be December. I didn't want to be heavily pregnant during the summer months. Also, I figure with breast feeding you aren't going out much anyways. It was nice to have a 5-6 month old when the weather was warm and I didn't have to worry about the baby being too cold

  21. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    I voted April because I'm a teacher. 12 week maternity leave would get me to summer and then I wouldn't have to come back to work until late August.

    @char54: You're so lucky to have that nice long mat leave! My biggest fear is a late summer or early fall baby because I will have to go back after 12 weeks and I don't want a long term sub setting the tone for the year.

  22. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    May. I'd love to have summer off on maternity leave and I cant imagine giving birth in the late fall again and having a toddler and newborn cooped up in the house all winter. LO was born in Nov and while it was nice to have the holidays with a newborn, i hated not being able to go outside much and the flu/germ season was scary as well.

  23. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    i'd love a spring baby...would prefer baby not have a december birthday. i always disliked that growing up. but really i'd be thrilled no matter what!

  24. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @sandy: hmmm interesting!

  25. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    @mrs. 64: I had a late September baby and it wasn't so bad. I started off the first 6 weeks and then took off until January. My long term sub was AWFUL. The kids loved him, but the stories I heard from my teammates stunk. All that to say, I came back in January and we had a kick ass 2nd semester & everyone adjusted spectacularly.

  26. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: May I ask you a question on the less likely to get ear infections point...less likely when? In the first year? After? I only ask because I had a December baby and his first ear infection was in April, at almost 2.5 years old. I was paranoid he'd be sick the first year!

  27. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @looch: oh I didn't say ear infections. I was thinking specifically about brochiolitis season where everyone is trapped indoors and passing around their colds. Babies born in spring and summer usually don't get brochiolitis until they are a little older and stronger.

    My poor February baby was so sick, but she was also a mostly formula baby, so that probably didn't help, while my May baby didn't get a single cold until 18 months.

  28. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: yeah, you're right! I don't know why I read ear infections, I guess I am paranoid about them, honestly!

    My son caught a cold at 9 months, when my husband brought it home from the office. He also got sick a bunch when he started day care at just a little over 2. The ear infection came from there, no doubt.

  29. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @looch: I do that all the time!

  30. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: @looch: Well now that we're talking about ear infections.... I'm confused about them. LO had her first one last week at 6 months old. Every baby in her class at day care had one. But when I asked her ped about keeping her out of school he said it was fine to send her because ear infections aren't contagious. I don't get it?

  31. cavalierkcs

    cherry / 157 posts

    I voted January because I'm an accountant and my 12 week maternity leave would fall over tax season (when we have to work 12-16 hour days).

    Things worked out and I'm due 1/23. Now just nervous to tell work...:-/

  32. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @mewtill: That makes me feel better. Thanks!

  33. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    I'm due August 1st, and I think I'm in the minority when I say I actually like being in the 3rd trimester in the summer. It's so nice to just be able to throw on a dress and walk out the door. Plus there's so much going on in the summer so the third tri is flying by! I'd much rather be hugely pregnant in the summer than in the winter and have to dress in heavy clothing/winter coats and worry about slipping and falling on ice.

  34. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @nana87: I agree, an academic calendar does make things more interesting. We were aiming for a baby between semesters or over the summer. Now, though, I am more of the attitude that we will just make it work!

  35. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    I had January and February babies and I thought those were pretty good months! I wish my Jan baby was towards the end of January though, instead of the beginning.

    I think those are ideal months, at least in California, because I got to be pregnant in winter (and CA winters are pretty nice - 60s, crisp and cold with not too much rain).. and when I gave birth it was still chilly, but warming up... so by the time I hit my 6-week check-up it was perfect for a run outdoors or take my baby out without worrying about extreme cold or heat.

    I also like that it's around the time when the holidays are over, there aren't too many holidays in the beginning of the year to have to share a birthday with, and things are calming down some.

    I wouldn't want a baby anywhere from July-December. July-October because it's so hot. September-December because then I'd have to wait another year to enroll them in Kindergarten... and with so many holidays around that time it would be madness to celebrate a birthday too (not to mention our wedding anni is also in November - just too much going on).

    Whew, didn't mean to write a Novella!

  36. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I had a June baby and loved it! June is the start of winter here, but our winter is about 75 and sunny every day, so it was perfect.

    This time around, I think our due date is going to be early Feb and I'm cringing at the thought of going through an entire tropical summer whilst heavily pregnant. October through March are beastly here, from what I've heard - temps in the mid 90s every day and high, high humidity. Ugh. I didn't swell at all with my last pregnancy, but I have a feeling it will be different this time!

  37. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @MamaMoose: The ear infection itself is not contagious. It's caused by a respiratory infection that then becomes an ear infection... so if the child is no longer contagious from a respiratory perspective (cough, runny nose, sneezing) then they can't really transmit their ear infection.

  38. teamjse

    nectarine / 2274 posts

    A spring baby, I had Ds in July and being pregnant in the summer sucked. My poor Dh was freezing in our house yet I couldn't get it cold enough for me.

  39. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: that makes sense! Thanks!

  40. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    I'm due in January which was my least preferred month. I'd love March because spring is around the corner & I think it would be a lovely motivator for getting back into the swing of things. With that said, I wouldn't trade my Jan due date now.

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