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When did you stop nursing your LO in the middle of the night?

  1. Mrs. Bee

    admin / watermelon / 14210 posts

    olive is almost 6 months and i'm thinking that i have to cut it out in the next month. but it will be so hard!!!!

  2. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @chopsuey119: your doctor didn't tell you to cut out co-sleeping right? i think cuddle time will be just the thing ... i don't think there is any reason to make her CIO.

  3. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @chopsuey119: If our doctor actually knew how we were raising our son, they would probably drop us. He is 3 weeks away from 12 months old. He still nurses two times a night in bed with me. Typically he starts in his crib and ends in his crib but what happens between is a crapshoot. When he was first born and crying for 12 hours straight and the only ways we or he could sleep was on our chest, our pediatrician was like "you aren't asleep when you do that". I was like "um right" but we so where. It is what we had to do for our family at the time or no one would ever get any sleep. Granted this is the same doctor that still won't admit he has food intolerance, has a weight problem (dropped from 50th - 0.5 percentile) or had a yeast infection for 7 weeks. We don't see her anymore.

    We also didn't do purees with our little man. He was fed solids since he was 5 months old. He now eats more food than most 3 year olds and loves meat. Our pediatrician wanted us to give him iron supplements and I never got around to it. Well, they did a full panel on him and he had no iron issues. So I just take the doctor's advice with a grain of salt. Take what works and leave the rest.

    Do you think there is a problem? Up until recently (8 weeks ago) we felt there were problems with his food absorption so he nursed all night just to get food. Now he nurses at night because he refuses any breastmilk or formula during the day. So he gets all his ounces at night.

    We are looking at dropping one of the night feeds at this point because we think he can handle it. He is taking some ounces during the day (approximately 5 on most days) and he is absorbing the foods that he does get. He can soothe himself and cry for less than 10 minutes to get to sleep. So we are going to start with 10 minutes of CIO for the middle of the night.

    For example, here is our approximate schedule.
    sometime between 2 and 4 am: Middle of the night feeding
    7:00 am: Desired wake time and nursing
    10:00 am: Nap 1
    11:30 am: Lunch (4-5 nuggets, 4-5 apples slices, some puffs) offered up to 5 oz of milk
    1:00 pm: Nursing (I get a lunch break here)
    2:30 pm: Nap 2
    4:00 pm: Snack (puffs and the rest of the milk he didn't drink)
    5:00 pm: Pickup and nursing
    6:00 pm: Dinner (whatever we are eating. yesterday was turkey burger and squash) and water
    8:00 pm: Bedtime
    10:00 pm: He typically wakes and nurses (Most evenings I am working so this is when I get home and he can nurse)

  4. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @Andrea: I could tell she wasn't big on the idea, but she gave us her opinion about LO sleeping in her bed and me in my bed. And left it at that. Said "I said my peace.. what you end up doing is up to you.."

  5. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @brownie: HAhaha. You're awesome. It's so great that your little guy is a great solids eater! My LO doesn't eat as much as I'd like so I just fill her up with breast milk! I just did some research and I found that milk after 1 year is actually higher in fat/nutrients and it still has all the good stuff LOs need in their first year.
    My pediatrician was pushing whole milk on us, but eh. I'll give her some and will continue to nurse every 3 hours during the day.
    Thanks SO much for your comment! I told DH that I'm going to go with my instincts and just do what I feel is right for my LO and me.

  6. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @chopsuey119: i'm sure we all do things that someone thinks is "bad" but you know your LO the best. and you will always do what YOU think is the best for her.

  7. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @chopsuey119: You need a new pediatrician! That whole "i've said my peace" thing is BS. She should listen to your needs and help you facilitate those things. I understand doctors are against co-sleeping because of medical issues that have been brought up about it. That is fine (that is fairly common knowledge) but really, at 1 year old the issue with SIDS is mostly over. That just makes me angry for you. Do you have a la leche league? They may know of pediatricians that are more open and understanding of nursing.

  8. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    I need to stop feeding LO at night too, she's 5.5 months, my husband gives me crap about feeding her (2-3x's a night) but I'm on auto pilot in the middle of the night and I just make her a bottle. Ugh..

    Good luck to you

  9. ohapostrophe

    apricot / 464 posts

    I'd tell that pediatrician to take a hike (actually I'd just nod and ignore like I do with mine but still). If your baby is healthy I see no reason to change what you're doing as long as it's also working ok for you. My son started sttn at 7 months, regressed a bit a 9, and then got back to 11ish hours overnight at 10 months. He's 12 months now and rarely wakes in the middle of the night but if he does I nurse him.

  10. cupcakemama

    persimmon / 1465 posts

    @chopsuey119: I'm sorry that you had such a crummy Dr's visit!
    It's not like you can just decide one morning "no night feeds!" and have it happen.

  11. SAHM0811

    grapefruit / 4049 posts

    @brownie: @ohapostrophe: hahaha... I'm so with you guys... if my girls' peds knew half of the stuff I do at home with them, they would for sure give me huge lectures and make me feel like the worst parent/person ever. I do the nod and ignore thing too I know where they are coming from, and it's their job to preach what they've learned in medical school.... i even also come from a healthcare background and I do totally get it, but as a mom I also know there are other ways of raising your kids that's still safe and healthy.

    @chopsuey119: good for you... do what you feel is best for you and your LO. My LO is like yours where she hates bottles and doesn't eat solids much.... So she's a total mommy's baby. she's a little younger than yours though... 9 months next week, but I do feed and comfort nurse her throughout the night and I don't plan on cold turkey stopping after she turns a certain age. I'll just stop when I feel it's right for us. It might be at 12 months (I doubt it), or 18 months, maybe even 24 months... I don't know, but if I'm not driving myself crazy doing it, I will continue... honestly, in the grand scheme of things, our babies grow up SO fast... These days of agonizing over sleep will be over before you know it. I really don't see anything wrong with comforting them how a mom feels is best at any age.

    As for the rotting teeth thing... This worried me too recently since LO got her first teeth this past month, but I came across this article and it helped me put things into perspective.


  12. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @NYCaliMama: THANKS SO MUCH! DH was worried about tooth decay and was stressing me out. I forwarded the article to him.
    We had a really good night last night. I got 6 hours of straight sleep!

  13. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    I am feeding Baby Y twice a night most nights ... He's nine months. Sigh. But he also nurses four times a day and eats solids 3 times a day. Is he just a bottomless pit? He does sleep in his own crib and the feedings are brief ... I guess I just keep hoping he'll start sleeping through on his own

  14. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @chopsuey119: That is awesome! So did you attempt no nursing?

  15. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @daniellemybelle: I did for about 5 seconds, but LO wanted to nurse and I wasn't going to deprive her! I can't imagine not nursing. I went 6 hours and my boobs were so engorged!

  16. SAHM0811

    grapefruit / 4049 posts

    @chopsuey119: I know... Tooth decay is worrisome....that's why we did away with the bottle with my first DD... She's 4 now and has always been cavity-free! She also sleeps wonderfully.. 9p to 9a and we didn't use CIO.

  17. obxwife

    apricot / 277 posts

    I'm so glad I found this thread! It seems it varies A LOT and depends on the child.

    I know I have no room for an opinion here, but my baby is 5 weeks old and will sometimes sleep from 10:30 to 5/6 am without a feeding. If he wakes up earlier, I feed him.

    I say, if they will fall back asleep without a feeding, that's great! But if they won't, I don't see the harm.


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