LO is incapable of simply falling asleep on her own even in a stroller. Occasionally, she will in the carrier. Since Week 5, I have had to hold her for naps in order to get her to sleep for more than 20 minutes. Every time I put her down she wakes up. She also cries when DH (or occasionally anyone other than me) tries to put her to sleep for naps.

The evenings are a bit better, but I usually nurse her or have to rock her to sleep. I start a new job in three week,s and I don't want to necessarily have our nanny hold her for naps. We also leave next weekend for about 8 days of travel/, so we don't want to start night sleep training this weekend or the coming week.

I've heard that you should night train before you nap train, but I'm wondering if we should prioritize the naps during this childcare transition. I'm worried about even attempting to do both at the same time.

Thoughts? Thanks.