Hellobee Boards


Where are the blog posts?

  1. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    One thing I have written repeatedly is that some bloggers don't actively participate in the boards...I feel that if they had, they would have seen the type of content that was interesting to the posters and been able to foster a relationship.

    Some of the bloggers are active posters and I think it makes a difference, at least it does for me, in terms of which posts I read on the blog.

  2. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Mrs. Tea: Once past the baby stage, the next "big" thing is school. I think a lot of original readers and new ones would love to see posts about starting Kindergarten, red-shirting and the process in different areas.

  3. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @mediagirl: yesss to these!

  4. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @Mrs. Tea: I'd love to see posts on things like older kid sleep issues, life hacks, recipes for picky older kids, decorating big kid rooms, school lunch/"snack week" at school ideas, fun outdoor activities, older kids rites of passage (shoe-tying, learning to ride a bike, etc.), quick dinner recipes for busy moms, etc.

  5. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. Tea: I'd love to see some older kid stuff! My oldest is about to enter Kindergarten, so some info about how to make that transition, what the registration process might look like, how to handle lunches, what kind of supplies they might need, etc.

  6. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    Actually, where are all the hostesses....hi @mediagirl!

  7. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Mrs. Tea: Agree on school transitions, fun ideas for family activities, tips/hacks on how to manage the busy lifestyle especially for WOH parents. DD1 is only 3.5 but I always like the read ahead in ages to know what to expect and how to handle it.

  8. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Littlebit7: I am active in both places for different reasons... I don't think it's ever a choose one or the other for me! I love HB!

  9. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Mrs. Tea: School, disciplining, talking about serious things with kids, etc~!

  10. Littlebit7

    nectarine / 2243 posts

    @snowjewelz: I totally agree with you...I just wonder if some people have migrated elsewhere.

  11. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    I'd love to see posts geared towards older kids and how to handle difficult conversations like bullying, being left out, physical and mental differences, juggling extra curricular activities, prioritizing things........

  12. codeitall

    clementine / 874 posts

    Can I say AMEN to all these ideas for older kids posts? With my baby, all the stuff I needed to research was really on hellobee, now that I have a preschooler, I feel like we are aging out of the content a bit.

  13. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    With an almost two year old I am interested in some gear posts like first bikes, headphones for little ones, extra curricular activities (soccer, karate, tennis), activities to prepare for reading and arithmetic, cooking with toddlers, arts and crafts at home, co parenting through differences, discipline and for eye candy room tours and bday parties.

  14. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    I miss how hopping the boards used to be! HB was such a huge resource to me when I was pregnant with my first and when she was a newborn. I seriously think that I would not have breastfeed if it wasn't for HB.

    Now that I have an older child (5 on Monday!) I would love to see stuff about dicipline, friendships, handling emotions, activities, responsibilities, etc. Since we are planning on having a third child I would also be interested in posts about larger families, logistics, cultivating sibiling relationships, making sure no one feels left out, etc.

  15. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    I would love to see posts on getting ready for preschool, what the LO's should know, teaching them at home to get ready, learning numbers, the alphabet, colors, other 'fun' learning activities.
    Handling tantrums, older kids bedtime (my 3YO is the worst), room sharing, keeping an older LO happy when introducing a new baby, life as family of # - helpful for those thinking of introducing another baby or deciding to be done.

  16. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    I'd like to see older kid posts too. Mine are 18 months and 4. As we get ready for one kid to enter kindergarten, I'd love to hear how working parents make things work with school drop-off, after school activities, etc.

    Also, as others have mentioned, discipline, emotional development, and older kid milestones would be great to see.

  17. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    I think that one of the reasons the Boards have slowed is because there are very few controversial posts these days and the controversial posters have all moved on. Gone are the days when we’d see a post with pages and pages of comments because nobody wants to argue anymore!

  18. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Kemma: I think this is IT! We have all matured enough where arguing with strangers is no longer a fun pastime.

  19. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    I think a lot of people have moved on as their kids got older, and the Bees absolutely have had a lot of life changes and are probably trying to figure out the future of HB. Also, mom blogging -- and blogging in general -- seems to be slowing, for a lot of reasons.

    As for me, I did my time, but still love the occasional boards pop-in I am a full-time WAHM now and life is a constant scramble. But I would absolutely read more older-kid content.

  20. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    It's definitely quieter here. I'm sorry to see that, it's definitely one of the kindest online forums I know of. Maybe it's because a lot of posters have moved on as kids got older... or maybe there are just more similar forums out there. I'm definitely noticing that I don't need to come to Hellobee with wacky "is that normal?!" questions as often.

    Regarding blog posts, I'd also love to see topics about older kids. Stuff like how to support gifted children (whether in regular school or in gifted class), how to deal with electronic devices, and social media safety. Especially gadgets, because we're totally figuring our way out blind - most of what I see from friends and family are cautionary tales of what not to do, very few positive examples. I know this stuff can be a great tool and a force for good, but I don't know how to get there without exposing the kids to screen addiction, or having them resent evil mommy that won't let them get the XBox all their friends have.

  21. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @looch: I've wondered the same thing like Bao. I miss her.

  22. Mrs. Starfish

    blogger / apricot / 439 posts

    I’ve been wondering the same thing but of course totally guilty of slowing down blog posts of my own! With two that aren’t quite two, I can’t add much on these older age topics but I would love to see them to get a preview of what’s to come.

    A related question, does this mean that my young toddler-related posts are not very relevant for the group? If so, I’ll start brainstorming more around lifestyle and other topics. But I’ve got a 21-month update post in final draft form that you’ll have to endure in the meantime (or ignore - haha!)

  23. Miss Ariel

    nectarine / 2210 posts

    @Mrs. Starfish: I love your posts! Out of the current bloggers your posts are some of my favorites! Although I have a 3 year old and a 16 month old, so we are in a similar age range.

  24. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @Kemma: I think this is so true because sometimes I’ll see a post and think oh it’s too much work to comment or it doesn’t really matter etc

  25. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    I also think having this group be web based is a challenge - it's much easier to post in FB groups and on Reddit via their apps. That said, I echo others that this is one of the kindest online communities Ive found and I've received great advice. If it was easier to post and interact on here via mobile, it's likely I would do so.

  26. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @Mrs. Starfish: I have a two year old and think they are very helpful. I guess having more variety and increasing the frequency of blog posts overall.

  27. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @Mrs. Starfish: I think your posts are some of the best! And they seem pretty popular too. Don’t stop!

  28. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    I definitely have had a hard time finding time to write since going back to work. I am hoping to do some school age kid posts this summer when I have some free time. We have two 4th grade foster kiddos in our home now, and while I can't really write about them there is a whole new world of stuff I could share that I am learning as I go. Being the parent of a 10 year old us a whole new world 😮!

  29. MissKriss19

    olive / 55 posts

    I do think they need to come out with a HelloBee app to stay relevant. The website is a pain from my phone.

  30. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1380 posts

    @Mrs. Starfish: my children are three and almost a month, so I find your posts very relevant!

  31. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    The boards make me sad much more than the blog posts. I honestly wonder if they're just letting this website die a slow death. I signed up like 2.5 years ago and they've not make one (memorable, at least, if any at all) front-end improvement or design change or feature update the entire time--not the case for any other website I regularly use. Instead of evolving or growing, it's just slowing down. Fewer and fewer people have gold, lots of former gold members seem to be letting their memberships expire, so I'm reluctant to post anything in gold because I won't get enough feedback. I still think this is an amazing resource for baby/parenting/lifestyle questions and problems because the women who've gravitated here tend to be really thoughtful and perceptive. I hope it picks up a little even though the site is clearly on autopilot.

  32. lioneyes

    persimmon / 1286 posts

    I think weddingbee got rid of the blog posts and is just boards, maybe by doing the bare minimum that’s their endgame? I think the community here is doing an amazing job of staying engaged, considering that there seems to be little involvement from the Bees. I know they live in a remote area with not great internet, so they expect slack to be given them... but how are you supposed to run a website when those are literally the the things you need to be successful? (Hope I don’t get banned I know the Bees don’t like when users give criticism even of the constructive variety.)

  33. muffinsmuffins

    persimmon / 1023 posts

    I’m glad this thread was started as I’m also afraid that everyone will just migrate to other sites and there won’t be any new content and HB will just die out....though since the slow down I’ve lurked on other sites and it’s so bad! So many rules about posting and rude people. I would never actively participate. This community is always welcoming and full of good advice and perspectives. I too let my gold lapse and wasn’t as active after my son got older but now that we are expecting our second, it’s sad that there can be no activity for hours. Was looking forward to getting back into it.

    As for me and DW, we are always starved for LGBT content as I have never found anything that was consistently active online other than personal blogs. I think I remember one HB blogger years ago but that fizzled out. Anyway, I hope HB can be saved somehow.

  34. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    @muffinsmuffins: I liked that blogger too. Will the bees even see this? And now that someone mentioned it where are the hostesses too? And it really sucks that classifieds are DEAD and I hate checking the site and there being nothing new

  35. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    Interesting that others feel this way because I have felt the same. Maybe since a lot of us with older kids now we just don't have the free time we once did? I know I barely have time to sit at the computer every few days with 3 5 and under. I used to get such good feedback and opinions on threads, but don't feel the need to posts much now even if I had the time.

    There's no more postathons or anything and blog content seems to have become less and less.

  36. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @LCTBQE: I also get the feeling they have abandoned ship and are just going to let it run itself. Not that I blame them. The Bees have had so much going on in their lives and I am guessing HB just isn't that profitable anymore to put a lot of time and resources into. I agree that the fact that there are AMAZING people on here (like you) who are so caring and thoughtful make it a place I want to be. And the fact that it's kind of dying (not trying to be dramatic) is sad. I am not made of tough enough stuff to be an active member on baby center.

  37. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @crazydoglady: those websites are terrible. I have no patience for the ineptness and illiteracy (literal and figurative) over there. I found HB I think just by googling questions when we were originally TTC and I felt like I'd found a haven of people who I wanted to take advice from instead of a bog of nonsense and women who give women a bad name. Agree that it must not be profitable--there are so few of us, how could it be? I don't blame really them for not keeping it up, either.

    @lioneyes: haha, if you get banned, I will too. see you there in internet mom purgatory

  38. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    I agree. I think they’ve at least somewhat left hellobee to operate on autopilot. I think that’s pretty clear from the fact that we’ve had this post up for three days and neither of them have commented. I am in no way trying to be critical of the Bees and I do not blame them. Things change. Priorities change. Life changes. Unfortunately I do think their lack of involvement correlates to lower posting/traffic/etc. on the site as a whole.

  39. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    Agree that the site is less active but that it has been invaluable to me since TTC back in 2014. This website has shaped me SO MUCH as a parent, otherwise I would be fumbling in the dark, and honestly probably much more anxious and depressed. This site help me process my miscarriage, some fertility issues, prenatal and postpartum anxiety. It helped me with so much advice about breastfeeding and baby&toddler sleep. Like another poster said, I don't know if I would have made it through breastfeeding my son without the site, and now I'm actually tandem nursing my toddler plus my newborn!

    I like the blogs but love the boards. I've noticed a slowdown in activity, but I still plan to remain decently active. What else would I do during my pump times at work anyway, haha.

  40. Mrs. Twine

    blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts

    I felt like I aged out, honestly. That my kids were bigger, and the things we had going on probably weren’t terribly relatable for most readers. Ellie just turned 11 (11!), and Lorelei is almost six. I miss reading more posts, too. I lurk some; it’s fun seeing familiar names, and when I get baby nostalgia it’s fun to read posts about kids who are too young to have sex talks with or tell you that your parenting is ruining their life. Apparently door slamming becomes both a hobby and a negotiation tactic as teen-hood approaches. So yeah— yay, babies!

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