Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. J: @kjpugs: dammit!!!

    @getjazzy: Interesting! I have basically zero mom friends so I'm anxious to meet some.

  2. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @buttermilk: I have been doing prenatal yoga since 5 weeks, and I love it! At the beginning if each class we do a check in with name, how far along, where we are delivering, and any pain we currently have. So the regulars get to know each other. I am making friends who are closer to my own due date, so that's good! I bet each studio is different

  3. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Izzie is kicking up a storm today!!! YIPPEEE! Kicks are the best part (until the last week weeks of course haha)

  4. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @MrsADS: I'm hungry all the time, too! I was the same with my LO, but my weight gain really slowed down in the third trimester. I ended up gaining 24 lbs (but that also could have been a result of the GD diet).

    @kjpugs: Yay, I love kicks!!

  5. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    I had an appointment at MFM this morning and a follow-up ultrasound. Good news is that Carter looks perfect! 1lb 1oz and measuring right on time (LO #1 was 1lb 8oz at this point and he ended up being huge!). We got a couple of 3D pics and I think he's cute

    They told me my antibody level (anti-M) was a little higher last month than previously. Apparently, with my first LO and up until 17 weeks this time, it was always below 1. Last month, it was up to 2. Not entirely sure what the numbers mean, but basically as long as my levels are below 8, all is fine. If they get above 8, there is a risk of hydrops and anemia in the baby, which means weekly ultrasounds and delivery at 37 weeks. This sounds kinda scary, but they are going to keep checking my levels and having me go in for monthly ultrasounds. I should know today's number by tomorrow afternoon.

    They said there's absolutely nothing to worry about at this point and he looks completely healthy, so I'm trying not to let my anxiety get to me Next OB appointment is 4/17 and I go back to MFM on 5/5.

  6. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @lilteacherbee: that's great! I bet your levels will be fine. And hooray for smaller babies! Also love the name Carter!

    @kjpugs: aww so fun! I'm also starting to feel baby while I'm standing at work too. Up until now it's only been when I'm resting but she has been dancing a lot lately!

  7. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @lilteacherbee: That's awesome news! I actually know someone with the antibody issue too, and until her situation I had never even heard of it! I hope your numbers stay low!

  8. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Hope your levels stay down! Does Carter look like he has a Nathan head on the ultrasound? LO 2 definitely has a same sized head as DS (compared on the ultrasounds!) YIKES.

    My midwife appt is Saturday!

  9. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    I've been such a slacker on this board! I always miss congratulating and giving people good wishes!

    I had a midwife appointment today, and she took a peak with the ultrasound and told me baby girl already has chubby cheeks and thighs!
    I haven't had any new symptoms, but I woke up at 1am this morning In a complete panic about everything we still have to do. Which is irrational since we pretty much have all the baby supplies we need and all I really need to do is get everything out of storage and organize my cloth diaper stash. The urgency felt very real at 1 am though!

  10. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    We are home from the cruise! Actually, got home yesterday, but just now updating. I'm not going to reply to what I missed, but I did read it, and I'm glad to see everything is overall still good around here! We had a great time and the uninterrupted time with DH for once was great. Unfortunately he now has to go to New Mexico all next week, so I won't be seeing him much for a bit. >_< Better than his coworker who has to go for 5 weeks though!

    No news on me though. I was supposed to have an ultrasound today, but a- I checked the time on my phone yesterday when we were still in the Eastern Time Zone, and didn't realize my phone changed it to compensate (said it was at 4 since I put it in as 3 Central). But that doesn't really matter because b- they scheduled it at the wrong place, so if we'd shown up it wouldn't have been wrong anyway. Rescheduled for tomorrow with the regular imaging place, because MFM (where it was supposed to be) doesn't have an appointment till May 4. Which is a big part of why I love the midwives and hate the OB's! They're always so busy! Not sure how that will work for getting results, since I don't have a midwife appointment any time soon (the MFM's go over results with you at that time, whereas the midwives don't have ultrasound machines, and the imaging center doesn't have doctors, so normally you have a follow up appointment). Oh well. At least we get to see her tomorrow!

  11. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    I'm overwhelmed by Bridget everything we need to do. I've done some prenatal yoga and found it helpful.

  12. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Torchwood: glad you had a great trip! I was wondering if you were on your cruise this past week!

  13. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Torchwood: Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed the trip.

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Torchwood: Glad the trip went well and you got to spend some time with him!!

    @Mrs. J: Haha well I was watching intently when the tech measured his head and it was only 2 days ahead!! So, hopefully NOT a big-headed baby!! At this point, Nathan's was already measuring 2 WEEKS ahead and we know how that turned out

  15. Mizhi

    coffee bean / 46 posts

    @Torchwood: My MFM appointment isn't until May 4, too! I wish it were sooner so I could talk to her and get clarifications on things. Ugh!

  16. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: bah, poor me! Lol

  17. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    My doctor called yesterday and said my liver numbers are back to normal! I was really sick just before we found out we were expecting, so maybe that was throwing off the early test results.

    Yesterday and today, my hands are feeling more swollen than normal and a little tingly at times. It's weird because my feet aren't too bad. With my feet, at least I can put compression socks on and make it better. I'm not sure what I can do about my hands.

  18. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @krispi: That's great!

    UGH this morning sickness is going to be the end of me...I want to be done puking most mornings! C'mon, baby! I'm 23 weeks!

  19. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @krispi: wonderful news!!

    @Mrs. J: poor thing!

  20. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: ugh I'm sorry when I had a bug/food poisoning a few weeks ago, I thought I was dying. Are you teaching this week?

  21. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: yes I'm feel mostly better by the time I get here, but getting here is the problem! Today I still feel crappy at work.

  22. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mrs. J: that's the worst! I hope you feel better soon!

    I had a quick peek at baby yesterday, to get some ultrasound pictures she refused to cooperate for at the anatomy scan. She was super active and flipping everywhere! She finally rested in a butt up, feet behind the head pose with the knees resting on her nose! What a doofus! She still looks perfect!

  23. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: bahaha! Silly babies

  24. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    First daycare tour today and another on Monday! Eeek! Our PT nanny declined for continuing on with two (she wants full time), so the search is on!

  25. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: Eeek good luck!! Let us know how it goes! I've kinda got my head in the sand for right now and just praying I'll be a SAHM in August!

    MFM just called and my antibody numbers were back below 1 yay!

  26. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Had the ultrasound today with the regular imaging place, and baby girl looked good! They don't go over results there, and I don't know enough about what my placenta should look like to know if the SCH changed, but the tech didn't get any sort of bad looks on her face. I've seen those enough to know it's a bad sign if they do, so I'm glad of that. Hopefully we'll hear back from the midwives with results soon. But for now, at least LO is looking perfect!

  27. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Also, forgot to mention, found out last week that my cousin's girlfriend is pregnant, and due 6 weeks behind me. I'm kind of surprised they waited so long to announce, but since it was almost definitely an oops baby, maybe not that surprising. They're having a little girl too (!), and announced the name when they announced the pregnancy. I hope they don't mind ours having the same middle name! We're almost definitely using a family name of DH's, because it's very important to him, and they happened to pick it too. It's not a very common girl name, so I didn't expect that. But my first name is the cousin's sister's middle name, so there's some precedent in our family of cousins having same names. And since we don't mind, and it's a family name, it's their problem if they don't like it. It was their choice not to talk to us before announcing, and we're not giving up a family name over it.

    More excitingly, my cousin on the other side (dad's instead of mom's) is pregnant! She's got unexplained IF, and took 5 years and many failed treatments to conceive her son (on a month they weren't doing any interventions). He's now 4, and they've been NTNP and/or actively trying (again, with failed interventions) since he was born, so this is really hugely exciting news. I mean, I think she's totally nuts to want another when her son has a lot of special needs and therapies and things, but I also don't want more than one if mine is healthy, so more power to her. I'm SO happy for her and excited to have our LO's so close in age. So far her betas look good (though she thought they weren't doubling fast enough and I had to reassure her that they really do look good), thankfully. Pretty sure I'm more scared of her miscarrying than I was for myself. At least we knew we could get pregnant again easily. So lots of sticky thoughts for her!

  28. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: haha that's so cute, silly baby!

    @Torchwood: look at your sweet little one!

    We ordered the crib last night. So excited! It takes 6-8 Wks to be made and delivered so I hope it's here before our baby shower in June.

  29. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    I bought babies going home outfit yesterday! I was browsing the baby section in target, trying not to be overwhelmed by the amazingness that is baby girl clothes when i spotted the perfect sleeper for coming home from the birth center/hospital! We just decided her "theme" is going to be hot air balloons, so when I saw this I had to nab it.

  30. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @buttermilk: nice!

    Oh I saw you post her name in another thread-cute!

    @OhCaptain: I love the shoes on the sleeper!

    I am finally feeling movement at almost 20 weeks! Yay!

  31. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    @Mrs. J: Good luck with the day care tours and I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well!

    @Torchwood: Glad you had a great time on your cruise!

    @buttermilk: yay! Putting the crib together for LO#1 was so much fun.

    @OhCaptain: That is such a cute sleeper. I can't wait to start shopping for cute baby girl clothes but I've been holding back for now until we know what we have from gifts. Last time around my GMIL went absolutely nuts with buying DS clothes from NB-6M sizes so we didn't need to buy anything for the first several months. I do want to pick out the coming home outfit myself though

  32. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    When I was taking a shower this morning I realized that I have reached the point in pregnancy where I officially can't see my lady bits! haha. I feel like I got really pregnant practically overnight. This morning the janitor for the floor I work on asked me if I am expecting and when I said yes she said "awww, congratulations, I was wondering if you were just gaining weight or if you were pregnant!"

    Thanks, lady.

  33. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    So glad to hear that everyone is healthy and their babies are looking perfect!

    @Mrs.Scientist: THIS. I had my first rude comment yesterday too. I went to dinner with Dh and some of his old co-workers (they all still get together even through they don't all work for the same company anymore) and when one of the ladies congratulated me on the baby, another lady said "Oh! I just thought you were getting chunky!" then laughed. The first lady stood up for me (I think my jaw just hit the table) by saying I obviously haven;t gained weight in my face or arms, and from the back I don't look pregnant. Its just all baby out front. THEN the rude lady started saying that I wasn't big enough for 22 weeks, and I needed to eat more. So when I ordered a salad for dinner she had to comment, saying I was starving my baby. She later bought me a tequila shot, saying I needed to lighten up, and one shot of tequila won't hurt. By this time I had moved to the other end of the table, and I sent the shot back. UGH!!!!!

    Has anyone else started getting rude comments? Why do people think they can talk to other humans this way?!

  34. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @krispi: @lilteacherbee: YAY for the "normal" numbers!
    @Torchwood: beautiful girl!!!
    @OhCaptain: that is adorable!!!!!!!
    @Mrs.Scientist: @Mrs. Microscope: just yesterday I got a "you don't look pregnant!" which obviously isn't rude per se, but it doesn't make me feel good either! What happened to "congratulations, I had no idea!" And I cannot believe the tequila shot. WOW.

  35. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Seriously?! I would have been so irritated/mad.

    @kjpugs: That one always annoys me. So what? I just look like I'm getting fat? Because I'm clearly significantly bigger than I was a few months ago! I don't get why people think that's a nice thing to say.

  36. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs.Scientist: @Mrs. Microscope: Whaaaat! I can't believe people would be that rude. This hasn't happened to me yet, but you better believe I'd be angry if it did!

  37. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: @Mrs.Scientist: Good grief! What is with people!
    @Torchwood: Yes, I'm sick of the "you don't look pregnant!" comments (because I obviously look different...I was pretty slim), but also the "WOW! Look at your belly!" comments because I am no bigger than I was with DS. Just tell me I look great or whatever and move on!

  38. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: OMG! I would have killed her!!

  39. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @autumnlove: thank you!!! we love it

  40. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: the teenage bagger at the grocery store asked me if I was ready to pop yest...lol. He told me his older sister had her baby recently and he loves being an uncle!

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