So I've been blessed to be able to EP more than enough breastmilk to feed my twin boys. They just turned six months and after almost three months back at work, my supply is still going strong. They take 60 ounces throughout the day between the two of them and I still have managed to freeze more than 650 ounces of breastmilk. So all is good.

But ... I still dream of the day that I'll be done for good. 6 months was my initial goal going into this, so I've reached it amazingly. I currently pump 5 times a day, which probably equals 2.5 hours of time each day. I also have some business trips coming up that will make pumping difficult logistically (but still doable). The problem is, I'm having a hard time justifying quitting when I am having no issues producing enough. I know that I'll definitely not go past 1 year, but I feel selfish if I quit before then since I can still pump. On top of that, it's helping us save money by not having to buy formula for two! I guess I'll just keep taking it day by day and see where things go. Maybe reevaluate at 9 months??

EP'ers, when did you decide to call it quits?