I am going back to work part-time in a month and a half. I currently have around 115 oz in my freezer stash. I am thinking I'll have around 250 oz when I go back to work.

What would've been your ideal amount? For the last month I've been pumping one side once a day, so I could easily add another session, but I hate pumping and would rather not. I am worried about having enough for when we start solids/start introducing cow's milk (in addition to making up for any deficits if she eats more than I can pump at work each day). I know a lot of people mix BM with oatmeal/cow's milk to help with the transition. If you did this did it require you to dip into your stash quite a bit?

I am not planning to BF past a year. I wouldn't mind continuing with morning/evening sessions, but I am not planning to pump past a year. We have a deep freezer so anything I pump will be good for 12 months.