I think I'm overthinking this, but would appreciate any input.
My DD is 12 weeks old. Due to her having a hard time napping at daycare, her night sleep is from about 6pm to 7am.
Right now, from about 6pm to 9pm, she sleeps in my arms while I finish up the night downstairs on the sofa - reading, watching TV, talking with husband, etc. We then all go upstairs to bed around 9 and she goes into her rock n play.
We haven't put her into her rock n play starting at 6 because our bedroom is fairly far away from our living room. I feel like putting her in there defeats the purpose of rooming-in as suggested by AAP until age 1. I'd also probably have to keep running up and putting her pacifier in her mouth like I do a lot of the night (ugh - whole other issue).
Anyway - I usually wouldn't take issue with it because this is what we did with our first daughter. But, our toddler is of course a big reason why we need to figure something else out. My husband is currently in charge of bath time, bed time, and dinner since I'm pretty much stuck under this baby. The baby is a super light sleeper and I think if I put her in the swing where we are in the living room, she will likely wake up and I feel bad not having her get the best sleep she can since she's struggling during the day.

Any suggestions?