I've heard people say it takes 6 weeks to feel normal after a vaginal birth, and potentially longer with a c-section.
When did you feel up to taking a walk again? I know I'm going to want to get out of the house!
I've heard people say it takes 6 weeks to feel normal after a vaginal birth, and potentially longer with a c-section.
When did you feel up to taking a walk again? I know I'm going to want to get out of the house!
pomelo / 5178 posts
Immediately. Walking outside really helped with the baby blues, so we started taking daily walks with DD the day we got home from the hospital!
grapefruit / 4554 posts
It took me 6 weeks to not waddle! We started taking walks around the neighborhood around 8 weeks or so.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
I had a c-section and went under general anestesia and my lungs partially collapsed because I didn't understand the importance of their little blowing machine.
And.... I was walking a tiny bit around noon after my 7pm c-section. I was in the hospital another 2 mornings and did 3 mini laps around the mother-baby ward 3x/day. Walking is very very important for healing!
(Granted I walked like a zombie... all stiff legs, hunched over, often leaning on the wheeled baby plastic basket/ahem, bassinette.)
I tried to walk daily after that but there are stairs to my apartment so I think I walked every other day the first week or so home, and then daily. The walks gradually got a little longer... but I was definitely outside the first day home from the hospital. It was not easy but it was necessary.
My healing was slow and I was not cleared for speed walking/ running/the gym until 10 weeks pp (and that is not normal).
clementine / 878 posts
Immediately - the day after we came home, we got out the stroller and took a walk around the block. That's all I was up to for about a week, then we gradually took longer and longer walks. By 6 weeks post-partum, I was ready to get back into my pre-pregnancy workout regimen.
Vaginal birth - epidural - couple of stitches.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
phew, glad to hear this. I remember reading that any exercise right away can delay healing because it makes you bleed heavier?? I wish I remember where I saw that! But I have a lovely stroller I'm dying to break in
kiwi / 553 posts
@sorrycharlie: I took a walk two days after coming home. When I think of "exercise" post partum, I think going to the gym, exercise DVDs, etc. The heavier bleeding occurs when you overdo it. I was told not to formally exercise until after I get clearance at my 6 week PP appointment, but I never took that as "don't walk around the neighborhood." So show off that awesome stroller!
grapefruit / 4120 posts
You'll know how much you can walk. I was surprised how little I could walk for a week or so afterwards. I had a lot of soreness and couldn't get very far. A stroll is different from a power walk, too!
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
Day 2 I was ready to go. I felt like a million bucks once that little parasite was out
persimmon / 1150 posts
I walked maybe a week after birth... I hurt up until 5 weeks, so it was a painful walk.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
What did people with winter deliveries do? I want to be out walking, but I'm due in January in Montana and we don't have sidewalks or plow our roads!
pomegranate / 3383 posts
I had a scheduled c-section. We went for a short walk when LO was 4 days old and it was slooooow! I wanted to return to the gym at around 5 weeks but didn't go back in for my first workout until 7 weeks.
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
I started walking about day 2 I think. I agree, getting outside in the sunlight really helped with the baby blues and keeping me feeling normal.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@jedeve: You could always look at walking indoors, maybe in the mall and keep the baby covered?
I started walking outside right away but for short trips because I was pretty sore and it was super hot outside.
After about 2 weeks I would do lots of walking and bouncing with the baby inside. She still loves to be held while I do squats or lounges. It was a great way to get in shape while in the house with the baby!
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
My body felt healed enough to go on a short, slow walk after about a week.
I was just too tired to leave my bed
kiwi / 614 posts
As soon as I was released from the hospital. So, 3 days post-partum. Granted I could have walked before that it's just that I was stuck in the hospital.
I had a vaginal birth with a few stitches. The only pp pain I had was due to the horrific experience I had with a forgotten compress...
grapefruit / 4006 posts
Bumping this thread - I am almost a week post partum and am having a lot of trouble walking normally outside. I do a slow shuffle. anyone know when I can expect to walk normally again?
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@JessLC: I couldn't walk very normally until closer to 2 weeks, and even then wasn't for very long. At 4 weeks I think we took a walk around the block and I was sore after, but at 5 weeks now I'm pretty good. Sore once in a while but not as bad as before!
Eta--I had a 2nd degree tear(s) and lots of stitches!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@JessLC: It took probably 3 weeks or so before I could walk normally. I was moving verrrrrry slowly up until that point.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I went for a walk down the street the day after we got home from hospital - my back still hurt and I was exhausted but made a point to walk a little every day from that point on. I would say I felt totally normal at 2 weeks. I was power walking at 4 weeks and jogging again at 6 weeks once cleared by my doc.
I had a vag birth and a small baby - 5.5 lbs - but pushed hard and fast so did end up with a tear and stiches.
nectarine / 2797 posts
I went for a walk around the neighborhood at 5 days pp. I think we would have gone out sooner but I gave birth during a heat wave and that was the first day below 100 degrees!
coconut / 8279 posts
I had mediolateral episiotomy with million stitches and I felt fine to walk (go for a walk, run errands) as soon as I was released from the hospital, which was 5 days after having DS.
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