I’m curious what a normal amount of communication is in first grade. My older one just started first grade at a new school with a new (possibly first year) teacher. And I’m finding the amount that’s expected from us to be overwhelming.

For some context, I have a job that can at times be fairly stressful and in the evenings I need down time. I spend most of my days going from meetings to meeting and then most nights I cook dinner. I also have a very needy/screamy/still potty training 4 year old that I typically have to contend with while DH does the dishes.

So anyways, my son’s teacher has given us a huge amount of paperwork on communication, homework, behavior, etc. We receive emails from her plus she also uses an app called Remind to send us messages. We are expected to read his binder every night and initial his daily behavior. We are also expected to do his homework with him (she told us 15 minutes now and 20 minutes later this year) and we’re supposed to have him read 15 minutes every night. Every Tuesday we’re supposed to check his blue folder for school announcements.

I feel like I’m being bombarded with messages from the school and the teacher. I also got really annoyed when I checked his behavior today and she circled where I didn’t initial yesterday. Like I’m the student that didn’t do an assignment. I’m a busy ass grown up who read it and didn’t have a pen and had to deal with a poop accident from the 4 year old and then forgot. DH told me we should just initial all of them ahead of time and I was annoyed so I did for the week 😂.

I don’t like that there’s so many forms of communication, so many messages, and so many expectations on the parents. I have a busy stressful life and I just want him to go to school and come home, like he did last year.

I know this was kind of a rant, but I’m also curious what’s normal for first grade and elementary school in terms of parental involvement and all the communication.