coconut / 8498 posts
I think I'm going to try to cut back to two sessions a day at 11 moths and wean completely after a year. I'm looking forward to having my body back, but not quite ready to stop nursing yet.
clementine / 961 posts
I really miss wearing a good pretty wire bra but I do plan to BF to 24 months. I plan to slowly reduce the amount of boob time at 18 months and switch to BM in a sippy cup. I really wish I was comfortable with extended breastfeedin but I just can't see myself feeling comfortable BFing DD when she is past 24 months. I really love the idea if Extended BFing but it's just not for me. DD is already wanting solids at 3.5 months but after really thinking about it last night I'm going to try and hold her off until she is 5-6 months if that doesn't work pedi gave the ok to start at 4 months.
watermelon / 14206 posts
My son was 15 months when we weaned. We were tapering down, and then he had a cold which made it difficult for him to breathe while nursing. I took the opportunity to stop at that point.
With this next child, I'll breastfeed until at least a year, but at 12 months I'll slow her down and have her done by 18 months.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@littlek: I think that the fact that I was pumping instead of nursing really put a damper on things too. He would take over an hour to nurse off of me and I would still have to pump afterwards. I was exhausted, and breastfeeding just never came easy to either of us!
I certainly feel like the bum mom compared to most everyone else though!
persimmon / 1026 posts
I EBF until 4 months and then we slowly starting supplementing with formula. At 6.5 months he was officially on all formula. It's been a few weeks now so I'm adjusted to not nursing/pumping anymore and I do have to say it's pretty liberating! I wish we could have gone longer because formula is so freaking expensive but my LO was way too distracted during nursing sessions and my supply tanked big-time so I was hardly pumping anything. My original goal was 3 months so I'm happy with how everything turned out.
clementine / 916 posts
I was EBF until 4 weeks, but due to LOs bad reflux I switched to pumping. Pumping is a huge pain, but I've put up with. It pretty well for the past 3.5 months. I'm hoping to feed her exclusively breast milk for at least a year, but we'll see.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
I saw a Toddlers & Tiaras episode the other day where one of the featured little girls was still BFing at 3.5 yrs old. I can't imagine EVER wanting to do it that long!!!
grapefruit / 4136 posts
I BF until 4 months, but I had supply issues the whole time (had to supplement from week 2 on) and once I went back to work it was just too stressful for me, I couldn't deal with it.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Dd is 22 months on Sunday and I still nurse her 2-3x a day.
DS is 5 weeks old and I nurse and give him pumped milk.
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
I went to a year with my twins. My daughter is 15 months and nurses once. We are almost done.
persimmon / 1361 posts
@cascademom: it's stressful trying to work and pump! I would find myself trying to rush to pick him up before he got his 4th bottle for the day because I could usually keep up with giving him 3/day, but not 4. It is nice to be able to play "catch up" with a formula bottle here and there. Every time I have something odd scheduled at work I have to worry about where/when I'm going to pump. We are thinking about introducing solids soon, but i've heard it doesn't necessarily lead to less BM intake, but I might be wrong on that??
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
Still BF-ing LO at 11 months, 5 days. We supplemented with formula for the first couple weeks after birth, but from then until we introduced solids at around 5 months, she was EBF. We really took it day by day - BF-ing was so difficult! I'm really proud of us for making it this far
I'd like to start slowly weaning her so that we're done at a year, but she likes boobie way too much.
coconut / 8498 posts
@Amelieisme: Solids didn't reduce our BM intake at all. She still takes one 6oz bottle a day and nurses 3-4x a day.
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
We're at 10.5 months right now and still nursing 3-4times a day. I go back to work when she turns 1, and I think we'll just do mornings and nights. I would love for her to wean herself by June since I'm going away with my sister for a long weekend.
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