Why do you (or why do you plan to) send your kid to public/private school or home school?
I'm a sahm with an education background. I left teaching to be a sahm and for the most part love being home with my kids.
My oldest is almost 3.. As I think about sending him to preschool (when, where, for how long? Oh shoot it's expensive especially when I don't have income!) I am starting to think about if we are going to send him to public private or home school.
I went to public school and loved it. I taught at a private school and loved it. I have less personal experience with homeschool (number of families I know homeschool and their kids are turning out wonderful!)
I won't go into alllll the details of what I'm thinking and why but if you have time- tell me, why did you choose the path of education for your child/children?