Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: Love the girl references! I was pretty certain the first time. This time, I don't have a feeling one way or the other...

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I will have to read up on all of the notices from this morning, but I'm happy to sneak in really quickly and tell you all that I'm pregnant with twins! 2 healthy babies that are 8 weeks old, putting my due date at April 11 (although they'll be delivered in March). They each had matching heartbeats of 168. We're very shocked but very elated - now just scared about 3 under 2 and daycare costs. Twins don't even run in the family!

  3. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG congrats!!!! i'm SO happy for you! sad you're not my due date twin I hope you'll stick around this board even though your LOs will probably be born in March. you'll figure it all out and make it work, i have faith!

  4. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @marionberry: that's wonderful news!

  5. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @marionberry: Yay twins!! Congrats, so glad you got to see the heartbeats!

  6. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @marionberry: ahhh!! So glad everything is looking good and omg twins! How fun!

  7. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @marionberry: congratulations! Amazing!!!

    @loki: so sorry to hear that you are so sick! I hope you get some reprieve with the drugs - let us know how they go!

    I have my first appointment with the high risk OB in two weeks. The time is dragging sooooo slowly. It's already been 3 weeks since my 6 week scan and I so desperately just want to know that everything is going ok!

  8. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: Yes I definitely plan to stick around! I'm connected to this group! And it would be the very end of March, which is so close to early April anyway.

  9. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @lulu22: @Boopers: @HappyBluebird: @meredithNYC: Yep big news in this house! Freaking out a little about twins though. Man am I in for a crazy life in 8 months.

  10. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: thanks so much, i'll keep ya posted. time is crawling for me too so i know how you feel! we just want someeee confirmation that things are on track. hope these 2 weeks fly for you!

    @marionberry: phewf! glad you're sticking around. i tried to find the chart but can't... are you team green or will you find out? i know a girl having boy/girl twins and i think that's so lovely! i mean... anything would be lovely! also... did you have any symptoms that may have indicated early on it was twins? i am CONVINCED i am having twins. which is obviously absurd... haha.

  11. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @marionberry: congrats!

  12. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: OMGGGG! So excited for you!! That is amazing! Totally get the concern over daycare costs, but I'm sure you will make it work.

  13. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @marionberry: That is SO exciting!! Congratulations!

    @loki: Sorry you are feeling so awful, that is terrible! I hope the medication helps you out. I have been having exhaustion and nausea but nowhere near as bad as you.

    I'm happy to be at 9 weeks now, since it's starting to feel like the end of the first trimester is in sight. We'll schedule our NT scan when we go in on Monday, so soon!

  14. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @PawPrints: when do u get the NT scan done? i forget what my dr told me.... is that done at 12 weeks-ish? i'm 8w2d and totally feel like 9 weeks is a milestone! 2nd tri is soooo soon!

  15. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @loki: Usually they schedule the NT scan between 11-13 weeks. I'm hoping we can get ours done on the earlier side of that window. I'm feeling ready.

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @loki: definitely not team green! No specific symptoms but my stomach pooched really fast and I felt way worse than last time but both can mean a singleton. Twins are going to be a lot of work!
    @Banana330: thank you!
    @NeekieRose: this is what I keep trying to tell myself!
    @PawPrints: thank you! You'll get to see your bean at the scan. How exciting! We still need to decide if we're doing it.

  17. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Is anybody already worrying about their *next* pregnancy? I am. I feel ridiculous about it, but, the thought keeps popping up.

    It took 7 cycles of trying for us, which is not super quick, but not super long either. However, I was having at least mild pain for more than half the days of my cycle and moderate to severe pain for 5-7 days out of each cycle. In the last couple cycles, I got a better grip on it with Rx drugs, acupuncture, and some lifestyle modifications -- still no picnic though. I didn't get as far as a formal diagnosis, but, the pain is probably endometriosis related.

    A few days after I got my , sweetie got back his detailed semen analysis results. None of the values were terrible, but, all of them were right at the very bottom of normal. Some were a smidge above the minimum normal cut-off, some were a smidge below the minimum normal cut-off.

    Mostly, I feel excited and happy about *this* pregnancy. But, I keep worrying a little about having to go through the TTC process all over again should we have a loss or even just for #2. The idea of putting up with that pain again for however long is so daunting.

  18. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @marionberry: Oh wow! How exciting. I think I would pee myself between the excitement of twins and the panic of thinking about a twin daycare bill! Double congrats.

  19. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @lilyofthewest: My thoughts exactly! As far as worrying about your next pregnancy you can look to my story - 10 months and an iui to get pregnant with J and then pregnant on accident 3 months after getting my period back with twins! You hear so many times that a pregnancy resets your body and I swear it's true! We had my DH take some semen vitamins in the last pregnancy to help his sperm and I swear they worked. So don't worry too much.

  20. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @lilyofthewest: This is potentially our last pregnancy so I am not worried about the next one. But I do know that with my previous pregnancy I had already started to think about spacing and wondering how long it would take. And here we are, less than a year later, pregnant without really trying. There is no real way to know!

  21. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lilyofthewest: i'm worried about my next pregnancy only because i am feeling like i don't want a next pregnancy! ha! i never imagined i'd be one and done but...it is sounding appealing right about now.

  22. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: SO excited and SO happy for you! YAY! YAY! YAY!

    @loki: @PawPrints: we're doing our NT scan right around 12 weeks. We also decided to do the MaterniT21 test - which tells you 99.9% about Down's and the other trisomies - I'm considered high risk at 37, so I'm pretty sure insurance is covering it. Nervous, but feeling good about it.

    @lilyofthewest: I've thought about it a bit, as we went through 3 rounds of fertility treatments that didn't work, then took a break and got PG on our own - the fact that it happened without drugs makes me feel positive that it'll happen again one way or another. Try not to worry - one step, one day, one baby at a time! XO

  23. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @lulu22: you're so welcome. I actually listened to a pregnancy meditation last night on my train ride home - it was about 20 minutes long and was about connecting with your baby and accepting whatever you're feeling - it was awesome and I got a little teary!

  24. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @loki: Oh my goodness, complain away! I am SO sorry you're feeling so awful. One of my best friends had awful sickness during both of her pregnancies, but once she got past the first trimester, it was like a switch someone turned off - hopefully that happens for you, and sooner!

  25. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @delight: @happybluebird: @rockies11: @marionberry: @mrs.sunshine: thanks for the congrats and well wishes - it was great, and so neat to tell my parents. We told DH's parents on Monday - they were excited too - it was really sweet. Next u/s is a week from tomorrow - that will be 10 weeks. I'm still holding my breath, but am getting more and more excited as time goes by!

  26. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @PawPrints: I'm at 9 weeks tomorrow and hear you on feeling like the end of the first trimester is in sight. I remember when I felt like I'd never get past 5-6 weeks. I can't imagine being able to tell everyone and feel less worried about everything. We'll both get there, I know it! Hugs!

  27. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @NeekieRose: @Loki: I love the girl reference too! I've been doing that myself and DH did once as well, though a couple days ago I had a daydream of holding a little guy with blue eyes and little tufts of hair! So sweet. We're going to do genetic testing, so will find out the gender early - our test is around 12 weeks, so we should get results back within a week after!

  28. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I wish I could do Maternit21! I'm not old enough though. Can I ask, why would you do a NT scan in addition to the Maternit21? Isn't it redundant?

    I put on my belly band for the first time today! Woo! It's the kind you're supposed to slide on over your unbuttoned jeans later on, but I figure if I fold it in half it serves reasonably well as a belly-smoother.

  29. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @marionberry: @PawPrints: @HappyBluebird: @Mrs. Sunshine: @delight: Thanks ladies! I changed meds and now it's a bit better controlled. I am considering getting a pump if it carries on - I am actually losing weight, which basically never happens.

    @loki: you should really consider taking the pills! As a fellow very serious morning sickness-er who was also resistant to the idea of them, it really really really makes things way better. Something that helped me to first start taking them was the idea of giving them a trial period for 72 hours where I took them religiously to see if it would make any difference. It made a huge difference to the nausea and vomiting, and the tiredness thing makes so little difference when you're already so tired. The other thing to keep in mind is that it is really bad to be dehydrated when pregnant because it effects your amniotic fluid levels, which is not good for baby. As well, pregnancy lowers your blood pressure and dehydration further lowers it, so it puts you at risk for fainting and falling down, etc., which is also not good for you or baby. Serious morning sickness is a medical condition and really is something that requires treatment, even though a regular level of morning sickness is expected. If you're dehydrated, it falls in the serious category and it really should be treated (and treated by someone who knows the correct dose - which is four pills a day - one or two isn't going to help). I hated that I didn't sail through pregnancy like everyone else, so I am really sympathetic to that feeling - it sucks to be the odd one out. Hope you feel better soon!

  30. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @PawPrints: Of course! Our doctor recommended doing both, so we still get an additional ultrasound, but then also get definitive info. The NT scan info comes back with a 1 in X chance, I believe (?), where the other is a definitive yes or no. Given my history and anxiety about things, I think they're doing all they can to give me as much info as possible, which is great. Did you have the NT scan before? How long did you wait for results?

  31. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @SunshineMcC: i wish we could do earlier genetic testing so i can come to terms with it and not get attached to this "girl"!

    @Rockies11: i will take them tonight! i'm really worried about the dosage thing... i really love and trust my dr. i have been seeing her since i was about 5 and think she gives an amazing level of care so i can't see her not knowing about the four pills. i'm wondering if what she prescribed has a higher dosage in each individual tablet? is that possible? i'll have to look into it.

    thanks for the info about the dehydration. i obviously knew it was not great but didn't think it was that bad. i have been working REALLY hard on it and trying to drink as much water as possible. i used to have about 3L a day but i am struggling with that. yesterday i probably drank about 2 and it was much better... going to refill my water bottle right now!

  32. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @loki: I think that maybe it's just a conservative thing, but it works better when it's spaced out evenly and more frequently, and it sounds like you could use that! Severe morning sickness isn't that common, so that dose would work with something less severe. You can call MotherRisk and ask about the dosage - they're awesome for stuff like that. The pills are really small too, so they're better to help you not gag on!

    I called the Nurses Helpline over the weekend re: dehydration and they recommended watered down juice, electrolyte drinks like gatorade or pedialyte/gastrolyte when you are already dehydrated, because you need the salts to get you over the hump back into hydration. Also don't be shy about going in to get rehydrated with an IV if you're feeling dizzy and fainty and having difficulty with liquid intake - they're really nice to the pregnant and sick, and they give you drugs that will make you feel way better!

  33. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @marionberry: So happy for you! I was thinking about you yesterday - glad it was good news! 3 under 2!!!

  34. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Rockies11: i have an appt on monday so i'm definitely going to ask her about that. I always forget MotherRisk exists but my friend LOVES it and calls it often. I have been feeling ok about the dehydration... i don't feel dizzy or anything, i just notice it in my pee. and notice the fact that i really have to force myself to drink water. pedialyte or diluted juice is a great idea because right now i am LOVING apple juice for some reason... thanks for all your tips!

  35. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I didn't make it to the NT ultrasound last time around, so, no idea how long I should expect to wait for results. I have heard you can get the bloodwork done in advance and that allows them to read the results right away, so I might see if there's a way to do that. That is cool you get to do both - so, the NT scan will really just be an opportunity to check on your baby's growth and heartbeat etc? It will be such a cool experience, since our last ultrasound was only 6 weeks so there was not much at all to look at.

  36. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    Guys I am running OUT of excuses to get out of social drinking outings! I can handle the ones at people's houses since it's easy to "split" a drink with DH or pretend to sip and then pour it out in the bathroom, but these repeat requests to go get one beer (without DH to "split" it with) at really good breweries and bars in my own neighborhood - there are only so many excuses in the world. Do I have unusually social friends or is this normal? I cannot wait until we tell our close friends, it's coming up soon.

  37. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @PawPrints: ugh i'm totally with you on that! i have a girls night next friday... not drinking at girls night is going to be VERY suspect. say you're dieting! or an antibiotics. when i was dieting for my wedding i never drank so i think that might be a good one... i bailed out of a cottage this upcoming weekend because it would be REALLY obvious if i wasn't drinking. it's getting tough. just say no to everything and everyone will understand in a few weeks

  38. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: @Rockies11: Thank you ladies! It's still setting in that we're having twins but I've started looking at twin nurseries and gear and that's been fun.
    @PawPrints: That is difficult. Can you come up with things like I really haven't been feeling well, or I'm trying to go on a diet, and beer just isn't part of it? Otherwise if they're close friends maybe you can tell them? We've pretty much told all close friends and family now.

  39. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous of your twins. It's going to be so fun! Hard. But fun.

  40. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: @NeekieRose: me too! totally jealous!

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