DD2 is 2wks old and I'm pumping 8x/day. I'm fine with it, except my boobs get sore about 2hrs after the last pump and start leaking thru my cotton nursing pads after 3hrs. I am afraid to leave the house. It's a problem bc DH goes back to work next week, and DD1 is an active 3yo. Staying at home all the time is not really an option.

Breastfeeding did not work out with DD1 at all, and at 2wks in I was already starting to pump wean. This time, I rented a hospital grade pump bc I wanted to make more of an effort to provide BM, but I think maybe in my effort to establish a good supply I'm screwing myself on the schedule/activity front.

Any advice? The kicker is I'm on an EPer's schedule but I'm only able to provide about half the BM DD2 needs, so she's already on formula. I feel like I'm just delaying the inevitable (100% FF) and stressing myself out in the meanwhile.