Scroll down for the short version.

We have had a nanny around about 3-4 months now & when she is here she does great! She knows the kids & their schedules well. She is a teacher during the day so she works 430-830 with us MWF. She reduced her hours to 430-730 till the end of the school year. Losing that extra hour has really cut into what I can/can't get done. Friday she had a "fun night" at school come up that she forgot to tell me about. She got sick Sunday night but didn't tell me till Monday afternoon so I lost the training session I had paid for. Then she text me Tuesday saying she went to the dr. got antibiotics & asked if I wanted her to come to work. I said no come in on Wednesday. Today she reminds me that she has a softball meeting Monday night & wont be able to work. & can't pick up the hours Tuesday because she has a teachers meeting that night.....oh and at the end of May she has to have ankle surgery.

ALL this crap came up with in the last week. I was willing to work with her on reduced hours but this seems to be to much has she has now become unreliable. DH thinks we should wait it out but he doesn't have to deal with the fall out of her not showing up. Honestly I could do with out her now. She was nice to have around right after the kids were born but now its more of a PIA.

Anyways. Long story summed up. This is not her main income and is just a PT gig for extra spending cash. If she was not working for us this summer she would just be taking the summer off (which I think is what she wants anyways). So do I give her a two week notice or just tell her on Friday not to come back next week?