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When were you "over" breastfeeding?

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Both my boys weaned before I was over it.

  2. Littlebit7

    nectarine / 2243 posts

    9 months. I had been pumping since 4 months. Ugh. The worst
    Had an open sore on one nipple from skin shearing, mastitis, and we were traveling
    I was ok with it, the last few times I nursed lo (I'd still Nurse her for comfort for her until 7 or 8 months), I could tell it was coming to a close. So we had some sweet final nursing moments.
    Overall I miss it slightly. I loved the sweetness of it all, the hands resting lightly, her eyes fluttering. But the vast majority outside the sweet moments wasn't fun. I'm thankful I had the experience but I'm happy it's over.

  3. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    I was over it about a month before we weaned at 20 months. I was pregnant and drying up anyways so it worked nicely, but had I not been pregnant I would have been fine to keep going.

  4. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    I had my moments here and there throughout our entire nursing relationship. We had some challenges in the early days (I gave myself until 6 weeks to try before giving up), then she got to be such a distracted, wiggly thing. She liked to beat on my chest, pinch my collarbone.....but I felt ready for the end once I got pregnant and things started to get sensitive (breasts and growing belly) and I was aware she had so many teeth! I took a picture of what ended up being our last time nursing and I'm so glad I did. Even with ups and downs, I'm glad we had that time together.

  5. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    I've never been at that point yet, although we had a very rough time of it with my first. I had to wean at 15 months with #1 to TTC and will have to do the same with DS. If we are successful with a third child, I am looking forward to carrying on until they are ready to stop. I'm a SAHM though and don't have to pump, which I think helps.

  6. whenoceansrise

    nectarine / 2053 posts

    The first 6 weeks were so dang hard, but it did get easier for me and we're 16 months in and I'm not over it yet.

  7. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    We would still be breast feeding, but I got pregnant and somewhere between waking up, barfing, nursing and barfing again it had to stop. We nursed until just after 13 months.

  8. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    I only nursed for 9 weeks - and the whole time I was kind of over it. I only planned on doing it for my leave (14 weeks) because I have a 2 hour commute on the bus each way and wasn't into pumping at work. Having said that, when I stopped I regretted it so much and i STILL (he is 21 months) miss the hell out of nursing! I wish i could rewind time and tell myself to stick it through! At the time, i thought it was the most stressful thing, but in hindsight, we had no issues and he was a great nurser next baby i will nurse forever and ever and ever!

  9. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    @SweetiePie: I feel the same. Both times I was over it in weeks and my mental health started to be affected. With Ds1 I pushed on through til 7 months despite all that - but with Ds2 I decided these kids needed a happy mum most of all and he has been ff since 5 weeks. Im in awe of those who manage to do it so long!

  10. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    I was over pumping at 10 months, but I was so close to the year mark that I stuck with it. Nursing, I was kind of over it at 21 months but was blindsided when we quit (one day, she didn't want to nurse).


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