Hellobee Boards


any december 2013 mommies yet?

  1. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @spaniellove: i am sorry you are going through this...sending you all the positive vibes!!!

  2. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @spaniellove: hmmm, my answer is "sort of." I didn't get my diagnosis for almost a year after my attacks started, so I had to try to cope with diet alone.

    I first started by eliminating almost all super fatty foods...anything fried, pizza, etc. Sounds hard, but they made me so sick, I didn't have a problem doing it. This also meant that I pretty much couldn't eat out. When we went out, it was usually for Japanese food...rice, chicken, miso soup, and sushi didn't make me ill, so that's what we went with.

    The next thing I did was eliminate almost all processed foods. I also discovered I was allergic to anything with MSG added into it, so that was out the window as well. I ate a lot of rice, lots of chicken, applesauce, and fresh fruit and veggies. Most days, that seemed to work. A word of caution: avoid nuts! I didn't realize it, but there's so much fat in them that I couldn't process them, even almonds.

    Making these changes made it manageable for a while, but by the time I got diagnosed and scheduled my surgery, I couldn't really eat very much. It took them so long to diagnose because I didn't have many of the risk factors, except a family history. In the end, I couldn't wait to have them out. A full-fledged attack is super painful, I hate to say, but I know that some people can control the gallstones with diet. Hopefully, you are one of them. If you do get an attack, try to breathe...they're usually short-lived and can pass as quickly as they come on. Hang in there. Keeping you in my thoughts!

    Feel free to message me if you have any more q's! FX for a healthy and sticky pregnancy

  3. rrachael

    kiwi / 506 posts

    {I had my LO in december 2012 so I'm totally crashing the party... sorry!}

    @spaniellove: fwiw, I had my first ultrasound at what I thought should have been 7 weeks 3 days but was only measuring 6 weeks 6 days. I think it's quite common.

  4. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    Happy Friday everyone!! I hit 5 weeks today! Still 4 more weeks to go until our first appointment. I'm still having super light cramps, but am feeling better about it now that i know it's just the little nugget making some room! The constipation (TMI!), I could live without. My boobs are also starting to kill me and I had to go up a size, which kind of made me sad. I hope they don't get any bigger, I don't know if I can handle anything more than my current DD!

    How is everyone doing? Any fun weekend plans?

  5. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @mrsdoily: i hit 5w on Sunday...Woohoo!!! i feel you on the bra end...i had to go out and buy a new one becuase my others ones were not cutting it...went up a cup also...

  6. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    Nothing fun here, it will be raining all wknd! hoping the days go by fast for Tuesday, my 1st appointment! So nervous!

  7. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: We are supposed to get our first day of sun tomorrow after it raining alllll week. Then we are back to rain until NEXT Thursday. There are times where I really question my choice to live in the midwest, lol! Yay for your appointment! Hope all goes well!!

    @MrsCastro: Does it make you nervous like me? Like, "What the heck else is waiting for me in the symptom sidelines?" lol. I've started getting the watery mouth and slight queasiness at times, so I'm dreading full-blown morning sickness here in the next few weeks.

  8. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    My symptoms came back when I took the stuff today! I never thought feeling crappy would make me so happy!

  9. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: happy 5 weeks!!

    We are taking care of my mil who had surgery this weekend so laying low...have a bday party tomorrow.

    My symptoms keep disappearing and it scares me so much! I keep grabbing my boobs to make sure they are still tender, haha!! My first appt still feels years away...

  10. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: Tuesday will be here before you know it!

  11. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    When are you guys planning on telling your parents? I'm seeing my parents the night before my first appt, and I really wanted to tell them in person, but I'm feeling a little scared that the timing will be really bad...I mean if I tell them and get bad news and have to untell them the next morning? Such a high to such a low...I don't know.

    What do you guys think? If I don't tell them next weekend I'd have to wait till mother's day, which seems light years away!

  12. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @Pirouette: I'm not telling either of our moms until after our first appointment on May 17th. Luckily MIL is going with us that weekend to visit my parents that night, so I get to tell them all at the same time. I have had four losses, so I tend to be a little more cautious. I do think it's a good rule of thumb to wait until the first ultrasound because chances of bad news tends to go way way down after the heartbeat is determined, but that is just me! I hear you on the lightyears away though! It still have a month and I talk to my mom almost everyday! It's killing me!

  13. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    our moms know already. I couldn't keep something like this from my mom and sister especially after our loss last time. Our siblings don't know anything and won't until after our first apt.

  14. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Pirouette: Would you find it helpful to have their support if the appointment was stressful? We told our parents right away and I have mixed feelings about it. I told my dad first (my mom is not living and my stepmom has no relationship with me) because I thought he'd be hurt if he wasn't the first to know, and regret it because he has less than zero capacity to support me right now. I can't tell him what I'm going through, and instead he's telling me I'm going to make myself have a m/c by sitting in the car, walking too fast, or just by being old (FFS, I just turned 32). On the other hand I have no regrets about telling my ILs because they can handle the ups and downs with some grace. So I think it truly is a matter of how you feel they will support you in any situation, although hopefully the appointment will go wonderfully and it will all be great news!

  15. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: I'm so sorry about your losses, I can totally understand the caution. I am so torn because im so close with my parents and not telling them is killing me, but I am so nervous about the appt and being so early.

    @MrsCastro: yea I am having dinner with my parents and brother but was going to tell my parents before...definitely not ready to tell my brother yet..

    @spaniellove: ugh I'm sorry your dad has been so difficult! My parents are great, and my dad is a pediatrician, so I think they'd besupportive both mentally/emotionally and physically. My concern is dealing with their disappointment if I find out bad news so soon after telling them. I think they'd be so supportive and wonderful, but I think inside, they'd be crushed, for me and them. I also feel like they are already going to be disappointed I didn't tell them I was TTC, so I'm hesitant to wait too long. I just feel like I'm prepared for the possibility of bad news but knowing I'd have to turn around and tell them would make it even harder. Hopefully this is all a non issue, obviously!

  16. beesknees

    cherry / 115 posts

    hi! just wanted to introduce myself Long time lurker on the boards....just found out we're having baby #2. Unofficial due date is Christmas! I'm looking forward to getting to know all you ladies!

  17. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @beesknees: yay, welcome!! Congrats on your Xmas baby!!

  18. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    So we had a scare last night and went to the ER. My normal cramps changed and became kind of intense and rhythmic so I called my nurse on call and she told me to get to the ER. We did an ultrasound, some bloodwork, and a pelvis exam. My cervix is still nice and closed, my HCG level came back really high (almost 30,000 for only a little over 5 weeks, and we got to see our little sack...it's still too early to see anything in it. I was actually measuring ahead of what we thought, which now means my new EDD is 12/19/13 instead of 12/21/13. The cramps are just some more expanding of the uterus and because there was really no spotting and no bleeding, there isn't really anything to worry about, that it was just cramping. Now I can't wait until 9 weeks to see my little nugget and hopefully actually get to hear it's little heartbeat!

  19. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @mrsdoily: What a relief that everything is okay!!

  20. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: sounds like you got a lot of good news after a stressful night! That must have been really scary, but I'm glad everything is good!

  21. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @mrsdoily: scary! Glad you and nugget are ok!

  22. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @mrsdoily: I'm glad everything is ok after the scare! Now we are due the same day.

  23. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @spaniellove: I'm sorry you are still left in the unknown. I hope your next ultrasound will show a happy healthy little bean in there! I also wish your dad would be able to give you the support you need.

    @Pirouette: We are not planning to tell anyone (besides my sister who alreay knows) until week 13. This is including our parents. While our family is aware of our infertility struggles we didn't share with them our fertility treatments. They were so crushed when we told them that it would be very difficult for us to have kids we don't want to get their hopes up and then have to come back with bad news in case something happens. They just have to wait for the (hopefully!!) happy news until June. It helps though, that we live in a different country (different continent even) than our family so we don't see them and only speak on the phone and skype.

    @mrsdoily: So glad to hear that everything is all right! What a scare!

    @beesknees: Welcome! Congrats on the Christmas baby! Perfect christmas present if you ask me

    Hope everyone is doing fine!!! I feel like our thread is a little slow but we are probably all a little hesitant to get too attached to this little something inside of us. At least that is the case for me. While I try to enjoy every single moment of this pregnancy I still remind myself that it is super early.

    Group hug for everyone!

  24. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @elchalten: Thanks! I'm alternating between having hope and not having hope. I think I really just need to do whatever I can to keep myself from Googling things between now and my appointment. It's hard to break that habit, because it yielded a lot of great tips during IF treatments but nothing good can come of it now.

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: @jaypegs: Hoping you guys have wonderful appointments tomorrow!!!

  25. mrsmate

    persimmon / 1081 posts

    Hi everyone, I'm going to poke my head in here to say I'm hoping to join you. I just got my BFP this morning on CD26, so it's super early. My EDD is 1/1, and this is LO2, so chances are this babe will be coming this year! I took a little break from HB bc it's been quite hectic getting to this point (we needed fertility treatments) but I'm glad to be back.

  26. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    Thanks for the well-wishes ladies!! I am feeling much better, but I do have to admit that I am a wee bit worried about how high my HCG level is. My ER doctor said it was in the 30,000 range, which is pretty high for when I had it taken (5wks 2 days). I called the nurse in my midwife's office this morning for a followup and she said that it could be indicative of multiples, which now has me nervous as crap, lol. If I end up having twins, I will be a SAHM for sure, as we will not be able to afford child care! Scary how that can change everything! I guess we will have too see how it goes at our ultrasound in 25 days!

  27. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @spaniellove: Thanks. Well I just got back.. Not great, but not terrible. She said it's measuring a few days behind than what it should be :o/ She thinks I may have ovulated later than "normal" but I'm pretty sure I ovulated right on CD 14. Based on LMP I should be 7weeks 2days today and I think the measurement was only 3.8 mm, (She said 4 but the pic she gave me says 3.8) when it should be at least 7.

    We did see a heartbeat but she said she couldn't see it well enough to determine a heart-rate. Was she bs'ing us? Seeing the heartbeat gave us no comfort, as we did see one last time and still lost that one.

    So needless to say, I'm definitely nervous We go back on Monday to see if there is any progress. I'm not feeling very optimistic though.

    Oh, and ETA: They never took any blood or urine or anything! Is that weird?

  28. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @elchalten: ha, see that's the difference - i see my parents all the time! they live really close. I also feel like if i wait until the end of the first tri they are going to feel like i shut them out of this very important time, and i don't want to hurt them. also, my parents are the ones that really expected me to struggle to get pregnant, so they are going to be ecstatic just to know i am capable of getting pregnant, even if it doesn't stick. i think i'm going to tentatively tell them this weekend, but also make it clear that at this point the pregnancy has not been confirmed, so it's not yet "real" so to speak. So they are in on it but don't get their hopes up too high before my appt. I totally understand your point of view though, and if my parents knew we were trying to begin with, i think it would be easier to hold off on telling them.

    @spaniellove: google is evil! DH and I were convinced i was having an ectopic the other day because of what google says about shoulder pain in early pregnancy. i think i just may have exercised a little too hard or my body wasn't warmed up enough. That's a scary hour of my life i'll never get back! I'm thinking of you and keeping my FX for you every day!

    @mrsmate: welcome!!

    @mrsdoily: EEP!!! there might be two in there?! try not to let yourself get too crazy over it, a lot can happen with those numbers in the early weeks! don't go quitting your job yet

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: sorry your appointment wasn't great. i know lots of women measure slightly behind in the first measurements, and at least you saw a heartbeat!! I hope monday's appointment sets your mind at ease...my first appt is monday - can't come fast enough for the both of us! Keeping my FX for you.

  29. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Pirouette: thank you.

  30. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    The appointment wasn't good...they confirmed that the baby stopped growing a week ago, at 5 weeks. So I think this is where I need to leave this group. I wish all of you very happy and healthy pregnancies and I look forward to seeing you post your birth stories with beautiful baby photos come December!

  31. mrsmate

    persimmon / 1081 posts

    @spaniellove: oh no! I'm so sorry.

  32. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @spaniellove: my heart sank!!! i am sooo sorry!!! sending you many hugs!!! you will be in my thoughts and prayers..

  33. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @spaniellove: I'm so incredibly sorry dear. If you need anything, or need anyone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out! Lots of hugs.

  34. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    So my ER doctor must have been overtired and overworked (it was a crazy night in the ER I guess). My beta was actually 3029 not in the 30,000's. That is within a perfectly normal range. 30,000 would have probably meant twins or a child with downs. So that solved the question of the mysteriously high HCG levels.

  35. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @spaniellove: you are so sweet, and again, even though i just said it elsewhere, i'm really truly sorry for what you are going through.

  36. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: oh my god. that is hilarious!! tell your ER doc to stop drinking on the job

  37. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @Pirouette: haha! The system also went down when he went to give me a definitive answer, so he was going off of memory, so I can see how it's easy to mix up 3,000 and 30,000, lol. I was just like "Am I growing a super baby, or is there more than one?"

  38. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @spaniellove: I'm so sorry

  39. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @spaniellove: I'm so sorry! My heart breaks for you and your husband! Infertility is so unfair! After everything you have been through. A failed cycle. A big fat surprise. Now this. I'm at loss of words. Please, please take good care of yourself!

  40. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    @spaniellove: I am so so sorry to hear this! My thoughts are with you and your SO.

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