E is 13 months old and is down to (usually) one really good nursing session a day (in the AM or late, late at night, wake-up depending). During the day he likes to run up, latch on (to both sides) for a minute or two and then run off. And repeat every few minutes. I can't imagine he's getting more than a sip or two doing this, but I can't imagine him giving it up anytime soon.

I have very mixed feelings about it. One one hand, I really don't want to force an end to something that brings him comfort, although I could really do without the drive-by nursings. And I'm not sure I'm ready to give up it up yet, especially the late night/early morning session, when he's sleepy and cuddly and often falls back asleep with his back pressed to my chest.

On the other hand, the constant quick nursing during the day is driving me batty. I feel more like a cow now than I did when he as a newborn and nursing every 2 hours. And I'd like to do things like get properly drunk without worrying about when he'll want to eat next.

When did your LO self-wean? Particularly if it wasn't in response to you being pregnant or otherwise drying up, because the first isn't going to happen anytime soon and the second has so far not been an issue.