Symptoms like heartburn, gas pains, constipation...? Basically, things that are normal during pregnancy but not so much in normal life?
I had occasional heartburn prepregnancy but otherwise my stomach issues appeared during pregnancy. At my 6 week postpartum appointment my dr seemed surprised that I was still dealing with constipation but not overly concerned... but now lo2 is nearly 6 months Some days it's not as bad as other days but I'm still regularly taking Zantac, tums, colace, gas x... I started fiber gummies and that's helped a little... basically trying to figure out when I should go see a dr! Fwiw im nursing and haven't really lost weight even though i do yoga or work out fairly regularly and eat about as well as I did prepregnancy
Anyone else have symptoms that lingered way after baby was born? Did they go away on their own or did you need to seek treatment?