Our daycare provider came by last night to have our last meeting before LO goes full-time (*sob*). She offered to have me just send BM itself, either in a big container or in freezer bags, and she would wash the bottles herself and keep them there so we don't have to truck them back and forth every day.

This got me wondering - how do you use your freezer stash if you're pumping at work? I started pumping a couple of weeks after LO was born, so my oldest milk is actually going to be coming up on 6 months in the freezer when LO starts. Dh and I talked about it last night and realized it might make the most sense to pump at work, freeze the pumped milk, then send her to daycare with old frozen milk from the stash every day to start getting it out of the freezer.

I always hear people say they are pumping at work for milk to send LO with the next day.. if that's what you do, when do you incorporate your freezer stash?