Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @mrswin: Welcome! Are you boy/girl/team green? I'll add you to the April calendar (which is due for another posting anyway).

  2. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Banana330: @lulu22: Thank you for the warm welcome

    @ineebee: Thanks, nice to see you too!

    @PawPrints: Thank you... we are Team Green

  3. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

  4. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Thanks for thinking of me. I was just practicing my ostrich thing

  5. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @mrswin: welcome!

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrswin: So glad you finally joined!

  7. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @SunshineMcC: thanks for the blog post. It's so nice to hear from mom's who are enjoying the transition! I may have feared up thinking about how this applies to me and DH!

    I'm glad everything turned out fine at L&D!

  8. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: no numbness over here... You've been having quite the symptoms... Take care of yourself!

  9. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    To my Canadian bees..DH just read an article about how Target is rushing to close all of its Canadian stores. If you have a Target registry you might ensure you have a secondary registry just in case. I doubt they'll get them closed that fast, but just wanted you to be aware as it might mean limited availability of product.

  10. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @mrswin: congratulations and welcome!

  11. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @marionberry: it's been all over the news today! I think Target never made registries available in Canada?... At least I heard this from enough friends before getting pregnant I never looked into it. I'm hoping to get a few good deals on small items over the next few months though!

  12. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    Has anyone looked into/considered hypno birthing? I really like the idea of it, but I am a bit more of a hippie than most friends so when I loosely explain it to people they think I'm crazy! I've watched a couple of birth's and I'm amazed at how calm and serene they are.

  13. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @As Time Goes By: My friend did it and loved it. She took multiple classes and had a doula at her delivery who had a lot of experience with it. @mrs.squirreld did some reading (if not more) on hypnobirthing too and might be a good reference.

    I'm a c-section girl, so no hypnobirthing necessary here.

  14. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Banana330: @Neekierose: @As Time Goes By: @lulu22: thanks ladies! I have a follow-up on Monday morning to make sure my cervix is still closed and to do another non stress test to check out the contractions. I had 7 in an hour last night right after I got home but then they calmed down once I had dinner. I'm going to take it easy this weekend and hope they subside!

    @lulu22: my doctor said the chest and throat pain and pressure was likely from GERD and my heartburn. I started taking Tagament and it's really made a difference!

    In other news my glucose test results came back normal, which is a relief!

    @PawPrints: thanks for updating our calendar! Next go round van you switch my due date to 4/7? It's been that for months, I must've shsred the wrong date! Thanks!

    @mrswin: congrats and welcome! So happy to have you here! I was very fearful about this pregnancy for awhile as DH & I have struggled with fertility and had one MMC. We're glad to share this journey with you!

  15. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @marionberry: Thanks! As @As Time Goes By: mentioned Target never made registries available in Canadian stores, they had initially indicated that they would eventually do this so I think most of us are ok that way....our only real option for a baby registry is Babies R Us or independents!

    @As Time Goes By: Thanks! I haven't looked into hypnobirthing because it is not something that appeals to me but I agree it is amazing how calm they seem.

    @SunshineMcC: Thanks! It took us almost 3 years to get a BFP and then we had a couple of scares in the first trimester and a concerning anatomy scan but things are looking good now and I am trying to enjoy the remainder of this pregnancy. Make sure you take it easy this weekend and I'm glad that they are going to have you come in for a follow up again.

  16. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    So I have my OB appointment tomorrow and we will schedule a c-section. I am using midwives but since I have already had a c-section, I have to meet with their backup OBs even if I want to try for a VBAC. They will let me go 10 days past my due date so if I am all in on the VBAC (I'm not), I would still have to schedule the c-section for 10 days past my due date.

    I still haven't decided exactly what we are going to do. It is going to end up being a game time decision at the appointment tomorrow for when we schedule. Right now I am leaning towards scheduling for right around my due date, then if I go into labor before I'll try for the VBAC.


  17. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @NeekieRose: tough call, but I guess either way there will be pro's and cons. I have to admit I'd love to know when this baby is coming!

    This past week has be crazy for side effects/symptoms for me. I've had terrible pelvic pain some days, one day where I think carpal tunnel started and I couldn't grasp or hold anything my hands were so weak. I iced them and they have been better since. I've also had a sore throat and barking cough, but no other cold symptoms so i'm starting to think it might be reflux related. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and physio on wed so I'm hoping they will help/shed some light on why i'm suddenly falling apart! 12 more weeks.....

  18. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Banana330: Sorry about the crappy symptoms! And yeah, having a date is definitely one of the pros. I could schedule as early as March 23 if I decided I didn't even want to attempt a VBAC.

  19. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @NeekieRose: eek that's so soon! The pro of VBAC is if you want more kids right?

  20. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Banana330: An uncomplicated VBAC is the ideal since it doesn't involve major surgery and the recovery should be easier. And yeah, they don't recommend more than 3, 4 max c-sections. But we could be done after this one (*maybe* open to one more, *maybe*). If I end up with a c-section on this one, my midwives wouldn't let me attempt a VBAC for a third, it would have to be a c-section.

    There are the standard risks to having a c-section, but there are also risks to having a VBAC, especially if it isn't successful and I end up with a c-section anyways. So yeah, pros and cons both ways.

    And I won't even know if I make the right decision. If the birth goes great, I won't know if it could have been even better if I had decided differently and if it goes poorly, no way to know if it could have been worse. I really wish crystal balls were a real thing at times like these. Ha!

  21. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @NeekieRose: haha I'm sure you'll make the right decision!

    So second time moms....if your LO will be staying somewhere else when you give birth....when do you plan on having a bag ready for them? I feel like it's harder to pack in advance for them.

  22. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I need to pack a bag for her? Ha...I literally had not thought about this yet. I'm not sure if we will have someone come stay at our place or have her go someplace else. But I guess I will pack a bag for her around the same time as I do my hospital bag (34-35 weeks...OMG, that's 4-5 weeks away).

    Why is that bag harder? I imagine it will just be clothes, blanket, diaper bag, some toys, sippy cups for milk....But I hadn't even thought of this at all so I could be missing major things!

  23. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @NeekieRose: haha well I feel like it's harder I guess because of the time of year. It's really hard to tell if it will be warm or cool and it varies a lot here (its 70s all week until Thursday, then we're in the 30s!). But she's just staying with my parents, they can always come get her things if they need to. I guess I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be lol

  24. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @NeekieRose: Good luck with whatever decision you make about a VBAC or RCS. I like your plan of scheduling a RCS and if you go earlier attempting the VBAC but I have never given birth so feel free to ignore my opinion completely

  25. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Ha, no, you're just being thorough! I'd probably do layers. And that's good that your parents could just go get anything they may need in addition.

  26. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @mrswin: Thanks!

  27. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @NeekieRose: I am in this same position (or a similar one at least). I need to really decide whether I want to attempt VBAC for the twins or just do a C-section. I'm scheduling my C-section at tomorrow's appointment, so it will always be an option, but lately I've started to consider a VBAC. There are pros and cons to both ways but I really haven't made a decision yet. My OB is pushing for a VBAC but that obviously depends on if I make it full term. If it was a singleton I think I'd definitely opt for the VBAC so that I'd be able to pick up J but I agree with you - when all you know is a happy C-section, you're like, why try for a painful delivery that may not even work?! Oh and I was supposed to have my hospital bag packed by this weekend per what you read online for twins, but I definitely only have it started. So much to do still! At least I got the newborn clothes washed and picked up two preemie outfits just in case.

    Speaking of making it to full term I had horrible cramping last night that lasted about 20 mins. Had it continued I would've gone straight to the hospital, but luckily it stopped. I'm so glad I have an OB appt tomorrow. Praying these babies want to stay in much longer.

    @Banana330: I'm sorry you're having such rough symptoms. I had a lot of bad ones at the end of my last pregnancy - carpel tunnel, losing vision, high blood pressure, etc.. It sucks that we just have to grin and bare it. And only Tums for killer heartburn and Tylenol for my sinus infection - blah!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I read this and was like, "Oh, I really should do that!". I hadn't even considered it. Luckily for me, lo will likely be staying with my parents who have a key to my house and we always pack a bag for J to take to daycare so it at least has the basics ready at all times - they'd just need to throw in some clothes. I guess maybe I'll just set aside a couple outfits and pjs on his dresser for if it happens unplanned.

  28. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: that's great that you have the clothes all washed and picked up some new outfits. All my newborn clothes are still in the basement. I should probably go through them at some point, but probably won't until I get Reagan's big girl room set up and start moving her clothes over there so I have a place to put the newborn clothes. I honestly didn't even think about washing them again. They were all washed before they were packed away a short 10 months ago!

    Glad the cramping wasn't anything and those babies are staying put!

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @NeekieRose: I didn't wash Jack's old clothes either. I just had a couple outfits that we had purchased and some new blankets that needed washed.

  30. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    Ahh! I miss you ladies! This morning I'm wishing we could all meet for coffee in person to catch up. How fun would that be?!

    @NeekieRose: @marionberry: good luck with your decisions! I can't imagine adding another decision onto all that's going on - so my thoughts are with you! Keep us posted.

    @Banana330: Sorry to hear you're having so many symptoms and side effects - isn't this fun? At night I have a bad barking cough too, but only then - so I think it might be reflux or other related too - so strange!

    @marionberry: So sorry to hear about the cramping! That is not fun and is scary. That was me last night, but it only lasted for a few minutes and was along with a strong contraction. I was staying with a friend in the city, so it was strange not to be in my own place. I chugged some water, got up, went to the bathroom and it eventually subsided, but was really scary - and it prompted me to have dreams that I was bleeding. So, needless to say I don't feel rested today at all!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: You're such a great planner!

    @NeekieRose: I hear you on realizing the bag should be packed in 4-5 weeks - eeek is right! Given my visit to L&D last week I might pack one earlier! I'm still trying to decide what all to put in there - especially whether or not I'll want my own clothes, robe or nightgown. One of my friends told me she felt it was easier for the nurses to check everything by just staying in the gown, but I like the idea of having something cozy from home too. What did you do the first time?

    So, updates on me - I had more strong contractions on Friday, so was on the phone all day with the nurse, who had me pound the water - up to close to 2 liters a day now, which helped a bit. I took it easy this weekend, and the contractions subsided most of the time (still several at night before bed). I had a follow-up appointment yesterday and only had 1 contraction while they were monitoring me, so they think I may have a "irritable uterus" (reminds me of the Sex & The City episode where Charlotte is told she has a hostile vagina. Ha!). My 30 week appointment is next Wed and my doc said they'll probably do the fFN test again to test for signs of early labor, given all of my contractions. I'm just still struggling with what is normal in terms of intensity, duration and amount of contractions right now. Last night I probably had 6-7 in an hour and a half, but few during the day. Goodness!

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  31. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    PS. I finally posted an update of our nursery progress on that thread!

  32. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @SunshineMcC: yikes sounds stressful. Sorry you're havingg so many contractions! Hopefully they subside or at least you figure out what's normal. I totally think the coughing is reflux, I got some Zantac today so hopefully it helps. I had my diabetes test this morning, I likened it to melted freezie. Surprisingly it didn't make the baby go crazy. Everything seems to be measuring fine which is reassuring.

  33. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @SunshineMcC: Whoa, contractions! I'm curious - how intense are they, on a scale of 1-10? I hope the water helps! That must be stressful!

    @Banana330: Baby not going crazy yet from the drink? Wait 'til tonight! At least for me, the baby went NUTS around bedtime the night I did my glucose test! It was totally insane and fun. Let us know if it happens! And good luck on your results!

  34. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I'm sorry you're having so much cramping but I'm also glad that your doctor seems to be so on top of it. Praying the water helps keep the baby in! As far as the hospital bag, I had a c-section but loved changing into my own nightgown and robe on day 2 and the days following. I'd bring a change of pjs but you can always choose to stay in their gown.

  35. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I just got back from my appointment this morning and I am happy to report that both twins are doing very well. They're both estimated to weigh almost 3 pounds already. My official C-section date is scheduled for March 30. And no wonder my ribs hurt, baby B is wedged up into my right one currently.

  36. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: so exciting - very happy to hear you had a great appointment and that the twins are doing well. I'm convinced that I have a leg or arm wedged under a rib myself! Thanks for your input on the jammies at the hospital - I think I will bring some in case I want the comforts of home with me! How does it feel to have the C-section scheduled?

    @ineebee: Most of the time they're not too intense - maybe a 2 on a scale of 1-10, but the one last night was probably a 6 or so, so that was weird and a bit scary!

    @Banana330: So glad all went well at your appointment and you're measuring on track - isn't it great to have that confirmation?

  37. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    Hi ladies! I'm currently at the airport waiting to board. I haven't had great Internet access all week but I've been catching up when I can! Vacation has been lovely and reeeeally relaxing. I was even able to golf and do a rainforest hike. Baby has been moving like craaaaazy and I've experienced a few Braxton hicks I think. But all is well otherwise. I'm sooo happy to hear everyone is doing well and all scares seem to have been resolved. I've been thinking of you guys non stop... And I'm so pumped to get home and see our nursery so I can post to the nursery thread! Time is seriously flying now!

    Also I've been reading the January mamas labour announcement thread and can't wait until that's us!

  38. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: It's kind of annoying that she booked it into my 39th week, when in reality I'll likely go into labor naturally by then, but it does feel good to finally have an official end date. If you have any other questions on hospital bag prep just let me know. I am crazy and made a spreadsheet last time of all the things to pack - don't forget a bag for your DH too!
    @loki: So glad that your vacation has gone so well and that your baby is such a mover, aka very healthy. I hope that you found time to really relax and not stress about work. I guarantee that we will have some early labor announcements - it seems to occur with at least 1 person in the group each time - so we may be creating an April mamas labor announcements board well before then. It's exciting to read about others' labors/deliveries though.

  39. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @marionberry: Yah for the scheduled date and that everything looks good.

    @SunshineMcC: hopefully those contractions settle down and stay settled.

    Agree about packing your own clothes/pjs for the hospital. I think I wore the gown for the first 24 hours or so until I could get out of bed on my own. I had also bought a nursing nightgown and robe especially for the hospital that I wore for a day or so. And then I also wore yoga pants, tank top, and a zip up sweater/hoodie thing.

    I just got Ryan's eviction date as well, one day later than @marionberry on March 31. It was just a consultation so the OB didn't do any type of exam, just basically asked when I wanted to schedule the c-section. She was really easy going about it and said I could choose any date from Mar 23-April 7. So I'm basically right in the middle. Gonna give this baby girl 3 days past her due date to come on her own, and then it's out you come! We picked the date closest to my due date that had the same doctor who did my last c-section on call.

    So now I officially have exactly 10 weeks (or less!!) from today until she will be here.

  40. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @NeekieRose: Wow, 10 weeks!!! That seems SO close! Very excited for you! I like the idea of the transition from hospital gown to regular lady clothes while in the hospital, especially after a day or so, when hopefully things aren't needing as much attention in terms of medical care down there!

    @marionberry: oh gosh, a bag fro DH is a really good idea - I don't think he'd even think about that. Is your spreadsheet something you have (or can) share online? If not, I'll just keep the questions coming.

    @loki: welcome back! We missed you too! So happy to hear that you've had a relaxing time - that is wonderful! Feel free to share any vacation pics with us, if you like. Can't wait to see your nursery progress too. Safe travels home!

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