We've just experienced a second FET failure in a row and are wondering what to do next. What would you do? Any suggestions?
Backstory: I have a blocked tube and DH has MFI, specifically with morphology. Because of our ages at the time, we decided to quickly move to IVF in order to maximize our chances of a BFP. Our fresh cycle was a bust (1 embryo transferred, mild/moderate OHSS for me), but we did end up with 10 frosties. Waited a few cycles and then had a successful FET #1 (2 embryos transferred, 1 wonderful baby girl ). Fast forward to trying for LO #2, we have 8 frosties to work with. Go through the FET #2 (2 embryos transferred - 1 great one, one so-so at the advice of my doc who was confident that we would have twins if we transferred the 2 best) end up with a chemical pregnancy. Then we move from Wisconsin to Massachusetts. Our remaining 6 embryos are still in WI, so we decide to try again at our original clinic. Again had what looked like a perfect FET #3 cycle and transferred the best 2 embryos this time. This resulted in a BFN.
So what do we do now? We have 4 remaining embryos in WI. Should we go back one more time? Have the embryos moved to MA? Genetic screening on the remaining 4 (this was not indicated by the doc before this last transfer - I asked)? The 4 remaining are still "good" embryos from what I understand, but we've already had failure with the "best" ones.
Or do we try a whole new fresh cycle in MA? I am 36 and DH is 39, but are both soon to have birthdays (ouch). Any additional diagnostic testing?
Any thoughts? Thanks!
ETA: Even though we are in MA, we do not have insurance coverage because DH's company is headquartered out of state and opted out.